White River Township Fire Department

Staff Meeting *  March 23 & 24, 1999


Tuesday (23rd) meeting called to order at 1000 hours.  Present:  Mike Dutton, Chad Abel, Scot Cassin, Mike Tibbetts, Joel Thacker, Joe Settles, Kim Clawson, Joe Marsh, and Jeremy Pell.

Wednesday (24th) meeting called to order at 1000 hours.  Present:  Mike Dutton, Jeremy McKee, Kevin Skipper, Casey Arkins, Brian Griffith, Kim Clawson, Jeremy Pell, Mike Tibbetts and Carey Slauter.




1.        Jeremy Pell proposed a change to the shift hours on the schedule.  Officer, firefighter, and battalion positions would be from 0800-1900 and from 1900-0800.  The third firefighter position would be from 0800-1700, 1700-2200 and 2200-0800. These would be awarded on seniority and would not be a shift person.  Jeremy would like to send out a questionnaire to the membership but would like to have the backing of the staff.  We must do what’s best for the Department and the Community and hopefully this would solve training issues and open hours issues.  Chief Dutton stated that there are three tentative issues:

a)       It will be up to Brian Bosma whether we stay with a 56 hour work week or not.

b)       Will we lose people because they refuse to work a set 12 hour shift?

c)       Will we be forced to change the quarterly requirements because it will be harder for people to obtain their minimum hours?

Jeremy will issue a survey to the membership seeking their input.  Staff is in favor.  Jeremy mentioned that he has been cautious in assigning shifts to personnel because of the upcoming changes with career battalions.


2.        Proposal made to change to smooth bore nozzles.  Increase GPM, decrease PSI, easier to handle, safer, etc. etc.  All in favor.  We will need to address pump operation issues in training.  Crosslays and the 2.5” lines will be made smooth bore.  All remaining nozzles will keep the fog tip on them.  The lid covering the bumper lay on Engine 52 will be removed.


3.        Chief Dutton stated he wanted trash lines on both engines to be a minimum of 150 feet.


4.        Jeremy Pell will issue guidelines for recording absences in Firehouse that require follow up discipline.  Battalion 5 and company officers should follow through with the discipline completely rather than referring it to the employee’s Lieutenant.


5.        All schedule changes are to have follow through paperwork!


6.        Joe Settles and Rick Taylor have been auditing each EMS run report.  The new EMS Lieutenant will continue this.  Audit and Reviews have noted that our narratives need work.  YOU document what YOU do.  Dr. Fried wants to see continuity in patient care when he compares our report to PMT’s report.  Chief Dutton stated that he would like to see monthly Paramedic meetings.


7.        Training instructors do not realize that they must record attendance at trainings.  Night and weekend people are still not receiving ample training.  Original objective was for each person to receive 3 hours per month.  Everyday trainings are not working for numerous reasons.  Scott suggested having Monday, Tuesday, Saturday trainings and alternate each week between fire, EMS, and special ops.  All in favor.  Leave it up to the instructor whether he/she wants to require the same person to attend both a.m. and p.m. trainings on the same day.


8.        Andy Martindale has returned from his leave of absence and will begin working hours.  Lori Roberts has resigned.  Jerry Harder, James Murphy, Tony Slusher, and Wayne Fletcher have requested to be moved to compensated.  Approved, pending successful completion of the Compensated Promotional Exam.  Ray Werts is on suspension until 4/15/99.


9.        Request from Mike Tibbetts and Brian Griffith to be moved to the Battalion list.  Thacker will develop a table top scenario. 


10.     Chief Dutton requested that Chad provide him with current prices for everything on Chad’s priority list for the truck bid funds.


11.     Grass 51 is back in service.


12.     Brian Bosma is reviewing the PMT contract. Butch Sutton will have to sign it because contracts now fall under the responsibilities of the FPDB.


13.     The budget has been split during the transition from Department to District.  Most of the operations expenses have been moved to the District and the Department will keep most of the personnel expenses (i.e.:  payroll).


14.     Minimum requirements for upcoming career personnel:

Battalions                                              Lieutenants

8 years in fire service                           5 years in fire service

Tactics, or NFPA equivalent              Tactics, or NFPA equivalent

Management, or “                          First Class, or        

2nd Class Instructor, or “                   EMT, Indiana or Nat’l Register

EMT, Indiana or Nat’l Register          2 years as line officer

5 years as line officer


15.     Discussion on hiring process of career battalions and lieutenants.  Chief Dutton’s tentative plan is as follows:

3/29 – Announce hiring and begin receiving applications for 3 Battalions & 3


4/17 – Application deadline.

5/01 – Written exam.  First part is for Lts.  Second part is for BCs and to be completed

           only if you wish to be considered for a BC position.  From this the top 20 finishes

           on the Lts exam will move to the interview.  The top 10 finishes on the BCs

           exam will move on to the table top scenario and interview.

5/10 – Oral interview week.  From this the top 10 Lts and the top 5 BCs will advance to

           the final interview between Chief Dutton and Paul Kite.  At this point,

           consideration will be given for degrees, etc.

6/01 – Final candidate list to FPDB.

Chief Dutton will be requesting all six new hires be allowed to go through PERF at the same time, eventhough the Lts may not start until January 2000.


16.     Carey Slauter wanted to remind everyone that NO PAGES FOR OPEN HOURS ARE TO BE SENT AFTER 2200 HRS!  This will be noted in the newsletter.


17.     Station 52 now has a designated smoking area -> behind Tanker 52 in the yellow striped area.  Officers are responsible for making sure the use of ‘butt cans’ is enforced.


18.     Mike Tibbetts is working on improving the Reserve division and hopes to have it functioning at 100% by the end of April. 


19.     The next reserve process is tentatively scheduled for April.


20.     Brian Griffith mentioned that we have been using a lot of EMS supplies lately.  Chief Dutton instructed him to work with Tom Arkins on maintaining adequate stock at both stations.


21.     Brian also stated that PMT is hiring full time employees so we will be seeing new faces around soon.


22.     Schedule for the live burns has been posted for some time now.  Please make note of the dates.


23.     The next FPDB meeting is scheduled for 4/6/99 at 7pm at station 51.  Chief Dutton will be introducing the proposal for Station 53 at the May meeting.