White River Township Fire Department

Staff Meeting * November 25 & 26, 1997


Tuesday (25th) meeting called to order at 1310 hours.  Present:  Mike Dutton, Carey Slauter, Troy Wymer, Travis Sichting, Steve Coover, Eric Brown, Kevin Skipper, Kim Clawson, Jeremy Pell, Joe Marsh, Mike Hoffman.  Meeting adjourned at 1515 hours.

Wednesday (26th) meeting called to order at 1308 hours.  Present:  Mike Dutton, Casey Arkins, Troy Wymer, Joe Settles, Joel Thacker, Kim Clawson, Jeremy Pell, Eric Brown, Joe Marsh.  Meeting adjourned 1418 hours




1.  Due to budget restraints, we are forced to drop the third person off the Station 51 December schedule.  The person in the battalion spot on the schedule will serve as the third person on the engine.  Therefore, Battalion 5 will become a volunteer position for the month as well.  This may necessitate the Battalion vehicle being taken home out of district, only with Division Chief Pell’s approval.  When there is not a battalion, Chief Dutton will serve as such.  When the volunteer battalion officer responds, he is to do so in the battalion vehicle, not on the engine.  Jeremy Pell will issue a memo explaining December’s schedule and the volunteer battalion.


2.  Effective immediately, Battalion 5 is not to respond on any EMS run unless:

                - he is called for

                - he is closest to the incident

                - he is needed for manpower, especially when another truck is already out on a run

                - PIs with entrapment


3.  Be sure to check fluids on all vehicles, especially the loaner engine from PTFD.  It was recently found 6 quarts low.


4.  Station radios, plectrons and phones are not to be turned off, unplugged or turned all the way down.  We have missed runs and other communications due to this.  The company officer is responsible.


5.  Phone list has been completed and placed in the Battalion and Chief’s vehicles.  Please take time to become familiar with it.  This program will be placed in the laptops once they’re in.


6.  Prior month’s schedules go in Kim’s mailbox on 1st day of month.  This is important for time card purposes.


7.  Most shift personnel will be paid on the 5th and the 20th now.  Indicated by blue time cards.  Hours are limited to 114 per 15 day cycle.  Hours worked 1st to 15th will be pulled on the 16th and paid on the 20th.  Hours worked 16 to end of month will be paid on the 5th.  Run pay, stipends, and overtime will only be paid on the 5th.  Any questions, see Kim.


8.  Andy is getting with Carey Slauter, Jeremy Pell, and Scott Cassin to clear up some points on the evaluations.  It will be presented at the next staff meeting.  When they are handed out to you, complete them THOROUGHLY and return to Kim.  We’ve got to stay out of back-pay situations.  Although it’s prudent, it is not necessary to meet with the employee to get the evaluation finished.  Leave it for them and have them return it to you.  Always make a copy for your records, ‘just in case’.


9.  Anything that goes into the office needs to be placed in the office mailbox, not on Kim’s desk or in the stacking trays on her desk.


10 & 11.  Union Federal Bank will be coming down next Monday to finalize the paperwork on the $40,000 loan to get us through December’s payroll and other expenses.  We are out of money mainly due to unexpected apparatus maintenance costs.


12.  Chief Dutton will be on vacation Dec. 19 through Jan. 4.  Before he leaves, he will send a letter to Butch Sutton letting him know of his vacation, and letting him know that contract negotiations shall resume after his return.  After the contract has been accepted by both parties, Chief Dutton will need to make the appropriate changes in the FD’s by laws.


13.  Joe Boggs has submitted a request to move from cadet to reserve.  He is too old to remain a cadet, yet does not have the necessary qualifications to move to compensated. All in  favor.  Joe will be placed on the reserve ranks.  The following applicants have been recommended for hire to the reserve ranks as well:  Rick Taylor, Mike Tibbetts, Jeff Campbell, Eric Tresslar, Kerry Bancroft, and Dan Chubb.  Dan Chubb still needs to finish his competency exam.  All in favor to hire these people to reserve, Dan Chub hired pending successful completion of the exam.


14.  Chief Dutton met with Robin Stump from the EMS Commission.  There were two items missing from the packet.  It goes back to Robin on Wednesday.  Everything looks good and Engine 52 is due to be inspected December 29.  If all goes well, Station 52 could be ALS as soon as 1/1/98.  Reminder that there is and EMT-P meeting at station 52 Wednesday, 11/26 at 1000 hours.


15.  The only complaint against EMAS as of late is their lack of housekeeping downstairs at station 51.  Chief Dutton has already spoken with Wayne Fletcher on this, who will talk to his crews.  Wayne Fletcher has requested that he be able to respond as third Medic when needed.  All in favor for this, knowing that if any problems should arise in the future this can be concluded.


16.  Carey is looking into an EVOC course.  This will allow non-chauffeurs to be cleared to drive small vehicles (rescues, grass rig, etc.).  They still must have Master Driver Operator to drive engines.  This is also based on the interpretation given on each person by the Chief of Operations.  There is no current policy on clearing people to chauffeur.  Jeremy will work on this.  This is for reserves as well as compensated firefighters.


17.  Request made by Dave Sherfick to be placed on the Battalion list.  All in favor.  All open line officer positions have been posted.  November 28 is the deadline for the Reserve Lieutenant.  Travis will assume that duty, and the Public Education Lieutenant will be posted for two weeks (deadline of December 10).  Inspections and Small Equipment Lieutenants deadlines are December 4.  In the meantime, Chief Dutton is appointing acting lieutenants for those positions.  Inspections will be Dave Sherfick and Small Equipment will be Jeremy McKee.  All Division Chief’s job descriptions have changed.  All now read that the Division Chief will act as a Chief Officer in any need of the department.  New chain of command tree will be out December 1.  Note Lieutenant and platoon changes.  Captain Wilson will now be reporting directly to Chief Dutton.  Both feel that this will be the final change needed to that position in order to allow it to function to it’s fullest potential.


18.  Allow the House Officers to be House Officer.  Do not ‘hover’ over them.  Tell them at the beginning of the shift what is expected of them and their crews.  If duties are not done by the end of the day, it goes on paper.  No exceptions.  Officers must support each other, as well as the battalions in enforcing this. Need to have more responsibility on weekends, including special duties. Chief Dutton will issue a memo on what is expected from the weekend crews.


19.  Chief Dutton brought it to everyone’s attention that if a ‘rumor’ is heard, you are to go to that person first to work out whatever problems there are.  If it still cannot be resolved in that manner, THEN AND ONLY THEN, come to him.  Remember that he makes decisions based on what he feels best for the fire department.  Also noted that non-shift people are feeling ‘alienated’ from the department.  There are also complaints from them about losing hours to the shift personnel.  However, there are still open hours on the weekends and evenings.


20.  Truck contracts have been sent to E-One for their approval.  The Rescue will be 120 days from the date they sign it.  The Tanker will be 60 days from the date  we can get the chassis.  They are wanting to have the Rescue done in time for display at FDIC in March.  Demo air packs should be in soon for training purposes and fit-testing for masks.


21.  Communications committee report:

                - JCSD:  no room to add anything without extensive cost.

                - GPD:  no

- BFD: administrative problems between two agencies and they feel it would overwhelm their


- MECA:  very expensive to start.  Motorola is coming down next week to give us ideas on what to expect financially. 

Committee will give an update at the December staff meeting.


22.  Carey proposed going to a two tag system for accountability in and out of rehab sector.  Everyone in favor.  Jeremy Pell will create an accountabilty board for the battalion.


23.  Changes for reserve platoon will include a Reserve Lieutenant, reserves must become 2nd Class EMT within 24 months of hire, and reserves will be required to complete 72 hours per quarter, not the usual 45.


24.  Uniforms (Policy 101).  Pullovers are okay in place of the blue dress shirt in the cold months.  However, wear the blue dress shirt, Spring, Summer, and Fall.  Sweats are okay after 5pm and on Sundays, unless a PR event is scheduled.  All apparel must have the White River logo.  It is imperative that we remember that if a PR event is scheduled to dress appropriately!


25.  Chief Dutton will make sure that Rescue 51 has a defibrillator placed on it immediately. 


26.  When Perry Twp calls for a R.I.T. team, the engine will go in place of the tanker.


27.  Remember, if something is broke, fix it!


28. Goal Setting meeting is scheduled for January 30 and 31 at Community Church of Greenwood.


29.  Abuse of Battalion 5 cellular phone.


Next staff meetings are scheduled for December 17th and 18th, both at 1300 hours, and both at station 51.