White River Township Fire Department

Staff Meeting Minutes

August 28 & 29, 2001


Present During Tuesday’s Meeting:  Chief Tibbetts,  Chief Brown, Chief Cassin, Lt. Alexander, Lt. Wilson, Lt. Slauter, Lt. Slauter, Ed Fenske, Tony Slusher, Tony Rizzi, Ryan Rowley, Chad Witham, Jory Cox and Kim Clawson


Present During Wednesday’s Meeting:  Chief Tibbetts, Chief Brown, Chief Cassin, Lt. Rowland, Lt. Settles, Chad Witham, Jeff Smith, Steve Rowland, Gary Coons, Jason Arkins, Mark Hart, Ken Sickles, Greg Maxwell and Kim Clawson.





  1. Chief Tibbetts welcomed everyone and stated that, effective immediately, staff meetings are open to the entire department.  He did request that comments/suggestions be placed in writing and follow the chain of command so as not to tie up staff meetings, which are basically an ‘information only’ session.



-         Lt Slauter has been hired by the District as it’s next Battalion Chief, effective 10/1. Assigned to the A shift.

-         Lt. Wilson has been hired by the District as it’s next Lieutenant, effective 9/1.  Assigned to the A shift.

-         Andrew Hedger has returned from his leave of absence and is working on duty hours.  He will soon begin procedures to be cleared as a Paramedic here.

-         Dave Kelley and Joe Marsh are anticipated to return in two weeks or so.

-         Matt Partain will be resigning, effective 9/1.


  1. New engine (53) will be back Wednesday and will be in service within the next couple of weeks.  After it is in service, we will be hosting an open house for station 53, hopefully prior to Fire Prevention Week.


  1. We are currently waiting on a detailed list of repairs from Stoops regarding our wrecked engine.  Once we have received that, we will submit it to the insurance company.  We will combine that money with BIF money and purchase a new engine.


  1. New uniform shirts are in.  You are not required to wear them on duty until 1/6/02.  Chief Tibbetts commended the uniform committee on the new shirts.


  1. Chief Tibbetts reminded everyone that you are not to be in shorts of any type when off station.  If you are, then you must have your turnout gear on.  There is to be no turnout gear worn into a business because of the potential for contamination.


  1. Lt. Slauter stated that a fitness committee is being formed to decide what the department’s needs are regarding fitness equipment.  This comes after the Department was awarded a FEMA grant for approximately $46,000.  If you are interested, please submit a letter of intent to Lt. Slauter before 8/31/01.  He asks that only people with experience in health/fitness apply and that anyone chosen to participate on the committee stay committed for the duration of the project.  Lt. Settles will be chairing this committee.


  1. Chief Tibbetts reminded everyone to keep ALL stations clean.  This is part of your crew duties!  There may be more than one type of crew duty check sheet in circulation.  This will be investigated and tabled until the next Senior Staff meeting.  Reminder that the house officer is responsible for making sure crew duties are completed.


  1. Recently we have had some problems with personnel calling off shifts and coming in late.  If you cannot work your shift, and you are able to get someone else to work for you, there will be no disciplinary action taken.  However, if you cannot work, and call the Battalion to ask them to find someone to work for you, it will be counted as an ‘occurrence’ in your attendance record.


  1. Station 51 sewer project is finished.  Station 53’s should be finished Wednesday.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that beginning soon, all Battalion Chiefs will be forwarding reports of large or unusual incidents to the local newspapers.  He stated that we must continually work on our media relations.


  1. Kim will be on vacation from 9/5 to 9/17.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that files are not to leave Headquarters under any circumstances!  When personnel files leave, a huge liability problem arises.  If you need copies of anything that are currently in any of the files, you must first get approval of the Chief.  The only personnel with access to the personnel files are officers and Kim.  If you want to see your own personnel file, you must do so in the presence of one of them.


  1. Chief Cassin stated that he has several patch suggestions that have been given to him.  The new patch is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the department.  He will post them at the stations tomorrow.  Please get with him on your comments or suggestions.  Final patch will be brought to September’s staff meeting.


  1. Chief Cassin stated that we will begin computer updates again soon.  Watch for those changes.


  1. Chief Cassin asked the officers to review their personal page on our website and forward the appropriate changes to him.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated that Lt. Arkins’ chain saw is missing from station 51.  Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this saw is to contact Lt. Arkins immediately.


  1. Lt. Alexander commended everyone on bringing the SOR error rated down to 4% from last month’s 62%.  Good job!


  1. Lt. Alexander stated that the new 12 lead has been placed on Rescue 51.  It is different than the one we currently own.  Some of it’s features include CO2 monitor, SPO2 monitor, BP monitor (very movement sensitive!), AED, and bi-phasic defibrillation (120,150,200).  EMTs are not allowed to place this into manual mode.  He stated that we are still awaiting funding to purchase one for station 53.


  1. Lt. Alexander stated that he has received a request to place a few EMS supplies in a cabinet at station 53.  He adamantly refused to do this and stated that anyone needing to replace EMS supplies must come to station 52 to do so.  He stated that he cannot track when EMS supplies are used at other stations.  Chief Tibbetts stated that this is not final and will be addressed at the next Senior Staff Meeting.


  1. Chief Tibbetts thanked those who are consistently working hours.


  1. Chief Brown urged everyone to get by to look at the new Target store before they begin stocking the shelves next week.  Just check in at the construction trailer before you go in.


  1. Chief Tibbetts stated we should be receiving BIF money soon for another Thermal Imaging Camera.