White River Township Fire Protection District |
Staff Meeting |
August 22 & 23, 2000 |
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Tuesday (22nd) meeting called to
order at 1300 hours. Present: Mike
Dutton, Mike Tibbetts, Mike Combs, Eric Brown, Kevin Skipper, Scott Cassin,
Bryan Arkins, Joe Settles, Jim Taulman, Joel Thacker, and Kim Clawson.
Wednesday (23rd) meeting called to
order at 1300 hours. Present: Mike
Dutton Mike Tibbetts, Joel Thacker, Joe Marsh, Andy Martindale, Bruce Alexander,
Eric Brown, and Kim Clawson.
- Please
make every attempt, especially on weekends, to keep people out of Kim’s
office. Papers have been moved
around and things could be misplaced.
- The
Awards Banquet has been set for January 27, 2001.
Any suggestions or ideas, see Kim.
- Kim
has created a new report in FireHouse for personnel certifications, both
fire and EMS. The report shows
cert. numbers, expiration dates, and certification levels. The report can also be used to sort criteria it is given
(ie: all Paramedics or all
- Personnel
file formats have been changed to alphabetical instead of numerical.
Reminder, all personnel files are to stay locked in the cabinet or in
the conference room with supervision.
- Fire
Prevention job changes are as follows:
Education Lieutenant: Andy
Lieutenant: Jeff Wilson (also
handles scheduling and code enforcement)
Lieutenant: Casey Arkins (also
handles pre plans)
- Jeff
would like to come in on C-shifts to do inspections because he feels he’s
not able to dedicate the time to them when he’s on duty. Chief Dutton stated that Chief Brown could regulate this
himself, but to remember to use other inspectors (i.e.:
Casey on C-shifts) when possible.
- Station
53 update.
should be blocked today (8/22).
Rest of
bays should be poured today (8/22).
There had
been some concern as to whether the building was actually setting in the correct
placement in the field. After
measurements were taken last week, it is within a foot or so of being where it
should. This small amount will not
make a difference in the final project.
After the
foundation is finished, the committee will probably reconvene to discuss various
We are
approximately one week behind schedule at this time.
- Engine
53 update.
The City
of Indianapolis has awarded their bid to American LaFrance.
Our engine was bid at $249,000 and includes all the required NFPA
We are
still waiting on Brian Bosma to see if an inter-local agreement can be obtained
between us and the City. If no
agreement can be obtained, we will throw out all bids and re-bid the engine.
If an agreement cannot be obtained prior to 9/6, we will write a letter
to all bidders asking them to extend their bids by 60 days.
recent pump testing, it was requested that we get a 3 inlet monitor nozzle on
the new engine.
1500 gpm
pump and 500 gal tank.
- Chief
reminded everyone that all major purchases still need to get a purchase
order number from him PRIOR to placing the order.
- Johnson
County has agreed to hear the bond issue for the 800 mhz radio system on
September 11. Chief Dutton
urged everyone to attend and present themselves in uniform.
The department-wide computer upgrade is contingent on the 800 system.
- Special
operations trailer will be completed in about another month.
Trench rescue trainings will occur during September and October.
- Personnel
Schilling has returned from leave.
Gorman on leave until 10/1.
Dutton directed Kevin Skipper to notify Brian Skipper that he needs to arrange
his EMT class through Lt. Thacker.
Matt Ladd
has been released.
Stevens did pass his compensated test and remains promoted to compensated.
Kiefer is on leave until 8/31.
Kiefer is on leave until 9/30.
Manlove is on leave until 9/30.
Griffith has requested and been approved for a leave through Lt. Alford.
Griffith is on leave until 10/12.
Cesnik’s leave expired 7/23. He
has spoken with Chief Tibbetts and indicated a desire to return to active duty.
Chief Dutton directed Kim to send a reminder letter to him.
Coover is giving up his shift position.
- The
2001 budget will allow us to add a career Lt. January 1st and
additional manning for station 53 when it opens.
The 2002 budget will allow us to hire 3 additional career
lieutenants. If we are
successful in obtaining an increase in the maximum levy, we will be able to
make drastic staffing changes.
- Station
51 sewer connection has run into a couple of problems. 1) The developer of Water’s Edge is in the process of
upgrading the Turkey Pen lift station.
We cannot hook on until that is completed.
2) There are now some
easement problems that Kevin Kelley of Foresight Engineering is working with
our attorney Brian Bosma to get straightened out.
- Mask
fit testing is currently taking place.
See Carey for more information.
- Reminder
to all officers that there is to be a Safety Officer appointed at each
incident. Chief Dutton asked
Lt. Thacker to work with Carey Slauter and revisit training on the Safety
Officer program so that we are not so ‘limited’ in our selection on the
fireground to fill that position.
- Chief
Dutton inquired as to the location of equipment on both engines. After discussion, it was decided that equipment
placement would be reviewed on both engines and any future changes will be
brought to staff. Also, when
equipment is moved, it’s a good idea to post a memo and to put a note in
- Caporale
Posts has ordered the 4 ½” dry hydrant and will fit all of our equipment.
- Upcoming
commercial building projects in the district include Menards, Super Target,
second middle school south of Pleasant Grove Elem., and the St. Francis
Hospital office complex. Also,
Community Church of Greenwood is looking at building a facility to house 2
indoor soccer fields, 2 basketball courts, running fields, and possibly a
Christian extended care facility.
only, a hydrant has been installed at the entrance to Oak Meadows mobile
home community.
- Chief
Brown stated that he plans on waiting until after our new station and engine
are in service before inviting ISO to perform an inspection.
- If
any more burning is to occur at the station 53 site and the cadets are to
take part, it needs to be scheduled on a Saturday.
It also needs to be done before the remaining corn dries out and
creates too much of a fire hazard to do any open burning.
- Effective
September 1, Jory Cox will be the new Cadet Advisor, with Kevin Skipper
acting in a secondary advisor capacity as needed.
- Pump
testing will be completed as soon as everything is fixed.
Hose testing will occur during September and October.
Ladder testing will be performed in conjunction with Greenwood Fire
Department and will be around the first part of November.
After discussion, it was decided that next year it would be in the
Department’s best interest to perform in-house pump testing and ladder
testing. We will have to
check into borrowing weights from Center Grove High School.
- Kevin
Skipper is working with the Corporation’s Board of Directors on
technicalities regarding the special events trailer.
- Effective
immediately, the auxiliary and cadet programs will fall under the direction
of the Corporation’s Board of Directors.
The policy manual will be edited to reflect this change.
- Chief
Cassin reminded everyone that Greg Brown is still available as department
photographer – just call him.
- Chief
Cassin also reminded everyone that when there are computer problems, even if
it is on A & B shift, that he needs to be notified – not Chief Brown.
- Approval
must be obtained from Chief Cassin before any software is installed on a
department computer.
- Chief
Cassin is working on obtaining a service proposal from Nextel.
- Reminder
that it is the Battalion’s responsibility to start additional personnel or
the auxiliary when needed on a working incident.
- Lt.
Thacker let it be known that bad behavior during training sessions is
unacceptable and will not be tolerated, especially if it is other officers
misbehaving. Whoever the
training instructor is for that training session is ultimately in charge and
will be given the respect he deserves.
- Lt.
Settles asked that instructors plan ahead so that the lesson objectives are
- Watch
for an upcoming switch in the special operations and fire training weeks.
- Discussion
on sending companies out to perform reinspects at locations where the
occupants are less than happy with the fire department.
It was decided that Chief Brown will handle those that are determined
ahead of time to be confrontational. If the crews go out and encounter problems, they are to
simply walk away and let Chief Brown handle it.
- Joe
Marsh reported that we are having serious problems with missing equipment.
At this time, we are missing one pack, a mask off of Rescue 51, and a
headset from Tanker 52. Chief
Dutton instructed him to submit a list asap so that we can turn this in to
- Damaged
equipment is not getting reported. Please
report anything that is damaged!