White River Township Fire Protection District |
Regular Staff Meeting |
January 23, 2003 ~ 1000 hours |
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Present: Chief
Deputy Chief Cassin
Fire Marshal Brown
Battalion Chiefs Slauter, Thacker and Young
Lieutenants Arkins, Alexander, Engmark, Settles, Skipper, and Wilson
Lieutenant Candidates Hart, Smith, and Alford
Administrative Assistant
Kim Clawson
- Scott
stated that staff meetings will now be open to career officers only and that
it is the responsibility of the career officers to properly distribute
information throughout their shifts. He will also be re-implementing the newsletter which
will be distributed with the payroll immediately following each regular
staff meeting. Staff meetings
are being conducted every 4 weeks and Senior Staff meetings are being
conducted every 2 weeks – both on Thursdays.
Scott said he anticipates emailing
agendas to everyone a few days before the actual meeting so that everyone knows
what will be discussed. If you have
anything for an agenda, please see him at least one week prior to that meeting.
- Medic
51 is now the primary response vehicle when Morgan County calls for ALS
assistance, regardless if they request transporting or non-transporting.
If Medic 51 is unavailable, dispatch will contact Battalion 5 for
further instructions.
- House
officer responsibilities are building maintenance, supplies, and
serving on committees pertaining to his station.
House officers are NOT responsible for operational issues.
Station 51:
Station 52: Alexander
Station 53: Skipper (will soon be
- Chief
Tibbetts reminded everyone that the crews need to stay in their own district
as much as possible and to organize their days so that miscellaneous errand
running and meal details are scheduled when they go out in the district for
trainings or inspections. We
are seeing excessive mileage and “wear &
tear” on the vehicles.
- Joe
Settles advised that during recent training, two ice
rescue suits were found to leak.
He will be submitting a proposal to Chief Tibbetts to purchase two
suits including appropriate accessories.
- Joe
stated that several chain saws have been
having mechanical problems and wondered why this seems to be an on-going
occurrence. Carey stated that
only one maintenance request for a saw has been entered in FireHouse.
Kevin reported that we currently have 2 saws in for repair.
Jeff Wilson reported that they are being left dirty after they are
used during trainings. Kevin
stated that he will look into changing repair shops to see if the turnaround
time can be decreased. Jim
Engmark suggested contacting Al Wright at Greenwood Fire Department for
sharpening services.
- Effective
immediately, all shift trades must be
completed within the 28 day pay cycle.
- Scott
stated that the department email should be
in service in the next 2-3 weeks.
- Chief
Tibbetts will be meeting with Lieutenants Engmark, Alexander, and Arkins
regarding changes that will be coming to station 52.
- Scott
stated that the new patch has been ordered
and the design will be unveiled at the Awards Banquet.
- Reminder
that apparatus radios need to be kept on the
trucks that they are assigned to.
Clearcoms will be issued to the officers
and some of the 24 hour personnel, as well as spares on the apparatus.
- The special
events radio should be taken to fire watch duty – not the radio off of
a truck.
A grant will be pursued to get Heart Start
AEDs on the battalion vehicles.
Bruce stated that he will need to replace
Zoll batteries this year. Two
of those have failed and three are additional.
This will put those batteries on a three year replacement schedule.
- Bruce
also stated that the station 51 12 lead EKG is
having software problems. He
will be sending it out for repair and we will be receiving a “loaner”.
- Bruce
stated that he wants a those paramedics being
precepted to be stationed at station 52. He stated that there is no reason to take two pieces of
apparatus out of service just to get that paramedic a run.
Carey stated that he will do whatever it takes to get someone cleared
to work as a paramedic as soon as possible and will create the schedule as
he feels best suits the department. Carey
also stated that it is a Battalion Chiefs call as to who responds when there
is a paramedic needing precepted. Bruce
stated that he doesn’t agree with this policy.
- Carey
requested a bank charger at station 53 (the other two stations each have one
already). Bruce said it would
cost $6,000. Instead, station
51 and station 53 batteries will be switched as needed.
Joe Settles volunteered to oversee this.
It was suggested that we try to
receive state EMS grant funds for this as well. Bruce stated that he did not feel it would be possible for a
purchase of this type.
- Discussion
on promoting Jeremy Lee from reserve to
compensated. Nick stated that
he did not feel Jeremy had enough experience yet, but has been working hard
and picking up extra hours to get it. This
is tabled until the next regular staff.
- Jim
Engmark thanked Jeff Smith for recent extensive compartment
work he completed on Engine 52.
- Kevin
Skipper reported that Stoops will be out today to work on Engine
52’s ladder rack.
- Joel
stated that we recently conducted some excellent
trainings at the SR135 house. Good
job to all!
- Don
asked all officers to look over the fire gear
of all their personnel. Due to
the recent trainings we need to check for rips and burns.
Anything needing repaired, please let him know ASAP!
- Chief
Tibbetts stated that he suspended Greg Maxwell
for tardiness. This is
effective 30 days and he is not to “hang out” on station.
Meet with Alexander, Engmark & Arkins ref. station 52
changes that are coming.
Ice rescue suit proposal.
Chain saw repair options.
Zoll battery replacement.
Station 51 12 lead repair.
All Officers:
Check gear condition of all personnel after recent