White River Township Fire Department
Staff Meeting Minutes
May 22 & 23, 2001
Present During Tuesday’s Meeting: Chief Tibbetts, Chief Brown, Chief Cassin,
Chief Thacker, Lieutenant Settles, Lieutenant Skipper, Lieutenant Rowland,
Lieutenant Arkins, Mike Combs, Jason Arkins, and Kim Clawson.
Present During Wednesday’s Meeting: Chief Tibbetts and Carey Slauter.
- Budget is still
tight. Chief Tibbetts has
transferred over $31,000 from the general fund into the cumulative fund.
- Kim gave an update on
the FEMA Fire Grants (see attached).
- Chief Brown gave an
update on station 53. We anticipate
moving the offices out there next week and the crews will be there June
1. Phone lines are being moved on
Tuesday, May 29. The dedication
ceremony will be sometime in August, after Engine 53 arrives.
- Carey Slauter, Kevin Skipper, and Joel Thacker will be going
to the factory sometime the first week of July to do a pre-paint
- Anyone having any ideas
on station 51 or station 52 renovations, contact either Lieutenant Skipper
or Alford.
- New dispatch protocols
will be in service June 1 and were discussed today. Chief Tibbetts reminded everyone that
when there is a problem with dispatch to make an incident report on it so
it could be followed up on it later.
- Anyone needing any
business cards or forms, please get with Kim immediately.
- Anyone having any ideas
or suggestions on the 2002 Awards Banquet let Kim know.
- Personnel updates:
Megan Stoops on 6 month leave.
Josh Wysocki was released for not meeting his
minimum hours requirement but has been reinstated. He stated that he did not know that he was to
turn in his training hours from C9.
Brad Kiefer has resigned.
Dave Sherfick was released for not meeting
his minimum hours requirement.
- All officers,
regardless of career or corporation, are to be first out on all runs. Also along the lines of officers, Chief
Tibbetts stated that he would not tolerate any disrespect to a Fire
Department officer.
- Lt. Rowland gave an
update from the Public Education Division
June 30 : 5K run/walk in the
Carefree Addition. Anyone interested in
participating to represent the department, let Steve know asap.
July 12 there will be a PR talk at Mt. Pleasant Church.
July 14 there will be a safety fair at the Century 21 from 11 am – 3
pm. The safety trailer has been
reserved. Station 51 will be present for
two hours and station 52 will be present for the remaining two.
Chief Tibbetts gave permission for Steve to contact residents on Curry
Road who do not have addresses on their house or mailbox. He would like to gently suggest that they get
these installed. Chief Brown stated that
there is a county ordinance that can be used to get the residents to install
the addresses later on if it becomes necessary.
- Mike Combs stated that Channel 8 is
willing to let us be guests on their show again this year to promote our
Strawberry Festival. Chiefs
Tibbetts and Cassin will be going on the Saturday morning of the Festival.
- Mike Combs requested
permission to obtain prices from the person who does Greenwood Fire
Department’s maps. Chief Cassin
stated that the only problem with Greenwood’s maps are that they have no
reference to main roads. Most of
them are just expanded views of each subdivision.
- Lt. Alford gave an
update on the hiring process and advised everyone that he will be using
the on duty crews throughout the process (i.e.: interviews, physical agility, etc.).
- Lt. Alford requested
that a committee be formed, with the backing of Chief Tibbetts, to review
the current uniform policy and suggest changes to be made. That committee will consist of Joe
Settles, Nick Alford and Jason Arkins. “Station 53” t-shirts will not be
ordered. We anticipate ordering one
style of t-shirt and making it mandatory to be worn after 1/1/02. The committee will bring recommendations
back to the officers for final approval.
- Chief Brown reminded
everyone that there is to be limited inside water usage at station 53 once
we move in.
- Jason Arkins asked the officers to please police the
stations and when someone is seen misusing/abusing the furniture to take
action. The chairs were not cheap
and we would like them to last as long as possible.
- Jason also stated that
the Board is still reviewing the pay raises for the volunteer
corporation. They are waiting on a
response from Eric Reedy. He hopes
that they will be in place by mid-June.
- Chief Brown stated that
the Chief’s Hiring Committee has it’s first meeting tomorrow at 3:30
p.m. They plan to narrow the field
to five people who will continue on to the formal interviews. He hopes that the District Board will be
able to make an appointment in July.
- Lt. Skipper stated that
he is slowly getting caught up on maintenance issues.
- Station 52’s gear
lockers are being moved to station 53.
- The washer has been
replaced at station 52.
- Chief Thacker stated
that we have received approval to burn the house on Lake Court. He will need ten people next week to
strip the house so the asbestos inspection can be performed. Once the results from that are received,
it will take approximately 15 days to set everything up to do the
burns. He is looking to the end of
June for this.
- Chief Thacker also
stated that he would be out of town from June 2-9.
- Chief Tibbetts reminded
everyone that Bargersville Box 202 has an automatic response from Engine
51. We do not need to wait to be
dispatched for this.
- Chief Thacker cautioned
everyone on the use of their fire boots.
Ray Skipper received a puncture wound today through the middle of
his foot while wearing his boots.
This is a similar occurrence to the injury that Chief Thacker
received at Brownsburg Fire Department.
He is having Lt. Slauter check on these
- Lt. Settles stated that
trench training should be towards the end of June or first part of July.
- Lt. Settles also stated
that Jory is making two support devices for the rescue.