White River Township Fire Protection District

Staff Meeting Minutes                                                                                        October 17, 2001



Present:                Chief Tibbetts, Chief Cassin, Chief Slauter, Lieutenant Settles, Lieutenant Wilson, James Engmark, Tony Slusher, Chad Witham, Scott Terry, Bryan Arkins, Ray Skipper, Mike Schilling, Don Young, Chris Kindred, and Kim Clawson. 



  1. Meeting called to order at 1300 hours.


  1. If you’re not using your digital pager, please return it so we are not continuing to pay for it.


  1. If at all possible, please use your keys when going between admin & fire prevention halls at station 53.


  1. Don’t forget that the Battalion Chief has his own dedicated phone line (888-2338).  It is usually quicker to dial that and get straight through than calling the admin line and having to wait for the Battalion to be found.  Please let your people know this as well.


  1. If you have someone in mind to receive the Employee of the Quarter for July-September, please let Chief Tibbetts know ASAP.


  1. Per Chief Tibbetts, fire station cleanliness has improved but still needs more work.  Be sure to shut the lights and the TVs off when you are off station.  Bay doors should be down when the heaters are on.


  1. Chief Tibbetts is still trying to arrange a meeting between himself and Decatur Township Fire Chief Dale Henson.


  1. Lt. Settles stated that trench training will be conducted October 22-24.  Be sure to bring a change of clothes…you will need them.


  1. We are still awaiting completion on the SOR policy.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that the response to checkouts would be changed to the in-district EMS apparatus and would be an emergent response.  This change will be effective Monday, October 22.  If dispatch says it is a PD accident, the first due apparatus continues in for report.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that on runs regarding Anthrax scares, we will not respond emergent.  The Battalion Chief and an Engine will respond.  It is to be properly bagged and sealed and turned over to law enforcement for investigation.  Be careful and please use common sense.


  1. Chief Cassin stated that he has issued a memo regarding the computer updates and associated trainings.  Pages have been sent as well.