White River Township Fire Protection District
Staff Meeting
July 27 & 28, 1999


Tuesday (27th) meeting called to order at 1000 hours.  Present: Mike Dutton, Mike Tibbetts, Kevin Skipper, Joel Thacker, Carey Slauter, and Kim Clawson

Wednesday (28th) meeting called to order at 1000 hours.  Present:  Mike Dutton, Brian Griffith, Mike Tibbetts, Jeremy Pell, Jeff Smith, Scott Cassin, Eric Brown, Mike Shoemaker, Bruce Alexander and Casey Arkins. 


 1.      Now that all career employees have completed their PERF physicals, the FPDB will sign off on them at their meeting 7/28 and the physicals will proceed to the PERF board downtown.  All have accepted their conditional offers of employment with the exception of Jeremy Pell, who is still considering it.

 2.      Chief Dutton directed Joel to contact Tim Schwartz of Hoosier Fire to find out the status on the aerial and when we can expect our first invoice. 

3.      Chief Dutton has been trying to obtain 1999’s budget from Eric Reedy so that we know where we stand with expenditures.  Once he gets this determined, he will look at purchasing a confined space equipment trailer for Lt. Abel’s division. 

4.      Steve Swails is re-ordering the motors for the boat.   

5.      Kevin Skipper and Mike Hoffman are working on a trailer for the Zodiac. 

6.      Looking at sending our people to water rescue school in South Bend or Brown County.  Ropes are on back order.  Joel is comfortable with the status of our static water rescue operations. 

7.      Trench rescue equipment is in with the exception of the wood.  Joel feels that we will start training on this now.  Water rescue training will be held later. 

8.      Chief Cassin inquired on the status of loose equipment which is lying around the stations.  Chief Dutton stated that we have a terrible equipment tracking system which needs to be worked on.  We also need to do better reporting at shift change. 

9.      Chief Cassin has suggested the addition of more shift people to cut down the amount of overtime hours worked.  Unfortunately, this will take more hours away from people who are not assigned to a shift.  Some of our current shift personnel are not ‘motivated’.  Joel suggested re-structuring all shift work to 12 hours shifts (instead of 5hrs or 8hrs) with weekends mandatory.   

10.  There have been several instance lately of non fire department personnel wearing department uniforms.  This must stop!!  Chief Dutton will direct Chief Cassin to issue a memo on this. 

11.  When Battalions go off station, please make sure Kim knows. 

12.  Quarterly reminders are to be mailed to employees, not left in their mailboxes. 

13.  Be sure to note the due dates at the top of each edvaluation.   

14.  Nominations for last quarters Firefighter of the Quarter. 

15.  Watch for photo IDs starting soon. 

16.  There will be a new format for the roster.  Unfortunately, it’s three pages now instead of two, but it cannot be helped.  Any questions or suggestions, let Kim know. 

17.  Make sure training courses and attendance get into FireHouse. 

18.  Instructors…please make sure the conference room is ready for the next group using it.   

19.  Chief Dutton is looking at ways to adjust the evaluation form starting October 1st because current active members are not able to obtain a 3% raise. 

20.  Lt. Marsh is out on a back injury. 

21.  Chief Dutton is looking for replacement house officers for station 51 during Lt. McKee’s leave of absence. 

22.  Supposedly, Brian Bosma is drafting an agreement between the Department and our neighbor regarding tying into their sewer.  Once this project is complete and the final costs are known, work will begin on shoring station 52. 

23.  Lt. Tibbetts announced that ten reserves were placed on the roster effective July 24.  Seven of the ten have EMT or EMTP and three of those seven need their 24hours and they will be ready to work.  Hopefully this will help with open shifts. 

24.  Kevin Skipper is helping with small equipment maint. Issues during Lt. McKee’s leave of absence. 

25.  Capt. Thacker asked that the uniform policy be rewritten to allow White River or BDU shorts and white tennis shoes when it’s over 85 degrees.  Also during yard work.  Chief Dutton will direct Chief Cassin to complete this. 

26.  Capt. Thacker would like to see two qualified firefighters on apparatus when one goes out for special events (parades, etc.).   

27.  Capt. Thacker will be issuing notices regarding an offer to join Prime Time Fitness at a reduced rate.  There are many benefits to this, but Chief Dutton will not make it mandatory for the career personnel.  Members can go there when they are on duty as long as this privilige doesn’t get abused. 

28.  Chief Dutton directed Lt. Tibbetts to work out a daily duties sheet for both stations and post at each station. 

29.  PMT may be canceling their contract with us.  Chief Dutton stated that we still have many options, including managing PMT for them. 

30.  Capt. Slauter mentioned that people are repeatedly losing equipment (gloves, nomex, etc.).  He will be working on a tracking system to make sure this doesn’t get abused. 

31.  Chief Brown gave a report on the White River Development Task Force. 

32.  Chief Brown stated that there is on updates on the ISO proceedings. 

Reminder that when Chief Dutton is covering as the Battalion, he must be sent a page so that he knows to respond on Battalion runs!