White River Township Fire Department
Senior Staff Meeting Minutes June 18, 1998
Meeting called to order at 1130 hours. Present: Chief Dutton; Division Chiefs Pell, Cassin and Brown; Administrative Assistant Kim Clawson
1. Health and Safety Fair update given by Eric Brown.
2. Evaluation of Tuesday (6/16) Fire Protection District Board Meeting.
- Eric is to work on Station 53 project until it is time to request funding from the District Board. This includes obtaining information from State Highway regarding the proposed I-69 project.
- Scott is to work with Jeremy on PERF for District Board employees, Merit System, labor contract preparation for Pitcher to take to Bosma. Chief Dutton will contact Bosma and perhaps obtain an example from another department. Also included in the contract should be how the Fire Chief is in charge of the personnel, eventhough he is to remain an employee of the Fire Department. Chief asked to have this done by the first of the month to be presented in another Senior Staff meeting.
3. Chief Dutton emphasized that we do not want to involve Joe Pitcher until we have solid ideas that he can work with.
4. No further new business. Meeting adjourned at 1219 hours.