White River Township Fire Department

                                                Staff Meeting


                                                Thursday, March 10, 2005





Chief Tibbetts

Chief Cassin

Chief Slauter

Chief Brown

Chief Thacker

Chief Engmark

Chief Wilson

Capt Arkins

Capt Skipper

Capt Settles


Lt. Hart

Lt. Cox

Lt. Smith

Lt. Funkhouser

Lt. Hurrle

Lt. Alford

Lt. Williams

Lt. Bryant

Lt. Young

Lt. Scholl

Kim Clawson




  1. Headquarters apparatus responsibilities are now being divided between Captain Arkins and Lt. Funkhouser.


  1. Kim gave an update Time sheet update.  Please make sure the beginning totals are added to your time sheet and that time sheets are turned in by 0700 Monday morning.


  1. Personnel updates. 

-         Brian Russell recently resigned.

-         Congratulations to David Scholl who was recently promoted to Lieutenant.

-         Two engineer positions are now open.  The hiring process is underway and the next step at this time is the CPAT.  Potential hire date is July 1.


(Lt. Alford present.)


  1. Chiefs Cassin leaving 3/24 – 4/6, returning 4/7, for Australia.  His Nextel will still be working.  Chief Tibbetts off 3/23 for at least one week for surgery.  Chief Thacker will be in charge.  Chief Engmark will be out 3/26 through 4/1. 


  1. Critique of Library Park Apartment fire occurring last Sunday.  Chief Tibbetts thanked everyone for a job well done.  Apparatus placement and feedback from interior crews needs to be improved.  Battalion Chiefs will work on these items with their personnel.  Chief Thacker suggested doing a PIA after every incident, regardless of how it goes.  Chiefs Tibbetts and Engmark thanked those who came in off duty.


  1. Chief Tibbetts urged everyone to watch the fuel usage due to rising prices.  Please do not leave apparatus running if it’s not necessary.  Also do not use apparatus to run errands.  Natural gas has also increased significantly.  Please make sure all bays are heated moderately and doors remain closed.


  1. Chief Thacker stated that three out of the four part time personnel have been hired.  The fourth, Mike Winterhalter, starts 3/19.


  1. Chief Thacker announced that FDIC is coming up soon and he may have another house that we can use for structural collapse.  He may need help with staffing.  If you know of anyone interested, please contact him.


  1. Chief Cassin reported that hopefully this afternoon, the TSU will have it’s electronics mounted.  There will be instructions on how to log into the laptop.


  1. Chief Cassin reported that senior staff will begin working on updating the policy manual.  This project will take some time but will be well worth the effort.


  1. Senior staff meetings are being moved to every two weeks, effective immediately.  Regular staff will continue to meet monthly, on the 2nd Thursday of the month.


  1. Captain Settles reported that Trench Class will be conducted soon.


  1. Lt. Smith has been approached by several personnel complaining that Rural Metro’s personnel do not pay into the house fund.  Chief Tibbetts told him to ask them directly if they would participate.   If they don’t, Chief Tibbetts will contact Rural Metro.  Chief Cassin suggested that Rural Metro simply issue a payment to the fire department for their personnel’s house fund dues.


  1. Lt. Hurrle proposed installing an above ground tank behind station 53 to save cost on fuel.  Chief Tibbetts asked him to submit a written report and he will give this serious consideration.


  1. High pressure air bags are being replaced with this year’s budget.  Captain Settles asked that if anyone had suggestions to please let him know.


  1. If you’re training is already scheduled and staffing falls below minimum, your leave will not be affected.  Everyone agreed that education leave will be given to the new hires from 10/1/99.