White River Township Fire Protection District
Senior Staff Meeting
December 23, 1999


Present:  Chief Dutton, Chief; Mike Tibbetts, Battalion Chief; Eric Brown, Battalion Chief; Scott Cassin, Battalion Chief; Bruce Alexander, Lieutenant; Joel Thacker, Lieutenant; Kim Clawson, Admin. Asst. 

1.        Awards Banquet issues discussed and assignments made.  Chiefs Dutton & Cassin, as well as Lt. Pell, will probably not be in attendance this year due to prior commitments.  Be sure to have ‘back up’ speakers to take their place if needed. 

2.        Jory Cox was awarded Firefighter of the Quarter. 

3.        Kevin Skipper has been nominated as the Employee of the Year, as well as the Officer of the Year. 

4.        The members have requested a goal setting meeting which will be held sometime in January or February.  The sole purpose of this will be to revisit the 10 Year Plan. 

5.        To prepare for New Year’s Eve, beginning 12/29, all apparatus will stay full of fuel.  On the 31st they will be topped off.  All oxygen and supplies will be double checked and replenished as needed.  No extra personnel will be called in, nor will any leaves be cancelled. 

6.        Greg Cafouras, who works with Brian Bosma, is still working on getting the Station 51 sewer project agreement reached with our neighbor. 

7.        Bruce has received a proposal from Kirk regarding the future of Medic 51.  Essentially, they want the Department to provide the personnel and supplies, while PMT bills for the runs and keeps the money received.  Chief Dutton wants us to explore  new ambulance services to contract with.  There will be no more cross training with future ambulance agencies.  Also keep in mind that the next service needs to have a much better handle on their management than we have seen from PMT/EMAS thus far. 

8.        Chief Dutton & Eric Reedy recently met with the Sate Budget Agency and were approved for the Volunteer Appeal and the Pension Appeal. 

9.        January 5th will be the next District meeting, at which time the loan for station 53 will be approved.  Chief Dutton does not feel that the committee needs to meet again until after the loan is approved. 

10.     We have received another $100,000 Build Indiana Fund grant for capital outlay expenses.  These will include Plymovent for Aerial, new grass rig, new Tahoe/Battalion 5, computer connections between all stations, Power Point projector, etc.  Please see the Chief ASAP with any other ideas. 

11.     Chief Dutton requested that justification be ready for presentation before January 5th regarding the new station.  

12.     Chief Tibbetts will be posting a sign up sheet for training on the Aerial.  Tentative dates are either 12-13-14 or 19-20-21 of January.  He does not feel that operating the truck will present as much of a problem as driving it will.  

13.     Chief Dutton directed Chief Cassin to notify the Auxiliary that any freezable items that are in the Jeep must be removed so that it can go outside when the Aerial arrives.  Checking that truck and making sure it starts will become part of the crew duties.