White River Township Fire Protection District
Staff Meeting
May 25 & 26, 1999


Tuesday (25th) meeting called to order at 1300 hours.  Present:  Mike Dutton, Casey Arkins, Eric Brown, Joel Thacker, Mike Tibbetts, Carey Slauter, Jeremy Pell, Gary Borden, Joe Marsh, Kim Clawson.

Wednesday (26th) meeting called to order at 1300 hours.  Attendance not recorded.


1.      Jeremy Pell discussed results of a schedule survey he sent out recently.  Of the 60+ that went out, only 19 were returned.  Of those 19, 11 said they could work a longer shift.  Therefore, effective 7/1/99, the schedule format will be changed to show the longer shifts.  Everyone agreed that Jeremy has the authority to schedule personnel in those positions as he sees fit.  Minimum staffing will be three people at each station.  

2.      Joel Thacker suggested implementing an officer develop program.  We have been having increasing discipline problems on station, especially where crew duties are concerned, and very little is being done to correct the situations.  This isn’t only the privates, it’s the officers too. Officers need to support each other!  Chief Dutton said that this would hopefully subside when the full time Battalions come on July 1st, but that he would consider this type of program.   

3.      Joel gave an update on the EVOC course we are currently conducting.  Sara Harris was the only student to receive a perfect score. Joel stated that this is something that is being considered for annual testing.  Chief Dutton mentioned that he would like to see an annual pump operator testing as well. 

4.      Carey Slauter stated that he and Casey Arkins are the only personnel who are authorized to distribute the new turnout gear.   

5.      Personnel status changes effective 5/26/99.

Todd Budd:               resigned

Lara Stratton:            from Auxiliary to Reserve

Brad Kiefer:              from Reserve to Compensated

Gary Borden:            from Reserve to Compensated

Mike Combs:            from Reserve to Compensated

Sara Harris:              from Cadet to Reserve

Angie Kerry:             from Cadet to Reserve

Todd Miller:              on leave until 7/1/99 

6.      Chief Dutton gave an update on the hiring process.  Unofficially, the Chiefs are Pell, Cassin and Tibbettts.  The Lieutenants are still being discussed.  Chief Dutton would like to see three Paramedic Lieutenants hired and allow those who are at the age cut off for PERF to get into it with our first process (where the age limit will be waived this one time).  The Lieutenants eligibility list will be effective until 2001.  Chief Dutton has a meeting with Paul Kite on Wednesday 5/26 to make a list of final recommendations to the FPDB on their meeting June 2nd.  

7.      Jeremy Pell stated that the Corporation’s Board of Directors has not had a chance to discuss any changes to the By Laws.  Their last meeting was to discuss the 40-hr work week rule, which he said took several hours.  By Laws discussion is on their priority list. 

8.      Chief Dutton stated that this year’s budget it tight, but next year’s will be even tighter.  He needs to meet with the Corporation’s Board of Directors to emphasize the need for Booster Club support of operations issues instead of purchasing of nonessential capital outlay items. 

9.      Chief Dutton asked Joel Thacker to help with validation of physical agility test.  This is to be priority #1!!  Savitsky is sending down the necessary materials.

 10.  We have a choice of purchasing crack monitors ($15.00 each) at station 52 or investing in bracing piers which would be buried under the building and attached to the footer.  These piers cost approximately $1,000 each and we have been told that we will probably need 4 of them.  Everyone agreed that it is in our best interest to proceed with the bracing piers. 

11.  We are still working on tying in with the neighbor’s sewer connection for station 51. 

12.  Gary Borden has been given permission by the Taylor’s to implement an upgraded pay scale beginning June 1st.  This will allow for the hiring of better qualified personnel. 

13.  After the mock drill conducted at North Grove Elementary on Monday, it was determined that none of our apparatus have MCI equipment on them.  Gary stated that he found new packages of tags in the closet downstairs and has placed them on R51, E51, and M51.   

14.  Jeremy Pell stated that we have not been getting extra ambulances lately for coverage.  EMAS dispatchers have been calling the stations asking if the ambulance has responded.  Gary will talk to the Taylor’s about this. 

15.  Joel Thacker stated that the Johnson County Sheriffs Department is looking at implementing SWAT Medics into their SWAT team.  They have specifically asked for White River FD medics.  They will send our medics who are chosen to a CONTOMS class in July.  Joel emphasized that this is strictly in the early stages of discussion and nothing has been ‘set in stone’.  He meets with Rupe on Thursday and will know more then. 

16.  It was agreed that the Engine officer is ultimately responsible for making sure his crew’s reports are completed.  If there is patient contact, an EMS report MUST be completed.  A better determination needs to be made as to exactly what constitutes “patient contact”.   

17.  After recent, SERIOUS problems with the cadets, a mandatory meeting has been called for tonight (25th).  It will be recommended that Kyle Davis be released immediately and that certain others are put on probation and monitored intensely.  The entire program, if it continues, will be placed under scrutiny until it show improvement.  (UPDATE:  5 cadets were suspended for two weeks and Kyle Davis was released.) 

18.  Joel Thacker stated that we will be conducting trainings on Safety Officer and PIO functions.  Watch for more information on these. 

19.  Eric Brown asked everyone to keep an eye on the caller ID’s on the station phones.  We have been receiving a lot of false calls into the station.  For example, someone calling into the station to report an accident.  When the crews arrive nothing is found.  This has been happening on a regular basis.  Please watch the caller IDs! 

20.  Casey Arkins informed everyone that the Strawberry Festival will be June 25 (4p-10p) & June 26 (10a-10p) at Sugar Grove Elementary.  There will be an extrication drill on Saturday where Lifeline will be present to assist.  Casey said there will be a sign up sheet posted soon for participants. 

21.  Mike Tibbetts recently sent letters for all 28 applicants on file with us.  Only 12 went through the oral interviews and only 7 of those are truly potential candidates.  He still has to put them through the agility test before a final determination is made. 

22.  Jeremy Pell spoke with Tim Schwartz who said that we are still ‘on schedule’ for the Aerial. 

23.  Joe Marsh stated that people need to start putting Friday truck checks into FireHouse.  It is the battalions responsibility to make sure that both companies are doing data entry into FireHouse. 

24.  More of the equipment has arrived and we will begin water rescue training around mid-June. 

25.  Discussion on the dimensions that were given for the new headquarters and each of it’s rooms.  Mike Tibbetts volunteered to help Scott Cassin with getting more accurate measurements before this goes to an architect. 

26.  Scott Cassin is drafting a policy on driver’s license status requirements.  We are also handing out consent forms with payroll which will allow our insurance company to perform drivers checks on all our employees. 

27.  Bruce Alexander gave EMS division updates:

·        There is new criteria for report writing.  See him with questions.

·        Dr. Fried seems very receptive to the idea of using paralytics and 12 lead EKGs. 

·        If you are interested in participating as a SWAT medic, please let him know ASAP.