White River Township Fire Department

Staff Meeting Minutes

February 27 & 28, 2002


Present During Tuesday’s Meeting:  Chief Tibbetts, Chief Cassin, Chief Slauter, Chief Brown, Chief Thacker, Lt. Marsh, Lt. Alexander, Lt. Settles, Lt. Skipper, Lt. Engmark, Lt. Wilson, Lt. Alford, Dave Manlove, Jason Tibbetts, Tony Slusher, Mike Combs, Mike Schilling, Ray Skipper, Chad Witham, Time Smith, Jeff Campbell, Jory Cox and Kim Clawson.


Present During Wednesday’s Meeting:   Chief Tibbetts, Chief Cassin, Chief Slauter, Chief Brown, Lt. Martindale, Lt. Arkins, Lt. Settles, Lt. Engmark, Lt. Rowland, Jason Tibbetts, Jason Arkins, Wayne Fletcher, Tim Smith, Jory Cox, Tim Smith, Mark Hart and Kim Clawson.





  1. Personnel updates:


-         Kyle Brooks #92

-         Rhonda Bailey #81

-         Mitch Miller #65

-         Matt Bussard #88

-         Matt Myers #21

-         Brent Shepherd #41

-         Scott Deford #180


-         James Taulman suspended through 3/20 for reckless driving.

-         Jayson Combs returned from leave.

-         Randy Shelley and Brian Reynolds have resigned.

-         Jason Arkins has resigned from his shift position.


  1. Anyone interested in filling the vacant C-shift chauffeur’s position (0800-1900) at station 53 should submit a letter of intent to Chief Tibbetts prior to March 8.


  1. Because of the recent problems with our pagers, we are moving to a higher frequency.  Unfortunately, this will result in everyone having to switch their pager with a new unit.  As soon as Kim knows when this will take place, she will let everyone know.  Patience please !!  This will take some time to transition all the pagers.


  1. Chief Tibbetts strongly recommends that pagers, cell phones, etc. be removed from your belt before you enter the restroom as water does not mix well with those devices.  The latest pager vs. toilet incident has cost the department $180.


  1. When you call in to fill open shifts, it is your responsibility to notify the battalion chief if you are in overtime.


  1. Chief Tibbetts drafted a smoking policy and is currently waiting for it to be reviewed by legal counsel.  Until such time, he was given the authority to restrict smoking at all three stations to outside.  Smoking is no longer permitted in the bays, AT ANYTIME, because of the workout equipment.  Also, do not leave cigarette butts on the ground.  Reminder, smoking is not permitted on the fireground or in any FD vehicle.


  1. Chief Slauter is revising the policy manual and SOGs.  He will be approaching some of the officers with help for their job descriptions.


  1. Chief Thacker gave an update on upcoming courses:

-         Driver Operator Pumper & Aerial

                                                               i.      This summer

                                                             ii.      10 consecutive Saturdays.

                                                            iii.      At WRTFD HQ.

                                                           iv.      All WRTFD chauffeurs will need to be certified in both in order to drive.

-         Trench Class

                                                               i.      March 25 & 26

                                                             ii.      At Richards’ farm.

-         Investigator I

                                                               i.      This summer

                                                             ii.      Currently waiting on new books to be made available.


  1. Chief Cassin stated that he is beginning to work on ideas for a 50th anniversary celebration which will take place during the Strawberry Festival.  He is also working on a special section for this on the website.  If you have any ideas, please see him or Don Young.


  1. Chief Cassin reported that the computers at station 52 have been fixed.


  1. When contacting dispatch on the radio, address them as “Johnson County”.


  1. Lt. Alexander gave an update on the Rural Metro Ambulance.

-         In service mid April

-         Stationed at 51s.

-         Share with GFD and Center Grove School complex

-         Employees will be wearing RM attire and not WRTFD.

-         Employees will not have fire gear and will not be doing any type of firefighting.

-         There will be 6 EMTs and 6 Paramedics working 24 hour shifts (0800-0800).  Bruce will be posting more information on this as it becomes available.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that anyone having a problem responding on mutual aid runs, regardless of who it’s with, should see him immediately.  He also stated that we are here to provide a service and we will provide it to whoever calls!


  1. Tony Slusher stated that the Strawberry Festival has been scheduled for June 14 & 15 at Sugar Grove Elementary School.  Duties have already been assigned to committees but we still need help; both with planning and during the event.