White River Township Fire Department, Inc.

Officer Meeting Minutes

March 26, 1997

Station 51



Present:  Chief Mike Dutton, Lieutenant Mike Shoemaker, Lieutenant Travis Sichting, Assistant Chief Scott Cassin, Lieutenant Steve Mourer, Captain Eric Brown, Lieutenant Andy Martindale, Rick Cooley, Derek Blice, Kim McKee.


Copy of agenda attached.  Note FYI items.  (*All officers were given a copy of the agenda on Friday, 3/21.  If you do not have a copy of this agenda, see Kim.)


Blank agenda form attached for next month’s meeting.


1.        Item #4 - Sexual harassment policy is out (Policy 112).  We must be extremely careful handling any allegations. When doing research, get all information in writing in detail.  One person on department, preferably management, is to be lead investigator - Lt. Of Fire Training.  If it should involve that person then it goes to Assistant Chief of Technical Services.  Rick will be bringing in video tapes for all employees to watch.  Actual examples of sexual harassment situations that have stood up in court are in our policy manual. 


2.        Item #8 -  Department computerization is going well.  Another computer update coming out this week.  Changing to printing reports out as they are entered.  Be sure to use occupancy ID in both EMS & Fire reports where applicable.


3.        Item #9 - Power failures.  There are power backups on the computers and phone systems that will beep when the power has been disconnected.  You have approx. 13 minutes to shut it down properly (start button ŕ  shut down  ŕ shut down the computer)!  Scott will order a UPS for Eric’s computer and we will check into emergency power for radio system.


4.        Item #10 - Joe Marsh finished maps.  Should be distributed soon if not already.  On April 2 there will be a meeting of 800mhz users @ Break O Day school.  Joe is working on list of hardware we need.


5.        Item #12 - Proposal for crews to wear class B dress uniform any time they are in view of the public.   Travis will pursue.  Until we use every patch in closet, we don’t design another one.  Everyone’s clothing allowance is raised to $100 this year so it shouldn’t be a problem.


6.        Item #13 - Proposal to place PR slogans such as “Smoke detectors save lives” on engines and “Seat belts save lives” on rescues.  Chief asked Eric to be at BOD meeting on 4/1to propose this.  All in favor.


7.        Item #14 - Most dispatch problems have been taken care of.  JCSD was operating out of two dispatch books which accounted for the confusion and errors.  That has been fixed and things have been going smoother.  If there are any problems, write up an incident report & submit to Chief.  He will take care of.


8.        Item #15 - G51 in service date.  Kevin Skipper has been working diligently on this project.  He is waiting on next DNR auction to see what they have available in the way of tanks.  Chief will talk to Mike Hoffman at next BOD meeting and see if we can get this going.


9.        Item #17 - Kim will place copies of the attached safety policy  in each lieutenant’s box for their platoon.  Due back in 1 month.


10.     Item #18 - Proposal to have a swearing in ceremony for each new hire group.  Should include pictures.  Travis will draw up recruit process packets to present at next officer meeting.


11.     Item #19 - To alleviate wrong codes being used, due to carelessness, Scott will draw up template for NFIRS so you don’t have to use F2 every time.


12.     Item #20 - If crew duties are not being completed it is goes back to battalions being responsible!  WRITE IT UP!!!!


13.     Item #21 - Problems with performance evaluation review points system.  Everyone agreed.  Andy will work on that and present possible changes at next officer meeting.


14.     Station 52 is no longer allowed to ‘take their own runs’ if they have enough people on station.  The trucks that are dispatched are dispatched for a reason.  Stick with protocols!!  Too confusing to crews and dispatchers.  Mark with dispatch every time you go off station, but mark only once - even if they don’t anwer! Also, be sure to record in daily log!!


15.     Item #22 - Discussion on people sleeping on station when a run comes out.


16.     Item #23 - Rick, Chief and hospital representatives have been discussing sponsorship. Will all depend on how much money Wishard wants.


17.     Item #24 - When anyone calls for mutual aid we will respond immediately!  No questions asked!


18.     Firefighter of Quarter - Kevin Skipper, for work done to tactical, but more importantly for work done around stations both on and off duty, and general attitude.  Good job Kevin!!!


19.     Item #27 - Sen. Borst’s office claims they never got any phone calls supporting HB1201.  We may have to find a fire bill that has already heard and passed by committee, attach the two together, and put both to entire senate. 


20.     Item #28 - Butch Sutton called Chief today and stated that the FPDB goes to settlement on their loan today.  They will let us know ASAP and we should have money no later than 4th of April. 


21.     Item #29 - No contact with Ed Watson yet.  He needs 8hr rideout w/battalion, physical & certifications up to date.  Eric Lord still has not submitted a letter requesting to move to reserve status.  If Chief doesn’t have a letter by April 1, he will be dropped from roster.  Attached letter from Rick Duncan requesting wave of quarterly requirement rule.  Give Rick option to drop to reserve - if he doesn’t wish to do this, he will be dropped from the roster due to past recurring problems meeting quarterly requirement.


22.     Steve will have quarterly report to Chief by 4/10.


23.     Proposal to expand reserve roster from 20 to 25.  Questions on how we will afford gear for these people.  Get with Carey to check on OSHA regulations governing shared gear.  General consensus wondered what 5 more people on reserve roster would do to improve department.


24.     Request from Steve Coover to be considered for Bat5 list.  Everyone in favor.  Captains are to work together to come up with Battalion training. 


25.     Tanker 52 is out of service.  Dave Cook is coming down tomorrow.  It’s looking like anothe $2000 at least!!


26.     Status on new battalion vehicle.  Mike Hoffman talked to the dealer last Tuesday (18th).  Stated it would be within 30 days. 


27.     Booster club has been going excellent! Close to $4500, although 10% out of district.


28.     Travis presented handheld radio that Morgantown is selling.  No decision made tonight.  Whatever Joe Marsh’s recommendation is for radios.


29.     Derek Blice stated that Cadets don’t feel welcome on station.  All officers make sure they are welcome!  They are to ride with you if they’re not qualified!  If they are qualified, they don’t get bumped off of a truck unless of a structure fire.  Chief will have private meeting with certain officers who have been heard to say that they do not want cadets on station or riding with them.  Scott will review rider/observer policy. 


30.     Reminder to all officers that quarterly reports are due April 10th.



1.       No new business.  Meeting adjourned at 2115.  Next meeting will be April 23, 1997 at 1900 hours at station 51.  Blank agenda forms are attached.  Make copies if necessary.  AGENDAS DUE BACK TO CHIEF DUTTON NO LATER THAN April 16th!!