White River Township Fire Protection District
Staff Meeting
April 25 & 26, 2000


Tuesday (25th) meeting called to order at 1400 hours.  Present: Mike Dutton, Mike Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Carey Slauter, Joe Marsh, Joel Thacker, Jeff Smith, Tony Slusher and Kim Clawson.

Wednesday (26th) meeting called to order at 1400 hours.  Present;  Mike Dutton, Mike Tibbetts, Mike Combs, Carey Slauter, Jim Taulman, Jason Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Bruce Alexander, Joe Settles, Jeff Wilson, Joel Thacker, Joe Marsh, Andrew Hedger, Brian Griffith, and Kim Clawson 


 1.      Chief Dutton is cleared for Battalion work tomorrow and will have it from 0800-2200.  Chief Cassin will have it from 2200-0800.  Chief Tibbetts is taking a vacation day. 

2.      Chief Brown gave an update on station 53.  Application has finally been made to the drainage board and to Indiana DOT for egress onto Smith Valley Road.  According to Prince Alexander, who has fired the person who was originally supposed to do this, we are only behind two weeks.  Best case scenario, we will break ground after May 23rd.  Otherwise, we will be waiting until sometime in July. 

3.      Lt. Slauter is now the official project lead on Engine 53.   

4.      The trench trailer is in.  Jim Taulman is sealing the seams and the floor.  When he is finished with it, it will go to TKO Graphics for striping.  It will be known as “Tactical Rescue Trailer”. 

5.      Tactical 52 will now be used solely for the purpose of providing air support.  Chief Dutton directed Lt. Thacker to make sure all of the special rescue equipment is taken off that truck and moved to Rescue 51. 

6.      Tactical 52 has a severe transmission leak and is to remain outside at all times.  There will be no more money spent on maintaining that truck. 

7.      The new grass rig is anticipated to arrive in August. 

8.      New battalion vehicle should be in this week.  The light package that is currently on the battalion will be moved to the new grass rig.  A new light package, matching that of Chief and Fire Prevention Tahoes, will be ordered for the new battalion.  The current battalion needs to be detailed and restored back to its original condition. 

9.      The golf cart trailer has been ordered and should be in in about 8 weeks.  The total cost will be $3,000.  The district is offering $1,000, the corporation is offering $ 900, and Lt. Skipper is confident that he can get the rest in donations.  The golf cart is currently at Kevin’s house to keep it protected. 

10.  Computer link between stations is progressing nicely.  Utilities are getting marked this week at station 52.  When that is completed, MPI will begin work. 

11.  Jeff Smith has been hired at Fishers Fire Dept.  He has given up his shift position and will be resigning from his Liutenant’s position because of the lengthy orientation program he will be required to go through and will not have the necessary time to dedicate to us.  The Reserve Lieutenant’s position will be posted.  Two potential candidates include Nick Alford and Casey Arkins.  Depending on who is chosen to fill that position, there may be some switching of current shift personnel between stations. 

12.  Chief Tibbetts would like to equip the Aerial and Rescue with RIT equipment.  After discussion, all in favor.  Now RIT bags are on A52, R51, and B5. 

13.  Station 51 sewer project should be completed sometime this summer. 

14.  Budget is still tight.  No extra expenses! 

15.  Air-vac system should be installed on April 26 for Aerial 52. 

16.  Effective immediately, it will be the responsibility of the 24 hour shift officer at station 51 to track the status of the ambulance and log it in FireHouse.  Entries such as “in and out all day” are not acceptable.  Use times! 

17.  After a recent run there, it was determined that Lot 50 Glendale has some serious life hazards that everyone should be familiar with.  The floor is extremely weak, there are numerous (12-15) large Oxygen cylinders inside, a propane bottle on the outside of the trailer is used to fuel the cooking stove in the kitchen, etc. etc.  FYI the occupants sleep by the door on the West end of the trailer.  Use extreme caution when responding to this location

18.  There has been some confusion regarding the status of our mutual aid agreement with Greenwood Fire Dept.  Chief Tibbetts will make contact with Chief Dhondt and let us know. 

19.  Lt. Alexander will be making copies of the new ALS protocols available to all department Paramedics soon.  Training will occur during May and they must be cleared before they can work June hours. 

20.  ALS equipment is NOT to be moved from Engine 52 to any other truck unless Engine 52 is mechanically out of service!  For trainings when Aerial 52 or Tanker 52 will be off station, send Engine 51 on EMS runs if you cannot make it back to station 52 in a reasonable amount of time.  If anyone has any better ideas, or can obtain a different ruling from the State EMS Commission, Chief Dutton will re-open this issue for discussion.  Aerial 52 will have a BLS bag and AED. 

21.  Chief Brown will be conducting an Investigator’s class late this summer or early fall for anyone interested. 

22.  Gas and Electric utilities want to be notified of any fire, regardless of size, in a structure due to potential liability problems. 

23.  There have been five new personnel hired to reserve ranks.  Rodney Shambarger has been promoted to compensated. 

24.  On a recent run, crews called dispatch and questioned the apparatus they sent on a run.  Do not call dispatch!  Just go on the run and question it later. 

25.  The 800mhz radio has been moved from E52 to Sta51. Whenever a unit would respond on a mutual aid run to Marion County, they had to take the 800 radio out of Battalion 5.  This should not happen – the battalion needs to keep the 800 radio with him for mutual aid responding to our area. 

26.  The 2200-0700 spot on the schedule is being deleted and will be a 1900-0700.  Not enough people were working that particular shift and therefore was too difficult to schedule. 

27.  Lieutenant Thacker is in the process of making revisions to the current training policy.  When he has finished, he will forward them to Chief Cassin for implementation.  Changes are as follows:

-         Personnel will be required to obtain 3 training hours/quarter each in fire, EMS and special ops.

-         If you are on duty, you must attend unless you’ve already had that particular training session that week.

-         If you are on station, you must attend training or you will be asked to leave.  No more “hanging out”. 

28.  All department personnel are to answer the telephones in a professional and courteous manner.  Battalions need to enforce this. 

29.  Everyone present at Tuesday’s meeting feels that it is necessary to place an AED on the Engine, as well as the 12 lead.  In the event that one of our Medics rides in to the hospital with our monitor, we still have one when we get another run.  Discussion will resume on this tomorrow when he attends. 

30.  Lieutenant Slauter stated that our new gear should be in around May 1. 

31.  Chief Brown gave an update on the 800mhz radio system. 

32.  If the money that we appropriated to be used for the purchase of new 800mhz radios is released, Chief Dutton will be requesting another “wish list” to be submitted at the June staff meetings.