White River Township Fire Department
Staff Meeting
September 4, 2003
[P] Chief Tibbetts
Chief Cassin
[P] Chief Brown
[P] Chief Slauter
[] Chief Thacker
[ ] Chief Young
[P] Lt. Wilson
[] Lt. Alford
[P] Lt. Settles
] Lt. Hart
[] Lt. Alexander
[P] Lt. Engmark
[ ] Lt. Arkins
[P] Lt. Skipper
[ ] Lt. Smith
[ ] Kim Clawson
[ ] Others:
- Everyone
was reminded of the department’s animal policy. A memo will be posted reminding everyone else as well.
- The
grievance procedure was discussed and passed. It will now be forwarded to our legal council for final
review before being placed into active policy.
- Mark
Hart spoke about several EMS issues.
He is developing an EMS checklist for the tech kits that is
compliant with the state. He also
reminds everyone to be sure to attach your ECG strips to your run reports
and to attach the original SOR when applicable. Additionally, every EMS run report must be printed and
signed by the technician. He also
spoke about upcoming changes regarding our supplies. The idea will be to have a very limited
supply of equipment in each cabinet and to attempt re-supply after each
call from the ambulance. Finally,
R.I.K. lines will most likely not be put back on the apparatus per our medical
director. He states that a 16ga peripheral
line can be just as good in the field.
More on this as Mark gets information.
- Remember
that on water runs that we do not wear turnout gear! Use your PFD! Lieutenant Settles is looking into acquiring some wading
boots to put on the rescue for those working in shallow water (i.e. during
evacuations, etc).
- The
boat motor can remain on the boat now that ground clearance is not an
issue. Once the water in the ponds
begins to freeze, we will remove the motor and store it on the trailer
like before.
- Keep
in mind that Fire Prevention Week is coming up the second week of
October. Any off-duty help would
be appreciated.
- We are
still awaiting Don’s response from speaking with each of the school
principals regarding the school lunch program this year. Don is on vacation this week so no
reply was given.
- For
those working as a battalion chief, be sure to make entries into the
“Shift Responsibility Log” as necessary.
Remember that anytime someone (PT or FT) attempts to take off a
shift, for whatever reason, we record this. The form is self-explanatory and should be on your desktop.
- When
out in the field doing a re-inspection, it is the Lieutenant’s (or
ride-out officer’s) responsibility to serve as the liaison between the
business owner and the fire department.
This is the person that actually speaks to the business owner, not
- Carey
spoke about the new command packets that will be available on each staff
Meeting closed at 11:35am
Notes by: Scott
Cassin, September 4, 2003