White River Township Fire Protection District
Staff Meeting
October 26, 1999


Tuesday (26th) meeting called to order at 1307 hours.  Present: Mike Tibbetts, Kevin Skipper, Joe Marsh, Mike Combs, Mike Shoemaker, Jeremy Pell, Bruce Alexander, Dave Manlove, and Kim Clawson.

Wednesday (27th) meeting called to order at 1305 hours.  Present:  Mike Tibbetts, Tom Arkins, Jeff Smith, Eric Brown, Dave Sherfick, Joel Thacker, Sean Atkinson, Bryan Arkins, Gary Borden, and Kim Clawson, 



1.      Submit your ‘wish list’ for equipment to Chief Dutton prior to Friday, November 5.  Roughly $13,000 remaining to be spent.  (See #2) 

2.      Of the $100,000 BIF funds appropriated, we have spent approximately $87,000.  The 2000 Tahoes at state bid price will be approximately the same as the 1999 Tahoes (within $500 or so).  If we bid the grass rig before December 31, 1999, they will give us a 2000 vehicle at 1999 prices. 

3.      Chief Tibbetts still needs a vendors list from Lt. Skipper and Lt. Marsh. 

4.      New crew duty worksheets are out for both stations.  This includes apparatus cleaning schedules, as well as building/grounds.  See Lt. Skipper or Lt. Thacker if questions.  Also, along that note, Station 51 is not being kept as clean as it possibly could be.  It seems to mostly be happening on one shift.  Chief Tibbetts will talk to the other Battalion Chiefs and make sure this problem is taken care of. 

5.      Hose testing has been completed for this year.  Pump testing will be conducted this month.  We are waiting for weights to conduct ladder testing.  When the hose is tested, it will be tracked by ID numbers stamped on the female coupling.  If questions, see Lt. Marsh or Lt. Skipper. 

6.      Chief Dutton has requested that a six person committee (2 Chiefs, 2 Lieutenants, 2 Privates) be established for the design of station 53.  The committee consists of Chiefs Dutton, Chief Tibbetts, Chief Brown, Lt. Smith, Lt. Thacker, Gary Borden and Mike Combs.  

7.      Plot plans for station 53 go to the District Board on November 3rd.  They will review these plans and hopefully reconvene on or around the 9th to approve. 

8.      Discussion on scheduling of Paramedics.  Every effort will be made to schedule a Paramedic at station 51.  Lt. Pell stated that because of the number of priorities that he is given (Wilson must be at 51s, Sherfick must be at 51s, etc. etc.) it is not always possible to place a Medic at station 51.  We need to remember that we must do what is best for the community! 

9.      Discussion on pre plans.  Lt. Sherfick is currently working on a system that will be more “company-friendly”. 

10.  Chief Tibbetts asked Lt. Pell to begin drafting a job description for the position of Lt. Of Support Services.  When Chief Cassin returns from vacation he will be directed to work with Lt. Pell on this.  Getting this into a policy is priority at this time. 

11.  Discussion on placement of stickers on apparatus advertising the 2001 Police and Fire Games in Indianapolis.  Everyone agrees that they are a good idea, but perhaps a bit early.  Vote taken during Tuesday’s meeting to decide if they should stop being placed on the apparatus.  8 for stopping – 0 against – 1 abstension.  Vote taken during Wednesday’s meeting:  4 for stopping– 1 against – 3 abstensions.  No more stickers will be placed on the apparatus until it gets closer to the event. 

12.  Reminder, if you wish to schedule a training, please get it approved through Lt. Thacker first.  This is to avoid scheduling conflicts 

13.  Chief Tibbetts will talk to Chief Brown about a children’s tour that was scheduled at station 52 late last week.  Apparently, no PR materials were available to hand out.  We will try to get a key left in the lock  box for the PR closet. 

14.  Conference room attic access must remain locked at all times due to the sensitive documents that are stored within.  It was found unlocked Monday morning.  It is unknown how long it was unlocked over the weekend.



1.      Good job on this weekend’s trench rescue class!   

2.      Chief Tibbetts wanted to emphasize that there are no ‘special’ teams on the department.  Ie:  heavy rescue, trench rescue, rope rescue, water rescue, etc.  There are individual people who are trained in these areas -  we do not have enough people to form definite ‘special’ teams. 

3.      Lt. Pell discussed new hiring process that is being nationally validated by the IAFF.  The Kaiser has been removed.  There is a large, expensive list of new equipment that must be purchased to perform this process accurately.  He will be working with Chief Tibbetts on this.  We are looking at performing this agility test annually on our own people as well. 

4.      Lt. Alexander wanted to let everyone know that he has contacted Adult Protective Services regarding our frequent runs to 103 North Windmill.  We have been there 12 times in the last month.  Please be patient. 

5.      Lt. Alexander announced that almost all of our EMS equipment that we ordered with grant money has been received.  The new suctions are going back because the adapters do not fit our equipment.  Different ones were ordered in their place on Wednesday.   

6.      Upcoming EMS trainings:

·        Lt. Alexander is planning ACLS retraining in December. 

·        Lt. Slauter inquired on a PALS class.  Tom Arkins was contacted for this.  He still must teach a few more before he is cleared as a PALS instructor.

·        November will be mega code month.

 7.      Lt. Alexander stated that we have encountered problems obtaining drugs from CHI-East.  They are now requiring a DEA 222 form, but they’re not being helpful in telling us what this is or how to obtain one.  He & Tom Arkins are working on getting this straightened out. 

Lt. Alexander is working with Dr. Fried on new protocols.  The BLS will not change much, but the ALS will have significant changes.