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White River Township Fire Protection District |
Staff Meeting | |
February 22 & 23, 2000 | |
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Tuesday (22nd) meeting called to order at 1300 hours. Present: Mike Dutton, Mike Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Joel Thacker, Carey Slauter, Kevin Skipper, Jeff Smith, Bryan Arkins, Andy Martindale, and Kim Clawson.
Wednesday (23rd)
meeting called to order at 1300 hours. Present:
Mike Dutton, Mike Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Joel Thacker, Bruce Alexander,
Jeremy Pell, Scott Cassin, Joe Marsh, Jeff Wilson, and Kim Clawson.
1. Any officer can obtain a personnel roster through FireHouse by following these steps:
· Reports
· Personnel/Training & Activity Reports
· OK
· Printer
· OK
Because quarterly requirements have been changed to bi-monthly, training
hours must be entered in FireHouse by the end of each month!
This is the responsibility of the person teaching that training.
Lt. Thacker will issue a memo on this.
If you place a memo in the box at station 52 to be delivered to station
51, please be sure to mark whether it is a copy for the file or if it is a copy
to be posted.
Kim will be trying to update the personnel files during the week of March
6th. Please try to keep
interruptions to a minimum.
It was requested that next year we need to try to schedule the Awards
Banquet upstairs at Valle Vista, in the same room we’ve had the last two
years. This year’s event was held
downstairs and the dance floor separated two seating sections.
It was very difficult for speakers.
Unfortunately, this was our only option for rescheduling on this weekend
because a party of 500+ had all of the upstairs rooms.
This Thursday, 2/24, Chief Dutton, Eric Reedy, Brian Bosma and Paul Kite
will make presentation for Station
53 at a hearing of the State Board of Tax Commissioners.
It will then be approximately 3-4 weeks before it goes before the full
Board for approval.
Trench trailer has been ordered and will arrive within 4-6 weeks.
A big thanks goes to Jim Taulman for getting the specs for this, as well
as working with several different vendors on getting final prices.
On this same note, we have made contact with E-One who has stated that
any structural additions (such as a towing package for the trench trailer) we
make to Rescue 51 will void our warranty on that truck.
Therefore, Rescue 51 will no longer be used as a temporary towing
solution. We will, instead, try to
obtain funding to purchase the new grass rig now so that the trailer can be
towed. In the mean time, as an
absolute last case scenario, we will use one of the staff vehicles (Tahoes) to
pull it with.
The Air-Vac system should be in service soon for Aerial 52 and we will
see how it compares to the Plymo Vent system. This test will determine which system is installed in the new
station. We are currently waiting
on final bids to be returned by the electricians.
There are still several pieces of equipment that have not been delivered
yet for Aerial 52. As everyone
knows, it is leaving next week to be shown at FDIC. After discussion, it was decided that it would be best to go
ahead and install mounting brackets, etc. but leave our equipment here while the
truck is at the show. It’s up to
Hoosier Fire if they wish to place equipment on it to display at the show.
We do not wish to test the potential for the truck to return and have
equipment missing. Also on the
Aerial subject, Lt. Thacker has posted a drivers list of those people he feels
are qualified to drive it. He will not post a list that separates tip people from
platform people. We are looking at
putting it completely in service as soon as it comes back from FDIC and the
equipment is mounted.
Attorneys are still trying to work with our neighbor regarding the tie in
for station 51’s sewer. So far
this has been very unsuccessful.
Chief Dutton will be addressing the situation of Station 52 structural
piers at the District’s March 8 meeting. He would like permission to simply monitor the crack status
on the south wall and only sink the piers if it is absolutely necessary.
It is believed that the new construction to the south of the station will
help the situation. The District is adamant that this situation be resolved
Greenwood Fire Department has directed James Sipes to work with Chief
Tibbetts on the mutual aid/automatic response agreement between our agencies.
Chief Tibbetts has been requested to update a response list based on
Aerial 52 being placed in regular service. John Asher has requested that he have this list at least one
week prior to it going in service. This
includes automatic dispatch with Greenwood E-2. It also includes R51 responding to the trailer parks in place
of the Aerial.
Recent negotiations with Jim White of Rural Metro have stalled.
Mr. White has adamantly refused to cooperate with Chief Dutton, stating
that he will now only work with District Chairman Paul Kite.
He has also hedged on placing an ambulance in our stations because he
does not want to subject his employees to what he feels the fire department
employees would project as an “atmosphere of hostility”.
An agreement is still trying to be reached.
The final meeting of the White River Task Force will be held Thursday,
February 24. If the fire department
influence continues, this will provide an excellent opportunity to give us the
platform needed to try and increase the maximum levy by $ .295, thus allowing us
to go fully career.
Personnel issues. Tom Arkins
and Bob Cesnik have requested and been granted a six month leave of absence.
They will be moved to contractual status and will be issued a new unit
number. Also, Scott Terry has been
promoted from Reserve to Compensated. Congratulations
Chief Dutton stressed the importance of getting firefighters who are
“almost” cleared as chauffeurs to getting cleared as soon as they are
completely trained.
Budget issues. This year’s
budget is extremely tight. There
will be no additional funds until 2002 This year we will fill the C-shift
Lieutenant to take effect in 2001. It
is believed at this time that this position will need to be a Paramedic.
Station staffing will be 4-3-3 when station 53 opens.
Lt. Smith stated that he has been drafting a policy change for the hiring
process. Chief Dutton directed him
to take all hiring and policy issues through Scott Alexander.
Also, if any help is needed in drafting the policy, see Chief Cassin as
he is the person who writes the policy manual.
Cut-off date for accepting applications for the current reserve process
is 1600 hours on March 16th. Lt.
Smith stated that he would like permission to revise the agility test.
Chief Dutton approved this request, directing him to work with Lt.
Thacker on this and that the final process must be validated.
Chief Dutton directed Lt. Thacker to make sure EMS and Special Ops
trainings are scheduled in FireHouse.
Chief Dutton directed Kim to re-run the report that shows what shift a
person works the most. Shift
assignments and station staffing will need to be reviewed for 2001 and the new
Reminder that the 10 Year Plan will be reviewed at the next employee’s
meeting, March 6 at 1930 hours at Station 52.
Everyone is strongly encouraged to attend.
The FPDB’s next scheduled meeting is March 8 at 1900 hours at station
Apparatus should not have Speedway fuel cards on them any longer.
They should only have Meijer. If
you find a Speedway card, please turn it into the office.
Staff members who have a Speedway card should make sure they have the new
one (will say Speedway SuperFleet across the top).
Please avoid any unnecessary driving in Department apparatus because of
the current cost of fuel.
Chief Brown will be checking on the Summit Ridge Road vs. Summit Ridge
Drive in the maps.
New digital phones are in and are being programmed with auto dial numbers
at this time. Lt. Marsh has asked
that staff be responsible for programming their own phones as they know what
numbers they need in it.
Chief Brown has issued a memo that we will no longer be purchasing any
items from Uniform House, for several different reasons.
If employees choose to shop there, they do so at their own expense.
Lt. Wilson will be posting memos for the Strawberry Festival demos
(extrication, etc.). All officers
are strongly encouraged to attend and participate. Please ask the personnel in your platoons to do the same!
A strong officer showing is important.
Lt. Alexander announced that James Murphy has successfully completed his
Paramedic course and is now completing his preceptor requirements for us.
Lt. Alexander is in the process of completing the new protocols.
They will be submitted to Dr. Fried for approval.
Reminder that if our Paramedics perform a procedure that is outside the
realm of Marion County protocols, they will have to ride in with the ambulance.
Please remember to check EMS equipment after each run.
If possible, replace used items from their ambulance while it is on the
33. Chief Dutton approved Chief Cassin to have the antennas installed that will link computers at both stations.