White River Township Fire Protection District
Staff Meeting
November 23 & 24, 1999


Tuesday (23rd) meeting called to order at 1300 hours.  Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Mike Tibbetts, Chad Abel, Scott Cassin, Kevin Skipper, Jeff Smith, Joel Thacker, and Kim Clawson.

Wednesday (24th) meeting called to order at 130 hours.  Present: Mike Dutton, Mike Tibbetts, Eric Brown, Joel Thacker, Carey Slauter, Jeremy Pell, Dave Manlove, Joe Marsh, and Kim Clawson. 



1.      The Department has established a zero-tolerance policy regarding inappropriate internet use on Department computers. If someone chooses to use their own personal computer to download questionable sites, that is their choice. 

2.      Kim discussed menu options for the awards banquet in January. 

3.      December staff meetings will be December 14 & 15 at station 51.  Lunch will be provided both days at 11am – the staff meeting will begin at its regular time of 1pm.  RSVP to Kim, before December 8th, if you plan on attending the lunch. 

4.      Speaking of December staff meetings, come prepared to nominate Firefighter of the Quarter for Oct – Dec as well as Employee of the Year for 1999. 

5.      At tonight’s District meeting, we should hopefully be approved to proceed obtaining the loan for station 53.  Boring samples recently taken have indicated that we will need to pour a wider footer because it is mostly a sand/silt base. 

6.      $200,000 BIF update.  Finally obtained check from the State, which they apparently lost initially.  This was used to purchase the two Tahoes and begin the 800 mhz project. 

7.      $100,000 BIF update.  Has been approved…still waiting on check from the State.  Will be used to purchase an additional Tahoe, Power Point projector, ten sets of gear, new grass rig, and antennas to connect station computers. 

8.      Chief Dutton still needs a vendors list from Lt. Skipper and Lt. Marsh. 

9.      New crew duty worksheets are out.  Vast improvement has been seen at both stations, especially station 51.  Battalions need to review daily crew duties for the next couple of months. 

10.  Pump testing has been completed.  We are looking at options for weights before we can begin the ladder testing. 

11.  Discussion on pre plans.  Suggestion was made to create a checklist/update sheet for contacts which the companies would complete during inspections. 

12.  Still working on making a tandem boat trailer.  Needs to be completed ASAP. 

13.  Chief Dutton is trying to find out the remaining available funds in the Aerial account before we proceed with getting a trailer for the trench rescue equipment.  It will be towed by the rescue until such time that the new grass rig is purchased. 

14.  Personnel update.

Troy Wymer – rehired to compensated ranks.

Brian McRoberts – promoted from reserve to compensated

Andrew Hedger – promoted from reserve to compensated

Tim Smith – promoted from reserve to compensated

Megan Stoops – moved from cadet to reserve

Justin Griffith – hired as reserve

Edward Carlson - hired as reserve

Nicholas Swaim - hired as reserve

Scott Terry - hired as reserve

Matt Partain - hired as reserve

Mike Schilling - hired as reserve

Chris Kindred – will be promoted to compensated ranks, pending outcome of EMS practical. 

15.  Budget is still tight.  No unnecessary expenditures. 

16.  No complaints on PMT within the last two weeks. 

17.  Working with District Board on station 53 issues and  ironing out contract issues between District and Volunteer Corporation. 

18.  Wayne Fletcher is still working with Steve Preston (JCSD) on SWAT medic issues. 

19.  Once the Aerial comes in, the boats will be stored in the barn.  Grass 51 will be out of service and left outside.  Tactical will be moved to station 51.  Chief Dutton instructed Joe Marsh to see if the Jeep will fit behind the Tanker at station 52. 

20.  Mike Tibbetts is working with Jeremy Pell on getting various schedule issues worked out.  Medics will be moved, as the Battalion sees necessary. 

21.  New hourly requirement will be 72 hours, semi monthly.  Officers will still be required to meet 225 hours per quarter. 

22.  Scott Cassin mentioned that obtaining a dedicated phone line for the paging system will cost $660 per year, with a one time installation cost of $59. 

23.  If the Battalion takes care of filling open hours, it will be considered as an excused absence. 

24.  Engine crews are not to wait on scene for the ambulance to arrive and assume patient care.

 25.  Firefighter I/II class starting Tuesday.  Department trainings will be ‘played by ear’. 

26.  The Aerial should be arriving next month.  KME will be sending someone out to conduct a training on truck operations.  Joel Thacker and Mike Tibbetts will be establishing a training course on this as well. 

27.  Jeff Smith would like everyone to ‘keep an eye out’ for the new reserves and let him know how they are doing. 

28.  Eric Brown wanted to remind everyone that it is the responsibility of the officer on the engine to make sure that the report is entered in the computer. 

29.  Eric also wanted to remind everyone to fill out the appropriate paperwork on false alarms.  He says there have been several lately and he has yet to see the paperwork on these.  Any questions, see him.