White River Township Fire Department

Staff Meeting

July 10, 2003



[P]  Chief Tibbetts

[P] Chief  Cassin

[P]  Chief Brown


[P]  Chief Slauter

[P]  Chief Thacker

[P]  Chief Young


[ ]  Lt. Wilson

[P]  Lt. Alford

[P]  Lt. Settles


[P ]  Lt. Hart

[P]  Lt. Alexander

[P ]  Lt. Engmark


[P]  Lt. Arkins

[P]  Lt. Skipper

[ ]  Lt. Smith


[P]  Kim Clawson

[ ]  Others:



  1. Chief Tibbetts began the meeting by apologizing to those present for his recent behavior.


  1. Talkaround SOG was approved in the Senior Staff meeting and is attached.


  1. Station 52 officers need to make sure their personnel, including the ambulance, know how to operate our radios.


  1. Personnel updates:
    1. Rick Cooley & Kevan Crawley:  resigned and gear has been returned.
    2. Scott McCaugna, Mike Phillips, and Rick Taylor:  released for inactivity.  No gear received yet.
    3. Joe Marsh and Mike Schilling:  on leaves of absence.  See FireHouse for exact dates.


  1. Chief Cassin discussed the new training codes for FireHouse.  A memo via email will soon follow.


  1. From now on, whenever someone turns their gear in, a Battalion Chief needs to be the one to receive it.  Chief Cassin is working on a checklist.


  1. Chief Cassin stated that the Strawberry Festival wrap up meeting went very well and we are looking forward to the 2004 Festival.


  1. Discussion on 2004 budget.
    1. Concerns were raised regarding the promise that was made to the employees by the district board that we would remain in the 51% of area salaries.  It is felt that that promise is now trying to be broken.
    2. Concerns were raised regarding job comparisons.  Our officers are not just Battalion Chiefs or Lieutenants.  They also head divisions as well.
    3. Concerns were raised regarding the possibility of losing the SR135 corridor.
    4. Chief Thacker stated that it is very important for all career personnel to attend FPDB meetings to show their support.
    5. Chief Tibbetts promised that no career employees would ever be laid off.


  1. Chief Thacker discussed a homeless shelter that may potentially be coming into our area.  If he receives more information on this, he will notify everyone via email.


  1. Chief Brown reminded everyone to get run reports done in a timely manner.


  1. Lt. Alexander gave updates from the EMS division.
    1. EMS supplies will be moved into the locker room pending AC being run into the supply room.
    2. Another PHTLS course is being planned for September.
    3. Reminder, do not leave patient reports in Bruce’s mailbox anymore.  These need to stay secured.


  1. Permission was granted to begin cleaning out the barn at station 51.


  1. The following issues were discussed in the Senior Staff meeting and are being forwarded to the Lieutenants to enforce:
    1. Close cab doors and compartment doors.  This should prevent injuries and missing equipment.
    2. Chauffeurs should not be talking on cell phones when driving apparatus, especially when responding on emergency runs.
    3. Backers must be utilized!


  1.  Discussion on boundaries for automatic mutual aid with Greenwood Fire.  Chief Slauter will contact Chief Dhondt to get this cleared up.


  1. Chief Young is still working on the safety vest issue.


  1. Staff meetings are being moved back to 1000 hrs.


  1. Lt. Alexander inquired whether future Paramedic students from the career side would be compensated while attending class and clinicals.  Chief Tibbetts replied in the affirmative.