White River Township Fire Department

Staff Meeting Minutes

August 28 & 29, 2002


Present During Wednesday’s Meeting:  Chief Tibbetts, Chief Slauter, Lt. Marsh, Lt. Arkins, Jake Kocher, Greg Maxwell, Matt Myers, Don Young, Tony Slusher, Rhonda Holtsclaw, Andrew Tames, Corey McGaha, Ryan Slevin and Kim Clawson.


Present During Thursday’s Meeting:  Chief Tibbetts, Chief Slauter, Chief Thacker, Chief Cassin, Chief Brown, Lt. Alexander, Lt. Settles, Lt. Skipper, Lt. Alford, Chad Witham, Josh Justice, Mike Shoemaker, Jake Kocher, Dave Kelley, Mike Combs and Kim Clawson.


  1. Kim will be on vacation from September 20 through October 4.  Any important pager issues during this time will need to go to Chief Cassin.


  1. Chief Slauter discussed Aerial 52 responding for mutual aid to Trafalgar Fire Department effective September 1.

-         They asked us to respond because Franklin Fire’s aerial is frequently out of service and they request an engine from Bargersville Fire.

-         Responding on smoke/fire in structure in town only.

-         Also responding to some churches in outlying areas.

-         Indian Creek High School is under construction at this time.

-         Copy of maps are coming soon, as well as preplans.

-         They may call for the Rescue instead of the Aerial.

-         October 22, 23 & 24 Aerial 52 will be going to Trafalgar for training with their fire department at 1900 hrs.

-         Be professional and courteous at all times!!


  1. When Greenwood Fire #92 calls us to stand by for them, we do so from our station (and vice versa).  If we receive a call of our own when we are on standby for them, we will take it.


  1. Chief Tibbetts read a letter that he recently received from Perry Township Fire Department thanking us for our assistance on July 22 on their building fire on Sunday Drive.


  1. Chief Tibbetts announced that the Greenwood Moose Lodge is hosting a “Firefighter Appreciation Night” on September 13, 1900-2300.  There will be a live band, free food and there is no admission charge.


  1. Effective immediately, IT IS THE OFFICER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE COMPLETION OF ALL RUN REPORTS, regardless of who they delegate it to.


  1. Most of you have noticed that we have recently switched fireground talk groups to MECA tower and have MUCH IMPROVED coverage!  Johnson County will be adding to the tower behind Goodyear to fix the coverage problems experienced in the northern part of the county.  This is expected to take at least 8 weeks.


  1. Chief Brown now has a direct phone line.  859-6079.  If he is not in, it does have voice mail on it.


  1. Chief Tibbetts explained that a group called “Association for Disabled Firefighters” is under investigation for fraudulent practices.  If anyone receives any information about this group, please report it to him immediately.


  1. This will be the last year we will be conducting a boot drive for the MDA.  Next year we are looking at a different fundraiser, such as a golf outing.  This year, we are at the Meijer store and will be collecting in two locations on Marlin Drive.  They are allowing us to do this as long as we are not collecting on their property.


  1. Reminder, the pancake breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, September 14, 0700-1200, here at station 53.  This is a fundraiser for the Christmas Toy Drive.  Any questions on this should be directed to Lt. Rowland.  Please make plans to help out.


  1. There are very few open shifts on the schedule.  Be sure to sign up in the book.  Also, anyone calling in to fill in open shifts will be asked if it puts them into overtime, which in most cases will not be permitted!


  1. Station 53 is now a registered Safe Place.  If any of the stations has someone come into them for help, contact the on duty Battalion Chief immediately for assistance.


  1. The SCBAs are in the process of being upgraded.  See Lt. Marsh for details.


  1. Tony announced that the Country Charm Retirement Center by station 52 has invited the fire department to attend a recognition lunch on September 11.  He has flyers on this that he will be posting at all stations.  See him for more information.


  1. Don reported that the Health and Safety Committee is no longer requiring employees to complete their blood type information on the new accountability sheet.  Anyone needing a blood transfusion will by typed and cross-matched at the hospital anyway, regardless of what your card says.  They thank everyone for their help in trying to get this information.


  1. Jim Thompson, Bargersville Fire C2, has stated that he wants Engine 53 to automatically respond to all PIs with them on SR 37.


  1. November 26, Community Church of Greenwood is hosting a Thanksgiving dinner for the needy.  Volunteers are needed 1600-2000.  Please try to participate.


  1. Chief Thacker stated that we will be burning the house on SR135 in front of Home Depot by the 1st week of October.


  1. Lt. Alexander stated that the new protocols will be in place by the first of the November. 


  1. Lt. Alexander also stated that we are beginning to phase out the latex gloves.