White River Township Fire Protection District |
Staff Meeting |
November 14 & 15, 2000 |
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Tuesday (14th) meeting called to
order at 1300 hours. Present: Mike
Dutton, Mike Tibbetts, Scott Cassin, Eric Brown, Kevin Skipper, Dave Sherfick
Joe Settles, Bruce Alexander, Joel Thacker, Casey Arkins, and Kim Clawson.
Wednesday (15th) meeting called to
order at 1300 hours. Present: Mike
Dutton, Carey Slauter, Eric Brown, Mike Tibbetts, Joe Marsh, Joel Thacker, Andy
Martindale, Chris Kindred and Kim Clawson.
- Chief
Dutton reminded the officers that a page is to be sent whenever a piece of
equipment goes in or out of service. Pages
should be sent at reasonable hours only.
- Chief
Dutton reminded the Battalions to be sure to send pages for open hours
occurring the following day. He
also requested that Chief Cassin install the Battalion Log on the computer
at station 52 if it is possible.
- Chief
Dutton stated that, at all times, the Battalion should know what is going on
on his scene. Therefore, before
you call an investigator in off duty, be sure to clear it through the
Battalion first.
- Kevin
Skipper will be conducting drivers trainings for a few shift personnel on
how to tow the trench trailer and how to properly use Grass 51 after it is
set up with a snow plow.
- Kim
reminded everyone that the Awards Banquet is Saturday, January 27, 2001 (B
Shift) at Valle Vista. Instead
of providing a designated driver, we will be reimbursing personnel (up to a
specific dollar amount) for taxi services if utilized.
If you have any suggestions, see Kim ASAP…the banquet is only 2
months away!
- Kim
stated that instead of having a regular staff meeting two days in December,
we will instead be having a staff luncheon one day.
Kim will notify everyone when the specific date/time/location has
been set.
- Expect
Chiefs Dutton and Brown to take several days off in December as their
vacation leave levels are high and they risk losing some of their time.
- As
soon as the contract is signed again, we will be able to begin work on
station 51’s sewer.
- Chief
Dutton will be meeting with our engineers on Friday to review the insurance
company’s repair proposal for station 52.
Once an appropriate repair means has been determined, work will
- Once
items 8 & 9 are completed, we will begin work on support piers for
station 52. If the ground is
frozen by this time, we will wait until spring.
- Station
53 update.
Construction, who contracted to do the metal roof at station 53, has been
dragging their feet and not getting work completed.
They have until Friday afternoon or they will be ordered off the job
site. If this should happen, Prince
Alexander has a back up contractor available.
Burnworth is no longer with Prince Alexander.
We should
know by Friday what the sewer status is.
- New
engine update.
Tank size
increased from 500 to 750.
Will be
housed at station 53.
station 53 opens, Chief Tibbetts is considering moving the Freightliner engine
to station 51 and moving the smeal to station 52 because of the numerous
mechanical problems with the Freightliner.
Tibbetts ordered all officers to stop allowing speeding in Engine 52.
- Chief
Tibbetts is working on obtaining a backup engine for us until the new engine
comes in.
- Kevin
Skipper has winterized Grass 51 and leaving the skid unit in the back for
added weight. He will also be
winterizing the boat motors.
- Chief
Cassin stated that we have started receiving our new computers in.
When they are up and running, they will have FireHouse 5.0 and
Windows 2000. He will be
conducting trainings on both the week of 11/20.
Please make every effort to attend, as the new FireHouse is extremely
different from what we are currently using.
- Joel
Thacker asked that discussion on the current career hiring process be kept
minimal. No one ‘has the
job’ yet, which is what current rumors have stated.
- Joel
is also planning the 2001 training schedule.
See him if you would like to teach a class.
He will focusing heavily on management classes for the officers.
He is considering making this a 16 hour mandatory yearly requirement.
- Bruce
reminded everyone that A&R is Wednesday.
- Bruce
is currently reviewing our medical direction and will be making a decision
- Rural
Metro seems to be slowing their responses to our runs considerably.
According to their records, they are arriving on the scene in 8
minutes or less only 60% of the time.
- Joel
stated that the new CO detectors are on the engines.
Only annual maintenance is needed.
- Peterman
Road is closed at the bridge and will be for 30-60 days.
- We
are still working with Johnson County on the 800 radio system.
- Discussion
on the appropriate way to handle Paramedics who threaten to drop their
affiliation and only work as EMTs.
- Discussion
on Haz Mat trainings. Chief
Dutton would like to see officers and shift personnel trained to the
operations level.
- Please
remember that Joel is ultimately in charge of the training schedule.
All courses/training events/recruit classes should be scheduled
through him.
- Chiefs
Dutton , Brown and Tibbetts, and Lieutenant Thacker attended a White River
Township Task Force meeting Tuesday, November 14.
The presentation they made was in preparation for our upcoming
meeting with Senator Borst in an effort to increase our maximum levy.
- Lt.
Marsh will be posting a memo stating that effective immediately, whenever a
truck is placed out of service for maintenance, Bobby at Stoops is to be
paged. He will ensure that we
are placed on top of the service list.
- Lt.
Slauter will be placing laminated cards in all the staff vehicles.
This card is a quick reference guide in the event that a non-safety
officer has to be put in a safety officer position.