White River Township Fire DepartmentStaff MeetingJune 12, 2003 |
Present: |
[P] Chief Tibbetts |
[P] Chief Cassin |
[P] Chief Brown |
[P] Chief Slauter |
[P] Chief Thacker |
[P] Chief Young |
[P] Lt. Wilson |
[ ] Lt. Alford |
[P] Lt. Settles |
[ ] Lt. Hart |
[ ] Lt. Alexander |
[] Lt. Engmark |
[ ] Lt. Arkins |
[P] Lt. Skipper |
[] Lt. Smith |
[P] Kim Clawson |
[ ] Others: |
1. It was agreed at the last union meeting that career firefighters would have $5 deducted from each paycheck for house dues. It was also agreed in that meeting that it would be in the best interest of the department if the District would manage the house fund system and allow for proper voting. Chief Tibbetts agrees and Chief Cassin will develop the policy.
2. Chief Tibbetts thanked everyone who has agreed to work at the Strawberry Festival this weekend and emphasized again that this is not a fundraiser, but a PR day for the public. Chief Cassin thanked those who sat on the planning committee.
3. Motorola has fixed the radios at station 52. Everything else should be finished this week and then it will be up to Johnson County to implement the station alerting. Current issues:
i. Reset buttons are actually acknowledgement buttons.
ii. Using CW2 talk group for data burst for station alerting.
Everyone agreed that we need to make a list of the problems we have had with the system, as well as items that are not as Motorola said they would be, then have Chief Tibbetts address them with Bill Walker, then possibly with the entire group of Commissioners.
Station 52 crews stated that they still need two speakers.
Station 51 reported on several major problems they have been having with their radio system.
4. All loose equipment in the apparatus cabs has been secured.
5. Chief Slauter asked for input from the Lieutenants for the talk around SOG. He will have ready to present at the next staff meeting.
6. Chief Slauter distributed copies of the new evaluation and gave an overview of how they are to be completed. Also remember, that if you have an issue with an employee, that it needs to be in writing, either in that employee’s file, or to that person’s supervisor.
7. Lt. Settles stated that training next week will cover elevator emergencies. He also stated that they are beginning to put together another trench rescue class.
8. Lock Out-Tag Out kits have been ordered for R51 & A53.
9. FYI, weed control has been implemented at all three stations.
10. Chief Cassin stated that the salary survey has been completed and presented to the District Board. It will be posted to the website soon for everyone to see.
11. Chief Cassin distributed a new photo i.d. ‘prototype’. This particular version costs $6 but can be ordered directly off of the internet with only a 2-3 day waiting period. Greenwood can do the same card for approximately $1-$2 per card, but we may get into a ‘waiting’ situation. Everyone agreed that we should try to go with Greenwood, but if there is going to be a delay to go with the company from the internet just for career officers and let Greenwood do everyone else’s.
12. The tactical and boats now have a maintenance day. Battalion Chiefs need to enforce that this is being done.
13. Someone placed linseed oil in the primer. This has been a consistent problem, even though it has been labeled. Battalion Chiefs need to make sure their chauffeurs know this.
14. Chief Tibbetts gave approval to Battalion Chiefs to wear polo shirts on duty, when not in the public. Chief Tibbetts also gave approval for career personnel to have union clothing removed from their clothing allowance.
15. Lt. Engmark stated that he will begin work on the new pre-plans and that they should begin being distributed to the companies next week.
16. Chief Young stated that there was a meeting yesterday between station 52 & 92 to discuss mutual aid responses. There is flexibility in the contract. Also, crews can respond automatically, without waiting to be dispatched. Chief Slauter will contact Greenwood to get specific boundaries.
17. Chief Young stated that station 52 should be calling station 92 each morning to find out their daily assignments, etc.
18. Chief Tibbetts stated that Greenwood 92’s plaque has not yet been presented to them as he is waiting for funds to become available to have an open house at our station and invite them (cookout, etc.).
19. Chief Young reminded everyone that officers need to help reduce risks and if there are questionable tactics, to get stop them immediately. There is to be absolutely no horseplay when on duty.
20. Chief Young is still waiting on a copy of the SOG from IFD regarding their mayday box alarms.
21. Chief Young announced that the physicals for 2003 have been started and all seems to be going well.
22. Chief Young has been in contact with Wayne Township to obtain a template for a t-bar to be placed under a raised cab. Use extreme caution and all available safety measures if you need to be under the cab.
23. The water softener at station 53 seems to be working now.
24. No further new business.