White River Township Fire Department
Staff Meeting * December 15 & 16, 1998
Tuesday (15th) meeting called to order at 1300 hours. Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Jeremy Pell, Joe Marsh, Casey Arkins, Kevin Skipper, Metika Beck, Jeff Wilson, Todd Budd, Joe Settles and Kim Clawson.
Wednesday (16th) meeting called to order at 1300 hours. Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Mike Hoffman, Jeremy McKee, Chad Abel, Troy Wymer, Scott Cassin, Joel Thacker, and Kim Clawson.
1. Chief Pell gave Aerial and Equipment update. Subcommittee recommended KME at meeting with FPDB on 12/9. They will close on the loan later this year and we will receive the truck around November of 1999. Included in the specs were NFPA fire equipment, air bags, rope equipment, boat, two outboard motors, etc. The reason this was done so quickly is because we needed to get something in this year in order to generate enough CAGIT money in 2000 for on duty personnel at the new headquarters building. Neither the aerial, nor any of it’s equipment, will be going in service until all personnel are properly trained.
2. The turnout gear has to be sent out to bid. However, our requirements are extremely specific.
3. E-One has requested a meeting between their representatives and Chief Dutton. Chief Dutton refused. They have also written a 6 page letter listing reasons why we should by an E-One Aerial instead of a KME. KME has written a 20 page letter in rebuttal. Brian Bosma and Butch Sutton have directed the subcommittee to meet with Tim Schwartz of KME to validate the points made in his letter.
4. Discussion on current standings with FPDB and their hiring of full time employees. Chief Dutton must become their employee first. He has two priorities which must be worked out with them first: job security and benefits/salary. Once those issues have been addressed the transition should be as smooth as possible with little to no change in the operations of the department.
5. Jeff Wilson asked whether the current battalion position on the schedule would be moved over to the engine once the full time battalions started. Chief Pell stated that it was still unknown at this time.
6. PMT has the possibility of extending their services to Greenwood Fire Department. Preston & Griffith are working on the details now. If this happens, Medic 52 will go to Greenwood Headquarters and Wayne Fletcher has offered to respond as the third medic truck when needed, until 1800 hours. After 1800, the third medic truck would be at station 52. Chief Dutton, at the direction of staff, will not accept Wayne Fletcher in an ambulance by himself. This allows too much of a potential of shorting manpower on one of our trucks.
7. Lt. Settles announced recent problems getting SORs. They must be attached to the run report!! If PMT is obtaining the SOR, then it needs to be documented in the narrative of the report! When entering runs into FireHouse, “Provider impression” was 99. Now there are four choices. Overall documentation of reports at this time is good. However, if SORs do not start getting turned in with the reports, disciplinary action will be taken against those personnel responsible.
8. Effective immediately, engines are to take SORs when possible instead of PMT.
9. Mike Combs has had a request from a Channel 8 photographer who lives in our district to obtain a pager and begin showing up on our runs to shoot video. Chief Dutton directed Casey Arkins & Eric Brown to address this matter.
10. The issue of Cars 14 & 15 were addressed by Chief Dutton. Car 14 was assigned to PMT Operations Chief Brian Griffith and Car 15 was assigned to PMT Operations Assistant Chief Joe Marcum. This is part of the contract. Chief Dutton will post a copy at each station.
11. First apparatus on the scene of a serious incident must assume command. When the battalion arrives on the scene, he will then assume command.
12. Need for Jake brake on Engine 52. Chief Dutton stated that a main priority at the first of the year is to install them on both engines.
13. Chief Dutton asked Chief Brown for an update on ISO progress. He stated that he is waiting on the Maintenance Division to finish their portion of it, along with Bargersville Utilities.
14. Chief Dutton is working with Representative Frizzell on a one time, permanent, $.11 increase in the tax rate and on obtaining $800,000 in Build Indiana Funds for the aerial.
15. Chief Dutton stated that, starting 1/1/99, all fire equipment items to be purchased will be required to have price comparisons from three different companies, with the purchase going to the cheapest out of the three unless otherwise approved by him.
16. Lt. Settles inquired on the status of the MCI plan as presented at the October Staff Meeting. Chief Dutton stated that this has not been a top priority due to the numerous other projects going on. He directed Lt. Settles to put it into the proper format and he will try to work with it at that time.
17. Chief Brown announced that the main server crashed last week and that any data entered within the last two weeks or so has been lost. He instructed all officers to make sure they check for lost data and get it re-entered ASAP.
18. No update on the 800mhz radio system.
19. Chief Dutton requested that everyone having projects utilizing B.I.F. money submit a list to him of items completed/purchased along with the prices.
20. Chief Dutton will ask Captain Slauter to research OSHA regulations on mandatory requirement of PlymoVent system for smaller vehicles (i.e.: ambulance, tactical, grass rig, etc.).
21. It was reported that Carey was checking into the viability of the old airbags. Supposedly you can’t use them after they are eight years old. Chief will touch base with him on this.
22. Discussion on Kevin Johnson’s status as a battalion personnel. Chief will have Jeremy Pell speak to him about his lack of attendance at staff meetings and why he is being removed from the battalion list.
23. Chief Dutton announced that we will be awarding an “employee” of the year for 1998 instead of “firefighter” of the year, which should be used only on extremely special cases. Voting form will go out with first payroll in January.
24. Discussion on Firefighter of the Quarter for Oct – Dec 1998. Brian Reynolds suggested. Any other suggestions must be submitted to Chief Dutton PRIOR TO December 23 when a final decision will be made.
25. Meeting adjourned.