White River Township Fire Department

Staff Meeting

August 7, 2003



[P]  Chief Tibbetts

[P] Chief  Cassin

[P]  Chief Brown


[P]  Chief Slauter

[]  Chief Thacker

[P]  Chief Young


[ ]  Lt. Wilson

[]  Lt. Alford

[P]  Lt. Settles


[P ]  Lt. Hart

[]  Lt. Alexander

[P]  Lt. Engmark


[P]  Lt. Arkins

[]  Lt. Skipper

[P]  Lt. Smith


[P]  Kim Clawson

[ ]  Others:



  1. Chief Cassin sent an email recently notifying everyone that you cannot split training activities between off duty and on duty in Firehouse.


  1. Personnel updates:

-         Have not received turnout gear from Rick Taylor or Scott McCaughna.

-         No termination letters received for files for Taylor or McCaughna from corporation board.

-         Mark Hart is now EMS Lieut. for department.

-         Jim Engmark is station 52’s house officer.


  1. Reminder to place written documentation of verbal warnings in the personnel files.


  1. Chief Cassin gave a brief discussion on the 2004 budget and 2003 fire loan.  He also mentioned that he will be heading a meeting in September asking for anyone to attend that has any ideas on saving money.


  1. Greenwood FD has revised their automatic aid agreement with us.   A map has been placed at station 52 showing the mutual areas.  Please become familiar with this.


  1. Chief Slauter is meeting with dispatch.  Please be patient with the recent problems.  He is working on them.  Please be professional at all times on the radio.  Forward issues to him IN WRITING.


  1. Chief Young will send an email reminding everyone of the policy requiring everyone on duty to have their Class B shirt with them.  Anyone needing a shirt or badge will need to contact him asap.


  1. After discussion, an agreement was reached on the placement of PASS devices on all FD airpacks.  Casey will take care of this as soon as possible.


  1. Speedway fuel cards should now be on every truck.  If not, please see Kim.


  1. Kim announced that a tentative date for the awards banquet has been set for January 17, 2004.


  1. Training devices are being moved to station 51 today to clear out bays at station 53.


  1. All Strawberry Festival items are boxed and in the barn at station 53.


  1. Mark gave an update on the EMS division.
    1. Getting a handle on the supplies is the priority.  Lisa White is helping him with this.
    2. Mark is working on updating the preceptor policy and list of preceptors.
    3. Rhonda Holtsclaw is helping with EMS checklists for the trucks.
    4. Mark would like to eventually make all airway and drug boxes identical.
    5. PIC lines have been removed from apparatus until the investigation regarding the guideline left in a patient is completed.  Dr. Gansman is working on this.
    6. PHTLS class coming before the end of September.
    7. Mark is talking to Dr. Gansman about having a QA review board for our reports.  This board will be responsible for sending positive and negative feedback to the crews.
    8. He is also talking to Dr. Gansman regarding use of our Advanced EMTs.  If this is successfully implemented, he would like to teach a class in-house by the first of the year.


  1. Chief Brown stated that an outline for the PR tours/talks has been created and is on the server.  Chief Slauter requested earlier notification (1wk) for PR details.  Notification will be made via email to that day’s BC and LT.


  1. Chief Young described a recent CERT class he attended.


  1. Lt. Engmark will be working on pre-plans soon.  Kim & Scott are almost done with the necessary changes to the Firehouse reports.