White River Township Fire Protection District
Staff Meeting
September 28 & 29, 1999


Tuesday (28th) meeting called to order at 1327 hours.  Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Scott Alexander, Joe Marsh, Mike Tibbetts, Kevin Skipper, Joel Thacker, Carey Slauter, Jeff Smith, Mike Shoemaker, and Kim Clawson.

Wednesday (29th) meeting called to order at 1300 hours.  Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Jeff Wilson, Carey Slauter, Joel Thacker, Jeremy Pell, Mike Tibbetts and Kim Clawson. 


 1.      Personnel Changes.

Dave Manlove has been rehired to the compensated ranks.  Unit #95.

Casey Arkins has resigned from the position of PR Lt.

Jeff Wilson has been promoted to the position of PR Lt. 

2.      Budget is tight as usual.  Overtime management needs to improve GREATLY!  When firefighters are seen to be working overtime, they say that the officer told them it was okay.  Chief Dutton stated that if overtime management from the officers does not improve, he will assume the responsibility of making sure NO ONE gets into an overtime situation.  (This pay period alone grossed $2600 in OT alone.) 

3.      Apparatus updates.

*  Tactical 52’s radiator has been repaired.

*  Grass 51 has a new transmission and is NOT to be used to pull anything (i.e. Fire Safety House.)  Let the Tahoe pull trailers. 

*  Eric recommended getting sway bars.  Kevin will check on prices.

*  Kevin reminded everyone when they are pulling something, to be sure to adjust the brake actuator.  It varies with    
            each driving condition.  If questions on how this operates, see Kevin. 

4.      The first steps toward building the new station have been taken.  There were two meetings last week, each with a different architect.  Right now, it seems that our two viable options are Prince Alexander (Franklin’s New Police Station)  Seinfeld (Franklin Twp. Fire Headquarters).  Hopefully we will receive some type of definite direction from the District Board at the October 1 meeting.  We would like to start building by March 2000 and move in December 2000. 

5.      The District Board will be meeting October 1 during the Induction Ceremony of the new career employees.  At this meeting they will discuss Station 53, PERF resolution, and $150,000 appropriation of funds from BIF. 

6.      Chief Dutton, Greg Cafauros who is an attorney in the same firm as Brian Bosma, and Sharon Baxter (neighbor) met last Friday to discuss tying Station 51 into her sewer.  As soon as that project is completed, we will begin work on sinking structural piers under station 52.  Any excess money will be used to purchase new living room furniture for the stations. 

7.      $200,000 BIF money recently approved will be used for the purchase of two new Tahoes and getting us set up on the 800mhz system. 

8.      Chief Dutton would like a ‘wish list’ from each officer regarding possible expenditures for the $100,000 BIF money which will soon be approved.  Please turn these lists into Chief Dutton by the end of this week (October 1).  Some ideas include:

-  Ambulance.

-  Finish the 800 system.

-  Power Point Projector
  Purchase third administrative vehicle (Tahoe).

-  Purchase new grass rig.

-  Purchase trench rescue response vehicle which will pull their equipment trailer.

                        -  Trench rescue trailer.

-  System to electronically connect both stations.  (Scott Alexander to

                           work with Scott Cassin on this.)

                        -  Bruce has requested two 12 lead EKGs, however Chief Dutton has not seen enough support from the other
                        Medics for this.

                        -  Qualitative Fit Tester.

                        -  Hose Tester.

                        -  Pump Tester.

-  Kaiser machine.


9.      PMT Update.  Effective today, when M51 goes out on a run, we do not ask for the second medic from them.  If you don’t hear them on the air, call for Rural Metro.  It is the engine officer’s responsibility.  Joel will post a memo on this.


10.  Joel will be reviewing the status of outstanding tuition reimbursements and will let Chief Dutton know.  Joel will also be keeping closer track of all future reimbursement issued. 

11.  Eric issued a memo for all officers to follow to make sure we obtain all pertinent information on runs.  See him with questions.  ATTACHED. 

12.  New command tree will be posted after October 1st

13.  Hose testing will begin in October. 

14.  After discussion it was agreed that bumper lays on both engines would be 100’ with an extra hose roll located in a compartment (not in the trough). 

15.  Joe Marsh stated that we need a set of metric air sockets.  Chief Dutton is awaiting a PO from Joe for the purchase of these items. 

16.  Mike Tibbetts will be issuing a memo and policy regarding being off station late in the evening (i.e. for late night dinner/errand runs).  We need to cut our fuel costs.  Eric will look into the option of utilizing the school’s fuel station. 

17.  Carey Slauter requested that the policy manual be placed on all computers in a read only format.  It seems that very few actual policy manuals around the stations are up to date. 

18.  Jeff Smith gave an update on the reserve division.  Reserves are back up to twenty positions and he will have this hiring process completed by the end of October, hopefully allowing the new hires to start sometime in November. 

19.  Joel requested that all officers begin enforcing the grooming policy. 

20.  Chief Dutton will be directing Bruce Alexander to find out the status of Ray Werts. 

21.  Joel apologized for the confusion this past weekend which resulted in the much anticipated trench rescue class being cancelled.  Although he was out of town, he assured everyone that this would not happen again and he will take care of whatever the confusion was for this past weekend. 

22.  Minimum staffing on the aerial will be 4 people. 

23.  Joel and Kevin are working together to develop and post a standard cleaning list for both stations. 

24.  Joel reminded everyone that, while on station, the Plymovent is to stay attached and all apparatus are to remain plugged in. 

25.  Reminder that if you are the officer of the day to assign run duties at each station. 

26.  Scott Alexander announced that they are close to completing the supplemental agreement and all necessary corresponding policy changes. 

27.  Congratulations to Scott & Dana Alexander who will be expecting an addition to their family sometime in May!! 

28.  Submit suggestions for Employee of the Quarter by Friday to Chief Dutton. 

29.  Mike Tibbetts announced that no one is to send him pages asking when the schedule will be out.  He apologized for the lateness of the October schedule and stated that it was because of all the changes coming into effect 10/1. 

30.  It was requested that a second memo be posted so that all employees are very clear on the new 72 hours per two months work rule.   

31.  Mike Tibbetts mentioned that he may be looking for someone to help with the schedule because  Jeremy Pell has stated that he’s not sure if he will have the time to do it anymore. 

32.  Mike Tibbetts stated that all trainings will become more structured and, beginning January 1, he will be asking for a yearly training schedule from all department heads. 

33.  Reminder!  Be sure to know where you are going before you leave the station on a run.  CHECK THE MAP BOOK! 

34.  Joel was directed to contact Tina at the National Fire Academy to find out the status on an upcoming Terrorism response class. 

35.  Chief Dutton will be contacting Chief White of Bargersville Vol. Fire Department to discuss his concerns over the automatic aid agreement that Chief White forwarded to us.  This agreement basically states that we will automatically respond only to commercial structures north of 600N and south of 700N. 

36.  Joel mentioned that the International Association of Firefighters has new procedures for conducting hiring processes.  He will work with Jeremy Pell to get these. 

37.  Still waiting for PHTLS cards from Ray Werts.  Bruce is following up on this. 

38.  Chief Dutton will be meeting with Eric Reedy, Scott Alexander, and Jeremy Pell  to discuss the budget for the volunteer corporation. 

39.  Jeremy Pell and Scott Cassin are working on a job description for the Support Services Lieutenant. 

40.  Mike Tibbetts discussed a misquote that recently appeared in a local newspaper.  He will be submitting a correction notice to them and apologized for the confusion.