White River Township Fire Department

Staff Meeting *  August 25 & 26, 1998


Tuesday (25th) meeting called to order at 1300 hours.  Present:  Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Joel Thacker, Joe Marsh, Jeremy McKee, Joe Settles, Troy Wymer, and Mike Shoemaker.

Wednesday (26th) meeting called to order at 1307 hours.  Present:  Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Carey Slauter, Jeremy McKee, Kevin Skipper, Casey Arkins, and Wayne Fletcher.





1.        Personnel.  Jerrod Myer as been terminated for violation of Policy #108 Group III, Sub Section (b).


2.        Reserve Lt. Wymer states that a hiring process will be completed in September.  The hiring committee, which consists of Mike Tibbetts, Scott Alexander, and Brian Griffith will assist.  Personnel selected and in need of training will receive the class room instruction beginning in October.


3.        A cadet advisor will be selected soon with hopes of returning that program to active service.


4.        Reminder to Ladder Committee that bids are due to the FPDB attorney by next week.  This will include all equipment tied with that bid (bunker gear, Plymovent, etc.).  Lt. Marsh stated that they are almost ready to present to the FPDB sub committee.


5.        Decision to add apparatus and equipment to duties and responsibilities of station Lieutenants approved.  Both will receive Meijer cards assigned to their respective stations for purchasing of supplies.  Changes to equipment shall still be approved by C2.


6.        Lt. Settles shall design and implement a preceptor program for new paramedics (Jeff Campbell and Mark Hart) so that they can start receiving stipend when they are cleared.


7.        Chief Dutton met with the owners of EMAS.  They are applying for ALS sponsorship from Johnson Memorial Hospital.  If they are successful they will not pursue PMT.  However, PMT can still pursue affiliation with Community, and if successful, they will start placing resources into PMT for operations in the WRTFD area.


8.        Tanker 52 has been placed in service, effective August 25 with close to 98% of equipment mounted and 75% of chauffeurs turned over to drive.  Boat 52 is waiting on helmets and gloves then it will go in service as well.  Carey will work with Joe Marsh on adding lights for the vests to the list.


9.        Captain Thacker wants all Battalion personnel to realize that he purposely schedules repetitive trainings (water rescue) for a reason.  Just because all personnel have already taken the training is not a reason not to drill on the same subject again.


10.     Cars 9 & 10 were reminded of the amount of money spent to fix equipment due to unacceptable Preventive Maintenance schedules.  They are to work  on a better system that will encompass both apparatus and small tools.


11.     The following policy changes for EMAS M51 will take effect September 1, 1998.  EMS related calls, no change.  Box assignments with report of a fire, no change.  All other incidents, shall proceed to the location non-emergent behind the engine.  The only time personnel working for EMAS shall consider firefighting activities is when changing out with the medic on E52.


12.     C5 report that he has potentially 7 structures for live fire training.


13.     Discussed current affiliation with Community Hospital and their interpretation of EMS Commission rule regarding changes in training which took effect June 15.  We will try to gather as much information as possible and as it applies to Paramedics and bring it back to the medic meeting to decide whether we will change sponsorship or not.  Any decision made will be based on what is best for WRTFD and not on personality conflicts.


14.     800 MHz system on hold for approximately 6 months.  We may have to go through legislation for permission to use 911 funds for radio.


15.     Senior staff is working with Joe Pitcher to draft up a merit system or personnel policies for full time employees.  The FPDB must first declare themselves a ‘unit’ (government entity) under home rule or get a favorable ruling that they can hire firefighters and initiate PERF.  C1 checked with Greenwood as to how their volunteer contract with the city read.  It states that only the volunteer corporation shall provide qualified/trained firefighters to fill compensated ranks and that they all come under the direction of the Fire Chief.


16.     Critique form is out and will be kept on battalion.


17.     MDA drive will be 9/5 and 9/6.  Casey has posted a sign up sheet at each station.


18.     Coover has resigned from the Battalion list.


19.     After August timecards are entered in the computer, Kim will issue a minimum requirement list (hit list).  YOU MUST NOTIFY YOUR PERSONNEL IN WRITING IF THEY MAY NOT BE MEETING THE REQUIREMENT.


20.     No further new business and meeting adjourned.  Next staff meetings will be September 22 & 23.  Agendas are due to Chief Dutton before September 18.