White River Township Fire Protection District
Regular Staff Meeting
February 20, 2003  ~  1000 hours


Present:    Chief Tibbetts
                Deputy Chief Cassin
                Fire Marshal Brown
                Battalion Chiefs Slauter and Young
                Lieutenants  Engmark, Settles, Arkins
             Administrative Assistant Kim Clawson. 


1.  Recent meeting held here with local citizens trying to establish a Citizens Corp.  While this could be a very good program if it implemented appropriately, the Fire Department is not taking any action with it at these initial planning stages.

2.  Chief Tibbetts announced that he has FDIC passes and if you would like to go, please see him.  

3.   No report on station 52 repair status.

4.  Mark Hart is going through PERF at this time.  

5.  Chief Cassin hopes to have the new email system up and running next week.

6.  Chief Cassin will begin handling payroll after the 2/28 payroll.  He will also be handling other financial issues such as the budget and helping the Corporation with their books.

7.  Chief Cassin announced that if you have a phone extension at station 53, you now have voice mail on it and can have messages forwarded there instead of your pager.  Be sure to record a personalized greeting.   You can access the voice mail system by Intercom+777.

8.  Chief Tibbetts announced that all leave requests are to be approved by him, then processed by the Battalion Chiefs.

9.  Chief Young announced the implementation of the school lunch program on Thursdays.  He has distributed schedules and guidelines to the crews.  Things to remember:
            -  Keep a radio with you but split your crews up.
            -  Crews may be at schools not in their district.  Be aware of runs and switch responses as appropriate.
            -  While you're at the schools, become familiar with the buildings.
            -  Lunch cards cost $2.85.
            -  Please give feedback (both positive and negative) to Chief Young.

10.  Chief Young gave an update for Chief Thacker on upcoming training classes.

        Fire Officer I class in March and Fire Officer II class in April.  

        In May we will be hosting a Safety Officer class (this is a grant class so the State will be paying the instructor fees).  

        Chief Thacker stated that we will also begin Officer Development class which will include modules on Leadership, 
        Strategy & Tactics, and Incident Command.  These modules will be completed by the end of the year. 

         We will be conducting an Aerial Operator class sometime this summer.  If someone is certified as an Aerial Operator, 
        try to get them scheduled at Station 53 as much as possible so they can become familiar with that truck.

        Chief Thacker will be distributing monthly chauffeur drills to the Battalion Chiefs for distribution among their shifts.

11.  Lt. Settles reports that the ice rescue equipment has been ordered.  Trench rescue class has been cancelled next week due to weather.

12.  C-shift Engine 52 crew praised for their work on a recent fatal car fire for Greenwood FD.  There were many extraordinary circumstances regarding this run...good job to all involved!

13. Lt. Alford announced that he would like to see a mentoring program with this next phase of new hires.  No objections heard.  He is still working on this and more information will be made available soon.

14.  Chauffeurs need to be sure to enter fuel receipts in FireHouse.  A memo has been posted on this.  If you still have questions, please contact Chief Cassin.

15.  Chief Young announced that gear inspections would be starting soon.  They will be performed by the company officers.  Be sure to get Serial Numbers and sizes, as well as the approximate age of the equipment.  This is going to be a very in-depth inspection.  More information will follow to the company officers soon.



Ø      Email system.


Ø      Mentoring program with new hires.


Ø      Gear inspections.