White River Township Fire Department

Staff Meeting

May 15, 2003



[P]  Chief Tibbetts

[ ] Chief  Cassin

[P]  Chief Brown


[P]  Chief Slauter

[P]  Chief Thacker

[P]  Chief Young


[]  Lt. Wilson

[ ]  Lt. Alford

[P]  Lt. Settles


[ ]  Lt. Hart

[ ]  Lt. Alexander

[P]  Lt. Engmark


[ ]  Lt. Arkins

[ ]  Lt. Skipper

[P]  Lt. Smith


[P]  Kim Clawson

[ ]  Others:



  1. Officers need to be sure to stress what the grievance procedures are when a disciplinary action is taken against an employee.  Chief Tibbetts will follow up with Jeff Campbell.


  1. Chief Young gave an update on the fitness committee and urged everyone to participate and lead by example.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that the Strawberry Festival is NOT a fundraiser and that he expects to see all career members volunteer a couple of hours.


  1. Personnel updates:
    1. Rick Cooley is on a leave 6/1 – 8/31
    2. Justin Laraway has been released due to inactivity.
    3. Steve Rowland has resigned.


5.      Discussion on recent incident at CGHS where a car had blocked the FDC.  Chief Tibbetts urged everyone to use common sense.  If it is an alarm, and the FDC is blocked, don’t try to connect to it.  Make a report to the IC that a car is illegally parked and is blocking your access.


  1. Jeremy Lee has been promoted to compensated and is #87.


  1. Chief Thacker reminded everyone about the upcoming company officer development course, starting June 9th and will last from 1pm – 3pm for the following 4 Mondays.


  1. Chief Slauter reported that the clear coms have been collected because they are frequently missing.  All officers kept theirs and the remaining clear coms will be given to the shift personnel.


  1. Lt. Settles requested that action begin being taken against personnel who do not use their SCBA straps in the apparatus.  Chief Young will get with Joe Marsh to check on retrofit costs for E54.  Chief Slauter will get with Joe and Lt. Arkins to make sure other loose items in the cabs secured. Chief Young will be issuing a memo stating that any safety device that is available is to be used.


  1. Station 52 crews need to keep a hand held radio nearby at all times until the problems with the station radio is worked out.  Chief Brown will follow up on this.

