White River Township Fire Department, Inc.
Officer Meeting Minutes
November 13, 1996 ~ 1900 hours ~ Station 52
Officers present: Chief Dutton, Lt. Slauter, Capt. Wilson, Assistant Chief Pell, Assistant Chief Cassin, Captain Brown, Lt. Martindale, Lt. Shoemaker, Captain Mourer.
Battalions present: Joe Marsh, Rick Cooley.
Others present: Kim McKee
1. Mike explained future format of meetings. Copy of this month’s agenda attached. Next month he will expect background material, no less than one paragraph, on any item to be included on agenda.
2. Agenda item #1 - computer system update from Assistant Chief Cassin. Everything is in, has been installed on the computers and is currently operational. Everyone will hopefully be trained by the end of the year, starting with Kim and followed by Steve Mourer and Mike Dutton. After that, all personnel will be trained as a group. Scott will need a password from everyone. Must be less than eight characters (can be numbers or letters). Leave your password in an envelope in Scott’s mailbox.
3. Agenda item #5 - reserves & cadets riding out. Kevan Crawley presented cadet portion. There is a cadet policy manual at each station. Copy of battalion aid program attached to minutes. Only cadets who are cleared to do this are those which have received their minimum training. FF1 training copy attached. Jory and Nick are only ones now. Cadet bulletin board shows who is cleared and who isn’t. Currently have 13 cadets and one applicant. We have room for 20 cadets. Cadets are required to wear a uniform when they ride out. Uniforms are encouraged for training but not enforced. Probationary cadets are those cadets which do not have the minimum training required to ride out (red tetrahedrons). Lime tetrahedrons indicate that the cadet can function with a firefighter. See policy for clarification. Cadets are not allowed to go on out of district runs unless they have FF1 training. Cadets are to be off station by 9:30 p.m.. Curfew by state is 11:00 p.m.. If they are spending the night, they must be on station by 11:00. They cannot leave until 6:00 a.m. that morning unless on a run. Cadets have to have the Hepatitis B vaccination before they participate in any patient care - no waivers are allowed. No cadet is ever to be primary tech on a run. No current cadets have Hepatitis B vaccination. No cadet is allowed to drive. No cadet is allowed to go inside unless they are certified FF1 - shown by black helmet with cadet rockers. Cadets approaching FF1 status will be scheduled for physicals. Cadets are eligible for reserve positions if they are 18 and graduate from high school. They then apply to the department for reserve position. They go through the process just like everyone else. No cadet will receive compensation for firefighting. Cadets must sign up in schedule book. Jeremy posts reserve/cadet schedule and will try to put them as 3rd person on engine 51 where applicable, then battalion aid. A firefighter responding from home cannot bump a scheduled cadet or reserve.
4. Agenda item #7 - explanation of new attack lines by Captain Jeff Wilson. Would like to switch hose on the two primary engines to Neidner attack line. Both attack lines will be 200’ - 1 blue and 1 yellow. The jump lines in both bumpers will be red 100’. Color coding on pump panels will be changed accordingly. Move the red and yellow hose off of engine 52 to tanker 52 for attack lines. This is all pending approval of supplemental budget request to FPDB. Everyone thought this sounded like a good idea and agreed it should be done if the FPDB approves the request.
5. Agenda item #8 - R52 status. The tank is coming out sometime the first week of December. Discussion on taking it on box alarms in district 52. Everyone thought this was okay, but that it should wait until it comes back from the shop.
6. Agenda item #9 - door emblems by Chief Dutton. Not doing anything until paint job is decided. All vehicles will be same color before any more decals are added.
7. Agenda item #10 - maintenance on new extrication tool by Mike Shoemaker. No WD 40 at all! No one else does maintenance on it other than Mike (other than keeping it clean). Mike will write an SOG on it. The tool needs to be serviced by trained personnel every two years for approximately $500. Rick mentioned that when we first purchased the tool that we were told we could clean it with soap and water. Mike Shoemaker will check into this.
8. Agenda item #11 - apparatus maintenance by Mike Shoemaker. Mike will be hanging clipboards in the bays of each station. If apparatus or equipment need maintenance, the maintenance requisition forms will go into mailbox at each station. Once the work has been completed, the form will be signed and will be placed on clipboard. Each crew can then look to see when something was repaired if necessary.
9. Agenda item #12 - new rescue truck update by Joe Marsh for Joel Thacker. No manufacturers have gotten them to us yet. Joe will check with Joel to see if he has followed up on the idea of two bids to Summit; one for a tanker and one for a heavy rescue. Dave Cook advised that he reviews all of Franklin Township’s apparatus specs to make sure they haven’t missed anything. All in favor of us doing that too.
10. Agenda item #14 - EMS boxes by Carey Slauter. We are having problems finding truck boxes to fit in the engines. Kevin Skipper is going to design and build boxes but we will have to go back to biotek boxes so they will fit inside. We will then have a Peds box, adult box, blue airway duffel, monitor and spare 02 with regulator. All in favor.
11. Chief Dutton has reviewed the past few months’ officers meeting minutes. Although we have accomplished alot, there are still a few things that are uncompleted.
- Steve Mourer: Trench rescue and confined space awareness program status? Was completed with several classes but we could always do it again.
- Rick Cooley/Joel Thacker: Tabletop status? Still working on it.
- Joe Settles: Engine company operations status? Steve reported that this has not yet been done.
- Reminder to ALL that the approval of a chief officer is needed for any purchasing.
- Mike Shoemaker: engine improvements status? Skipper is taking care of boxes. Mike Hoffman
is doing backboard compartment. Still haven’t completed leaking fuel cans. Can’t find anyone to
modify seats on E51. Mike S will try to contact 911. What is our liability for cutting the seat?
Mike S. will research.
- Carey Slauter: addition of Quentin Small to our roster as department chaplain. He seemed very
interested but is talking to his wife. Jeremy Pell will check with Kevan Crawley to see if the
cadets are going to burn trash at the church.
12. Last month, due to rumors and various firefighter discussions, some of the officers have been put in an awkward position. Discussions in officer meetings stay here. Chief Dutton will not tolerate backstabbing, rude phone calls, etc. Privates should not be able to split the officers apart. If you think something is getting out of hand, Chief wants to see it in writing.
13. Job descriptions: review them and stick to them. If you have a concern, bring it up at an officer’s meeting.
14. Looking at another goal setting meeting sometime next Spring. One location. If planned in advance should not be any reason an officer can’t make it. Scheduled for 1/31, 2/1, 2/2. Sessions will be 8-5 and break for lunch.
15. Eric met with principal of Sugar Grove Elementary School. Schools will start training teachers in the Learn Not To Burn curriculum. We are the first school district in Johnson County to implement this. BFD will purchase books for Maple Grove Elem. Principal expects us to be available year round in case of technical reference. Suggested to invite him to our Christmas party since he has been such a big help in initiating the LNTB program.
16. Jeep has been filthy lately. Engines aren’t getting cleaned. Crew duties must be done first before we start activities out in the district. After a fire everyone must stay and clean up. Don’t clean your own truck and leave.
17. On multiple company responses on mutual aid, Battalion 5 will respond and report to the command post. He will act as liaison with our units. On a single unit mutual aid assist, the battalion is not to go. Battalion is to stay until trucks are released. SOG will be written by Jeremy Pell.
18. Dispatch has been much better lately! We must give them time to be acclimated to the system. Would like to see dispatch correct our apparatus if they mark enroute to wrong address.
19. Mike Hoffman and Kevin Skipper, along with the on duty crews, will be switching the sheriff’s sub station with our watchroom. Office will then be locked and the radio will be in the crew area.
20. Scott Cassin will check into why it takes 2 or 3 minutes to get a 911 printout.
21. Discussion of run to 1025 County Line Road last weekend. It was a bad address and a prank call.