White River Township Fire Department
Senior Staff Meeting Minutes June 3, 1998
Meeting called to order at 0924 hours. Present: Chief Dutton; Division Chiefs Pell, Cassin and Brown; Administrative Assistant Kim Clawson
1. Reviewed proposed grooming policy from Lt. Wymer. It is written not on safety issues but on portraying a positive public image. CFR 2910 will address safety issues. Chief Dutton will ask Wayne Fletcher to mention this to the EMAS employees. He also instructed Chief Pell to post this policy change/addition for ten days, after which it will become effective.
2. Quarterly requirements of personnel reviewed. Derek Blice needs 29 hours and hasn’t signed up for June, Eric Tresslar and Kerry Bancroft each need 72 hours, Jason Tibbetts needs 29, Joe Green needs 52, Jennifer Brouwer needs 61, and Robert Crocker needs 36 hours. Robert did apply for a compensated position but has not yet received all necessary certifications. When he does, he will be moved to compensated.
3. Chain of Command tree reviewed, with special attention to driving status of personnel. Joel will be asked to do a final review of the list and a revised copy will be issued to all officers. Chief Dutton notified Chief Brown that if Travis Sichting has the intent of remaining on the Battalion list, he must start attending staff meetings, especially when on duty.
4. Chief Dutton asked Kim to add the following items to the staff meeting minutes:
- New contract between WRTFD and EMAS.
- Personnel changes.
- Station 51 eating boundaries.
Since she has already issued all officers/battalions copies of the staff minutes, she will issue an addendum.
5. Boat 52 has not been placed in full service yet and almost made a run. It was made clear at April’s staff meeting that it is not to go in service AT ALL until a majority of the personnel are cleared on it by Captain Thacker.
6. Due to station staffing changes (w/Paramedics, EMAS, etc.), cadets are restricted to riding out on Battalion 5. Chief Pell will issue a memo on this. Lt. Settles is developing a First Responder course/EMS training curriculum for the cadet program so no more run difficulties occur. Chief Cassin will ‘keep watch’ over this curriculum.
7. New Rescue 51. There are still unmounted tool and cribbing in the barn at station 52. Chief Pell will make sure this gets taken care of asap.
8. There is a meeting next week to discuss the 800mhz system. Chief Cassin will be attending to represent WRTFD. It goes before the county commissioners on June 15.
9. Now that Casey Arkins has been promoted to the position of Lieutenant, Chief Pell will be asking Mike Shoemaker (a Lt. applicant) to serve as Cadet Advisor. This is based on Mike’s letter requesting the Lieutenant’s position, where he stated that he would like to serve in a leader capacity and train new personnel. All in favor.
10. The Driver Operator class scheduled to start this month at C9 has been cancelled.
11. Reminder that all trainings are to be conducted at Headquarters.
12. FPDB discussion. Chief Dutton sent a letter to Butch Sutton stating that since the meeting was advertised in the Daily Journal to take place at station 52, he felt it best to leave it there. (June 16, 1900 hours, station 52). Chief Pell will be working with Jon Raker & Bill Patterson on the following key points:
- Ambulance. (Cost of transports from private service?; Will the budget from our ambulance be self supporting?; Why did we discontinue Rural Metro services? Would like to see run times.; What problems have we had with EMAS?)
- Is this proposal all the fire department will ever need?
- Is the timing of the implementation of this appropriate?
- Is overall station placement the best that it could be?
Chief Pell suggested that this will get us to 1998 and that we will not request anything that we do not feel concurs with the population growth. This plan is also based on current resources available, so if legislation changes in the future, our options will change as well.
13. Chief Brown mentioned that he has made a connection with someone who can obtain new replacement phones for our Spirit system for $85.00 each.
14. Kim mentioned that almost half of the surveys issued have been returned. So far, all are in favor of bi-weekly payroll and those who are not already on direct deposit are will to switch to it.
15. No further new busines.