White River Township Fire Department

Senior Staff Meeting Minutes                                                                                           October 9, 1998


Meeting called to order at 1500 hours.  Present:  Chief Dutton; Division Chiefs Pell, Cassin and Brown; Administrative Assistant Kim Clawson; Board Members Hoffman and Skipper.


1.        Update by Chief Dutton on roofing repairs at station 52.


2.        Discussion on recent subcommittee meetings for the FPDB hiring of full time employees beginning January 1, 1999.  It was decided that weekly review sessions would be held between subcommittee members and the Fire Department’s board of directors.  This will serve to add validity to current events, due to recent rumors of “unfairness”.  Chief Dutton instructed everyone present to STRONGLY ENCOURAGE other members to seek active participation by attending future FPDB meetings, as well as our own monthly meetings, where updates will be given.


3.        Everyone agreed that subcommittees should cease to meet until the FPDB’s attorney (Bosma) and the FD’s attorney (Pitcher) can give absolute direction to those committees concerning their future courses of action.