White River Township Fire Department

Staff Meeting

October 2, 2003



[P]  Chief Tibbetts

[P] Chief  Cassin

[]  Chief Brown


[P]  Chief Slauter

[]  Chief Thacker

[ ]  Chief Young


[]  Lt. Wilson

[]  Lt. Alford

[P]  Lt. Settles


[P]  Lt. Hart

[]  Lt. Alexander

[]  Lt. Engmark


[P]  Lt. Arkins

[P]  Lt. Skipper

[ ]  Lt. Smith


[ ]  Kim Clawson

[ ]  Others:



  1. Jason Coffey has successfully completed his EMT testing and will be meeting with Chief Tibbetts soon to be promoted to firefighter.


  1. Chief Cassin discussed the grievance policy draft.  No complaints or suggestions were heard and policy will be placed into effect.


  1. Chief Cassin reminded everyone to please submit agenda items to him or Kim by the Monday before every meeting.  This allows for smoother, more organized meetings and allows everyone to be better prepared for discussions.


  1. Chief Young will be posting the school lunch schedule this week.


  1. Lt. Hart gave an EMS division update.

-         We are re-stocking out of Rural Metro’s cabinet when possible.

-         Lisa White is inventorying the cabinets at each station.

-         Mark is working on a new contract with Rural Metro.  We have not had one for some time.

-         PHTLS course at Greenwood Fire Department November 3 & 4.  Course is free.  You will need to purchase, rent or borrow a book.  Please let Mark know if you are interested in this course.


  1. Chief Slauter is out of town Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday.


  1. Lt. Settles questioned recent decisions regarding station 52 staffing.  Chief Tibbetts gave an explanation behind allowing Mike Hoffman to remain a 24 hour chauffeur there.


  1. Trench training will be held again in November.  This time Lt. Settles plans on technician level trainings and allowing only a select few personnel to attend.  This will last four days.


  1. Effective immediately, all senior staff and staff meetings are mandatory.


  1. The Fire Prevention Division will be hosting an open house for fire prevention week on Wednesday, October 8, 2003 at station 53.  Please pitch in and help clean and if possible, attend that evening.


  1. Chief Tibbetts will be on vacation the week of October 13th.



Meeting closed at 11:35am

Notes by:  Scott Cassin, September 4, 2003