White River Township Fire Department

Staff Meeting Minutes

April 24 & 25, 2002


Present During Wednesday’s Meeting:  Chief Tibbetts, Chief Slauter, Chief Brown, Lt. Settles,  Lt. Wilson, Lt. Martindale, Lt. Marsh, Jayson Combs, Scott Terry, Matt Bussard, Rhonda Bailey, Ryan Cox, Mike Schilling, Jason Tibbetts, Tony Slusher, Don Young, and Kim Clawson.


  1. When trading shifts, whether corporation or district employee, please remember to complete the appropriate paperwork so there is written record of the trade.  Also, sign legibly or print your name & unit number.


  1. We have been having a lot of open shifts lately.  Please keep an eye on your pager for these open shifts to be paged out and try to help out as much as possible.


  1. Please do not bring large items to the station dumpsters to be disposed of.  Absolutely no appliances!!  If it is something large, break it down into smaller pieces.  If it is sticking out of the dumpster, or propped up beside it, the trash service will not take it.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that, effective immediately, we will not be issuing reimbursements out of individual clothing allowances for PPE.  The Department provides what is needed and if someone wants something beyond that, they need to pay for it themselves and leave the clothing allowance for uniforms.


  1. Effective immediately, we must have a signed consent form on file, from every employee, that allows us to deduct items from your paycheck.  (IE:  uniforms, pagers, etc.).


  1. Overtime has been a recurring issue lately.  Tony stated that the Corporation Board is considering raising the minimum hours, increasing the number of shift positions available, and allowing personnel to work their Kelly day.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that the smoking policy is in effect and there are designated smoking areas at each fire station.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that we will be opening an account at Home Depot, therefore we will only be using the account at Dannemiller if it is absolutely necessary.  Also remember that if the purchase is over $20, it must have prior approval from the Fire Chief.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that he recently received a report from a homeowner in our district who stated that there were “two teenage girls” going door-to-door requesting monetary donations to the White River Township Fire Department.  We do not know their identity.  A police report has been filed.  If you receive any information on this, or new reports of similar incidents, report them to the Fire Chief immediately.


  1. Station 53 is now a mercury collection site.  Hours are M-F 0800-1700 and Saturday 0800-1200.


  1. Kim announced that the Auxiliary is planning a summer cookout on June 30th around 4:30 pm and will be at station 53.  Flyers will be posted soon.  Anyone attending will be asked to bring lawn chairs and a side dish.


  1. Chief Tibbetts reminded everyone that May 7th is election day.  He is not publicly endorsing any candidate.


  1. Chief Brown stated that there are 17 run reports missing.  He is in the process of determining whose they are and will be contacting those people soon.


  1. Chief Brown reminded everyone that on any large incident (fire, haz mat, etc.), that he needs owner information as well as insurance information.


  1. Chief Slauter urged anyone who works at station 53 to become familiar with the trench trailer.


  1. Lt. Arkins announced there will be an Investigator class beginning May 7th and running through June 18th.  The class will be at station 53 and will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays 1800-2200.  The sign up sheet is in the back hall at station 53.  Please be sure to check the pre-requisites shown on the list before you sign up.


  1. Lt. Marsh asked that if there are any problems, whether large or small, with the trucks to please place a note in FireHouse.


  1. Lt. Marsh stated that the batteries for the hand held 800mhz radios do develop a ‘memory’.  We were originally told they did not.


  1. Tony Slusher reminded everyone that the Strawberry Festival is June 14 & 15 at Sugar Grove Elementary School.  Please sign up to help.


  1. Tony also asked that everyone who is not already participating in Direct Deposit consider doing so as it makes everything a little easier.


  1. Tony announced that the next Department meeting is May 5th.  The board is considering making it a mandatory meeting over a three day period.  If it is made mandatory, personnel will be paid for attending.