White River Township Fire Protection District
Staff Meeting
June 22 & 23, 1999


Tuesday (22nd) meeting called to order at 1300 hours.  Present: Mike Dutton, Bruce Alexander, Eric Brown, Casey Arkins, Dave Sherfick, Mike Tibbetts, and Kim Clawson.

Wednesday (23rd) meeting called to order at 1300 hours.  Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Kevin Skipper, Dave Sherfick, Scott Cassin, Mike Tibbetts, and Kim Clawson.


1.       Mass Casualty Incident worksheets have been created by Tom Arkins.  Look them over and let him know what you think.  Bruce will check with Gary Borden on MCI tags. 

2.       Physical agility test will be completed this Sunday at 1300 hours for Reserve candidates. 

3.       Mike Tibbetts would like to work with Jeremy Pell on implementing a policy change that requires Reserves to be formally evaluated every three months.  

4.       When Mike Tibbetts becomes one of the Battalion Chiefs on October 1st, we will need a replacement for the position of Reserve Lieutenant.  He recommended Jeff Smith because he has shown maturity and responsibility on shift at station 52.  Please direct any other suggestions you may have for this position to Mike Tibbetts or Jeremy Pell.  When the position officially becomes vacant, it will be posted, per policy. 

5.       Chief Dutton stated that we need to begin thinking about what officers you want remaining after October 1. 

6.       Reminder, now that we are paying “by the schedule”, battalions are responsible for knowing who is working at each station and making the appropriate schedule changes. 

7.       Bruce Alexander recently posted a memo requesting that any Paramedics who would be interested in being part of the county-wide SWAT Medic team to let him know.  Bruce is looking for people with at least 5 years experience as Medics.  We are sending 8 of our Medics to CONTOMS classes in August and September.  August will be Abel, Fletcher, Slauter & Griffith.  September will be Alexander and three others.  Dave Kelley has already completed this class elsewhere.  Chief Dutton has requested funding from the Emergency Management Advisory Board for training.  

8.       Medic 52 has been removed and their office at station 52 has been returned to Joel Thacker to use as he sees necessary.  We have been given permission to use their fax machine as long as it remains there.  The phone line will stay as well.  We are still not ready to go to our FPDB requesting an ambulance.  There are too many things going on right now. 

9.       Chief Dutton directed Chief Cassin to look into the possibility of allowing personnel to use their own computers on the dedicated line at station 52 for internet access. 

10.   Budget update:  tight this year but we should be okay next year.  We will be given another $40,000 to use for capital expenditures. 

11.   FPDB update:  nothing is official because their last meeting was an executive session (closed meeting).  In theory, 3 Battalion Chiefs (Cassin, Pell, Tibbetts) and 2 Lieutenants (Alexander, Thacker) will start October 1, along with Eric Brown.  They feel that they will have trouble funding anything more than that.  Chief gave permission to Mike Tibbetts to contact Butch Sutton to set up a meeting with the AUL people so that PERF/retirement issues can be discussed.  The next regularly scheduled meeting of the FPDB will be July 8 at 1900 hours. 

12.   Chief Dutton recently attended a meeting with Dan Maples and Jim White.  Two of the options discussed  were combining both departments into one Fire Territory or creating a Government Center near the high school.  He has stated that he will not pursue any of these avenues if it means we will lose the SR135 corridor. 

13.   Effective immediately, Battalion 5 or any Chief officer shall be the only persons who will have the authority to call Eric Brown in after hours for fire investigations.  

14.   Eric would like to remind everyone that the investigator is in charge of the arson scene…not the deputies.  Do not let them remove evidence!  In case of arson fires, notify Brown, Sherfick, Coover, or Arkins. 

15.   Casey gave an update on the Strawberry Festival.  It will be this Friday from 4pm – 10pm and Saturday from 10am – 10pm.  Shorts are allowed as long as they are presentable and of White River issue. 

16.   Bruce mentioned that we recently received an EMS grant from the state for $1206.00.  Tom Arkins has created a list of MCI equipment that we need.  Bruce would also like to see us purchase training mannequins.  We have to match an additional 75% of expenses to receive the grant. 

17.   Chief Dutton would like to see Bruce meet with Harry Watson of Community South and see if we can improve our education support from them. 

18.   Remember, no pages are to be sent between the hours of 2200-0800.  This will be posted in a memo at each station. 

19.   Employee driving records are due in before June 30 or the employee will not be allowed to work July hours.  Those persons still remiss:

Operations Division

            J. Marsh            McKee             Stratton            Shelley              Reynolds            B. Skipper

            Shoemaker        Ladd                 B. Kiefer            R. Skipper            Murphy             McRoberts

            Weihe               Taulman

Training Division

            Mourer             Alford               Crawley (on leave)            Marcum            Kelley               Hart

Fire Prevention Division

Harder                Wiegle              Miller (on leave)            Beck (on leave)