White River Township Fire Department

Officer's Meeting * July 23 & 24, 1997


Wednesday (23rd) meeting called to order at 1308 hours.  Present:  Chief Dutton, Joe Marsh, Joe Settles, Joel Thacker, Casey Arkins, Jeremy Pell, Eric Brown, Jeff Wilson, Troy Wymer, Andy Martindale & Kim McKee.

Thursday (24th) meeting called to order at 1014 hours.  Present:  Chief Dutton, Scott Cassin, Steve Mourer, Eric Brown, Mike Shoemaker, Jeremy McKee, Steve Coover and Kim McKee.


                                - House Officer/Company Officer SOG #632.

                - Current Roster.

                                - Current Chain of Command Tree.

(Most of these were handed out during the meetings.  If you don’t have one, let Kim know.)


1.  Budget discussion.  The FPDB will need to get a loan next October and close on it in January. We should be right around 58% of the budget at this point in the year and we are right at 50%.  However, we still have a cash flow problem.  No purchases will be made unless it is an emergency or unless we absolutely have to have the item to function.


2.  Personnel update.  Mark Elder resigned and has returned his equipment.  Ed Watson & Ryan Cox were terminated and were never issued equipment. Rick Duncan was terminated and has returned his equipment.  Eric Lord has been terminated but hasn’t returned his equipment.  (Troy will contact him.)   Ryan Roberts & Steve Lloyd have moved to reserve status.  Ryan has submitted a letter stating so, but Steve has not.  Steve has until 7/31 to issue a letter requesting the move to reserve status or he will be terminated.  Jeff VanWinkle, Thom Hord, and Dan Reed have been hired as reserves.  The next hiring process will begin in September with compensated vacancies being filled in October.  The reserve vacancies will then be filled with the hiring process.  Steve Mourer will contact Joe Green re: letter requesting to be moved from cadet to reserve or compensated.  Denied at this time due to lack of certifications.


3.  FPDB update.  The state tax commission has approved our request for $625,000 for apparatus.  There will be a combination committee of both FD and FPDB personnel working on the bid process.  Hoping to have bids back in September and accept one in October.  Approximately 180-210 days thereafter we will receive apparatus.


4.  FPDB and FD board will be meeting soon to agree on a new contract, as drafted by our attorneys. 


5.  Good news has come from Eric Reedy.  They miscalculated CAGIT funds for 1998.  We will be receiving a 'significantly' higher amount, although he did not say exactly how much.  If the FPDB allows us to spend it as we wish, it will probably be used to increase wages.  If they specify it is for capital outlays only then it will probably be for a new battalion vehicle.


6.  EMAS will be officially responding with us August 1.


7.  New SOG out on Battalion operations.  See Jeremy Pell with questions.  Until an SOG comes out on the House Officer position, the battalion is still responsible for both stations and crews.  Make sure paperwork is carried between both stations (this is not being done). 


8.  Discussion on scheduling medics vs. battalions.  Every attempt will be made to place medics on the engines first.  Also remember that if an line officer is working with a battalion officer, then the line officer is in the battalion.


9.  Joe will be talking with Perry Twp FD on their disregard procedures for 662.  They are not being disregarded in time and are still running lights & sirens after we have already marked in service.


10. Joel & Jeremy will be working together to schedule all Paramedic personnel starting September 1.  Joel will also be working with EMAS to make sure we receive all the equipment that has been agreed upon.


11.  Evaluations have NOT been getting done on time.  Get them in!!  Andy will be heading a committee to revise the evaluation form/process.  Also on the committee are Chief Dutton, Div. Chief Cassin, and Rick Cooley.  If you have any ideas or want to help, let Andy know.  Eric has several ideas from Rick Cooley that he will pass along.


12.  Personnel files are now located in the Chief's closet and can only be accessed during regular business hours.  Sean Atkinson will now be handling all clothing orders and Casey is handling all vending and household supply items.


13.  Battalion list.  We need to work on getting weekend battalion positions filled.  We also need to work with current battalion staff and make sure they are properly trained.  Joel & Jeremy will be working on table  top scenarios. 

     * Discussion on addition of Joe Settles to battalion list.  Everyone feels that he has the capabilities to perform in this capacity.  Steve Mourer raised concerns regarding his availability, uniform, and attitude in general.  Chief Dutton will meet with Joe regarding these issues.  Steve requested that Joe be placed in the House Officer position for at least one month before being cleared for battalion.  Chief Dutton denied this request.  Vote on Joe being promoted to battalion: 11 for - 1 against.

     * Discussion on addition of Ed Frederick to battalion list.  0 for - 12 against.  Everyone agreed that, instead, put Ed in the House Officer spot to show that he has the leadership abilities and can manage the daily operations.  This will also give him time to earn back the respect of the membership.  12 for - 0 against.  Jeremy will make every effort to place Ed in the HO position on the September schedule.


14.  We need to work with the new compensated and reserve personnel on truck company and engine company operations.  Jeff Wilson will try to schedule time in Wayne Twp FD's training tower.  Chief Dutton instructed Steve Mourer to work with Wilson on getting time at Wayne Twp. before the October recruits come on.  Steve requested that Chief Dutton consider sending new compensated people to the New Albany Fire School in August for live fire training.  Chief Dutton instructed Steve to ‘put some figures together’ but also reminded him of the spending freeze.


15.  Air hose and regulators are gone off of the rescue and no one has any idea where they are.  Chief Dutton ordered Joe Marsh to order them from Donley on Wednesday.


16.  Jeff Wilson will be scheduling apparatus details (i.e.:  waxings) and putting them in the FireHouse journal.  This is to be done before Fall 1997.


17.  Joe Marsh mentioned that hopefully we will be going to the Alpha Numeric dispatching by August.


18.  E51 was recently inspected by Bob Lewis from Pierce regarding a crack in the paint on the door.  After inspection, Mr. Lewis determined that damage was done to the truck prior to our taking possession of it.  He instructed us to have it repaired by Freightliner immediately.  They recently sent us an invoice for approximately $250.  Since this is not our responsibility, either Pierce or Freightliner will pay it.  Chief Dutton advised Mike Shoemaker to stay on top of this until it gets taken care of. 


19.  No further business.  Meeting adjourned on Wednesday at 1430 hours and Thursday at 1130 hours. Next meetings will be August 27 & 28, both at 1000 hours, and both at station 51.