White River Township Fire Department

Staff Meeting *  July 21 & 22, 1998


Tuesday (21st) meeting called to order at 1314 hours.  Present:  Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Jeremy McKee, Casey Arkins & Kim Clawson.

Wednesday (22nd) meeting called to order at 1307 hours.  Present:  Eric Brown, Scott Cassin, Dave Sherfick, Kevin Skipper & Kim Clawson.





1.       Critiquing all significant incidents will begin immediately and can be done on any level (company, battalion, department).  This will be done whether the incident went well or poorly.  Joel is working on a form to keep all critiques consistent.


2.       Personnel dismissed:            Jim Jackson, Jennifer Brouwer, Eric Tresslar, Joe Green

Personnel moved:                Chris Kindred (cadet to reserve), Lara Stratton (cadet to reserve), and Brian Skipper (cadet to reserve)

New hires:                          Gary Borden, EMT-P from EMAS


3.       PMT is working on changing the Incorporation papers to show Brian & Loretta’s names instead of Wayne & Sonny.  They have a meeting schedule this Thursday (7/23) with Steve Grammer of Community Hospitals.  Also on an EMAS note, there has recently been some trouble with their management sending employees home early then not calling Rural Metro for a 2nd ambulance when we need one.  That has since been resolved.


4.       Still no change in budget status.  Hopefully in September we will receive permission from the FPDB to spend approximately $50,000 in Capital Expenditures.


5.       FPDB update:  an aerial committee has been formed and is currently working on specs and Eric is currently working on Station 53 project.  Tug Sutton resigned from the FPDB effective 7/15.  Eric found out this morning that it is on the Commissioner’s 7/27 agenda.


6.       New ICS worksheets have been issued to all officers and battalions.  If there are no changes to be made, copies will be placed on the Battalion.


7.       Kim presented new Victim’s Assistance brochures.  The program itself hasn’t changed since it’s inception.  Any questions, see Kim or Marian.


8.       We will begin securing utilities on the fireground up to the breaker box.  Only in an extreme emergency will we pull the meter.  Carey is working on getting us properly trained for this situation.


9.       Jeremy Pell will be issuing a memo stating that only two engines and a battalion will be responding to an automatic fire alarm, whether residential or commercial.  See item #12 below for changes to box alarms.  If another truck is staffed, it can respond as well.


10.   We no longer respond to animal assists.  If Animal Control is on the scene, we will respond.


11.   Jeremy Pell will be issuing a memo stating that we will no longer mark on the air to go off station.  The crew will verbally notify battalion 5.  If you get a run while you are out in the district, mark where you are responding from. 


12.   Commercial box alarms are now an aerial and three engines, and residential box alarms are now an aerial and two engines.  Jeremy Pell will issue a memo on this.


13.   Proposal to have only two maintenance entries per day.  One at 0700 and one at 1900.  This will hopefully alleviate errors and exclusions.


14.   BATTALIONS!!  When you come on duty, evaluate who you have at each station.  If it is anything less than satisfactory, make changes!  If you have 3 or 4 medics at station 52 and only 1 at station 51, do some moving of personnel!  Use common sense and think ahead! 


15.   Along that same line, we will be conducting company officer training sessions so that if someone works as the officer, they will know what is expected of them.  This includes operation of the MECA radio and map reading.


16.   Chief Dutton commended everyone on a job well done at the training facility last weekend.  He did express concern as to why the cadets were not more involved and is having Jeremy Pell discuss this with Nick Alford.


17.   Also, reminder that if something is dirty to clean it!  If it takes 2 or 3 days to get a truck back to where it needs to be, so be it…just don’t let it drag on forever.  If it is consistently one person then the problem will be taken care of.  But don’t be any quicker than you normally would be in putting it down on paper.