White River Township Fire Department

                                               Staff Meeting


                                                Thursday, August 3, 2006





Scott Cassin

Mark Hart

Tim Smith



Eric Brown

Kevin Skipper

Mark Williams



Cary Slauter

Joe Settles

Brian Arkins



Joel Thacker

Tony Slusher

Chad Witham



Casey Arkins

David Scholl

Crystal Young



Nick Alford

Aaron Bryant










  1. Smith Valley Road Closure: (Chief Slauter)
    1. Morgantown west – Widening road and replacing bridge.
    2. The barricades go up on the 10th and the project is to be done by December 1st.
    3. This will leave Station 53 isolated; Chief Slauter will sit down with each shift and inform them of the changes that will need to be made.
    4. There will be access to SR 37 and to the bridge from either direction.
    5. When the project is complete there will be two lanes with a turn lane through the center.


  1. Training: (Chief Thacker)
    1. Mon, Tues, and Wed training will be conducted at the Government Center.  Training will continue there until completion of the project.  School starts August 14th but 9:00 training start times should not add to the traffic.
    2. Officer Development training – John Maxwell program.  Chief Thacker will facilitate the program along with DVD instruction.  It will last approx. one hour once a week.  The exact schedule is not known at this time.

                                                              i.      Developing the Leader Within – financial management that affects home life as well as career life.

                                                            ii.      Start in October.  Twelve week program to build on tactics and command.

                                                          iii.      Captain Settles wanted to know if this program was different from Chief Tibbetts.  The program is different, his dealt with the fire service directly while the new program could be related to any organization.

    1. Issues with shift training officers.


  1. Mobil Computer Project: (Chief Cassin)
    1. Hardware will be completed by next week; training will be scheduled when that is complete.
    2. Firehouse will be accessible but EMS and fire do not automatically generate a number.
    3. The laptops are portable and can be taken into the scene for information gathering.  Remember this is still in the testing phase for field use.


  1. Station 52 update: (Chief Cassin)
    1. There is a two week schedule of completion.  Site clean up is underway.
    2. Painting will occur today and tomorrow.  Ceiling tile will be put into place when that is complete.  Flooring will be the last to be completed.


  1. Station 51 update: (Chief Cassin)
    1. Everything is progressing on schedule.  The steel will be delivered today or tomorrow.  Some beams need to be put into place before back fill can begin.
    2. August 16th is the next meeting; remember that it is a hard hat project.
    3. Bricking on the exterior walls will begin next week.  All brick will go up at the same time.  Roofing and dry in will be complete by end of October.
    4. The sign for the project will go up next week.
    5. The issue with the temporary power will be resolved next week.


  1. Audit Update: (Chief Cassin)
    1. The auditors are auditing 2002-2005.  It is 99% done but will not be complete until March.


  1. Personnel Update: (Chief Thacker)
    1. Jared Clark has taken a position with Warren Township.  Charlie Fraker will move into that spot.
    2. The department anticipates starting the process of developing a new list.
    3. Part-time openings have come up.  There will be a process soon to start a new PT list also.


  1. District Board Meeting Update: (Chief Cassin)
    1. Land acquisition:  comparable pricing has been given to the board to justify the cost of the property that the department is looking at.
    2. The board would also like to have a list of unfunded projects that the department would like to accomplish brought to them at the next board meeting.


  1. Station 53 Septic System: (Chief Cassin)
    1. The septic system is failing.  The department applied to connect to Wakefield for sewer but was denied.  The current system could be fixed; it would be a six figure fix but one time cost and all the problems would be taken care of.


  1.   Engine 54: (Chief Slauter)
    1. The District Board approved the sale of the engine to Needham.  Once we sell the engine the district will be without a reserve engine for a short time.


  1.   Mobile Computer Mounts: (Chief Thacker)
    1. There have been complaints about the placement of the mount in Engine 52.  The mount should be able to be adjusted a few inches one way or the other.  The entire mount cannot be moved to another location.
    2. Chief Cassin and Chief Slauter checked each apparatus after the mounts were installed and found no major problems with the location of the mounts.  Where they are located is the best location.  Small adjustment can be made but they will take some getting used to.
    3. The new engine will have the mount in front of the officer.  The inside of the truck is being special made for this mounting.


  1.   EMS Issues: (Captain Hart)
    1. If anyone is having any EMS issues or complaints go directly to Captain Hart.  He is contacting Stacy Mavery directly on any issues.  Put everything in an incident report.  If the issue involves patient care notify him ASAP, if it involves attitude it can wait until you have the chance to speak to him.
    2.  EMA – Morgan County.  Captain Hart will contact them because the department needs to know what their plan is when involving us in mutual aid.  There is no concern in supplying mutual aid, the question is their passing of hospitals and other medics that may respond quicker.
    3. Monitors – the department is rotating them out with Pros and the old ones will be made available for the public to purchase.  The Battalions will be the first to receive them.  For the time being, American Heart knows that the update on the monitors is still not available.  Just keep responding as you have.
    4. Ambulance project has been temporarily put on hold.  We know the numbers and information we need, the hold up will be funding.
    5. Community Hospital now has a Durango with red lights.  They may be responding to some runs.  Just do what we need to do, they are there to help but if they take over and get in the way let Captain Hart know.


  1.   Decon Trailer: (Chief Slauter)
    1. Should have been delivered earlier in the week but did not.  Should be delivered on Friday or Monday.


  1.   There is an Amazon.com charge of $63.49 on the charge.  If anyone knows what this charge is for please contact Chief Cassin.