White River Township Fire Department
Staff Meeting * June 23 & 24, 1998
Tuesday (23rd) meeting called to order at 1324 hours. Present: Mike Dutton, Eric Brown, Troy Wymer, Steve Coover, Joel Thacker, Mike Shoemaker, Joe Marsh, Carey Slauter, Scott Cassin, Jeremy McKee, and Kim Clawson.
Wednesday (24th) meeting called to order at 1308 hours. Present: Mike Dutton, Andy Martindale, Casey Arkins, Dave Sherfick, Eric Brown, Jeremy Pell, Joe Settles, and Kim Clawson.
1. Reminder that Jeff Wilson is not on the battalion’s list.
2. Request to consider Matt Ladd’s father as Department Chaplain. He is currently GPD’s Chaplain. It will be referred to the membership at the July 6th meeting.
3. Nominations for Employee of the Quarter should be made, in writing, to Chief Dutton, no later than 7/1/98.
4. Any receipts resulting from the purchase of vehicle maintenance should have a vehicle number on the invoice.
5. Battalion 5 and all staff officers shall notify Kim when leaving station 51 during normal business hours.
6. Lara Stratton has requested to be transferred to Reserve status from Cadet status. No discussion. Lara will be placed on Reserve roster immediately. There will be more personnel changes (those personnel not meeting minimum requirement) after June 30.
7. We are on line with the budget, but still no extravagant expenditures.
8. We will still be in this situation with EMAS for another month. They are currently trying to obtain sponsorship, through the new company (PMT) for two transporting trucks (Medic 51 & Ambulance 17). They meet with Steve Grammer tomorrow.
9. Last FPDB meeting was June 16 at which time they endorsed the ‘concept’ that they would hire three Battalion Chiefs and the Fire Marshal. They also unofficially endorsed needing a station 53. We have heard that Tug Sutton will be moving out of the district on or around July 13, which will create an opening on the District Board. Also, there needs to be some clarification on the Build Indiana Fund monies received (as to when we can spend it).
10. Captain Thacker addressed a proposal to change the chauffeur policy. Attachment A After the White River class is completed, the student will have the opportunity to challenge the NFPA Driver/Operator exam if he/she so chooses. Hoping to have this started within the next couple of months. Chief Dutton has requested that anyone who has been “rushed” through the original process to drive, be required to attend this class in order to continue their driving privelege.
11. Captain Slauter addressed a proposal to allow personnel to wear nomex jumpsuits in place of gear on extrication runs. Each employee will have to provide their own suit if they wish to do so. Jumpsuits will increase mobility, decrease heat stress, increase work effort, and lengthen the life of the turnout gear. Problems foreseen include: 1) damaged suits would be replaced by Department’s insurance; 2) if there’s flammable liquid on the ground bunker gear would be required (decided by officer), and the need for consistency on Department identification and reflective striping. Joe Settles requested that this policy be extended to Wildland Firefighting as well. All in favor. Carey will research this and report back at the July staff meeting.
12. Captain Thacker announced that training exercises will be performed at the training house on SR135 this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. All personnel are requested to meet at station 52 at 0800hrs.
13. Chief Dutton inquired on the status of placing Boat 52 in service. Still not enough people have been trained on it and it has taken a lower priority until the training house is burned.
14. Lieutenant Marsh requested than any problems with the new rescue be reported to him immediately since the final inspection is coming up.
15. Jeremy Pell has met with John Asher regarding a recent incident with one of their dispatchers being extremely rude to on of our Chiefs. Reminder that we don’t allow dispatch to direct policies to us. Therefore, if they tell us to evacuate the station and stage in the district during a storm, we do not do so unless the on duty officer orders it. Along the same lines, the officers and battalions are in charge of Medic 51. EMAS personnel are not to dictate to you what they will and will not do. Use common sense.
16. Whenever Captain Slauter is in the office, he will be using the tactical for transportation, unless there is a full crew for all trucks at station 52. Also, Chief Dutton would like to see all of the Auxiliary’s rehab equipment placed on the tactical, room permitting. Lt. Marsh will take care of.
17. Lieutenant McKee requested that when any small equipment goes out of service that he be notified by pager and that a note be put in FireHouse Software. Chief Dutton directed him to issue a memo on this.
18. The 800 mhz system has been approved by the Commissioners and will now go to the County Council, who will review the request to raise the 911 surcharge to pay for this system. Afterwards, the system will go out for bids.
19. Division Chief Pell will issuing a policy stating, that in case of a major fire incident, the battalion is responsible for completing the report. Any other (minor) fire incident, it will be the responsibility of the officer on the first arriving engine. EMS run reports will be the responsibility of the primary care giver.
20. Division Chief Cassin announced that the Smith Valley sewer project is proceeding and there will be a meeting held June 30 to finalize plans.
21. Lieutenant Wymer apologized to all present for the lack of planning for this year’s Health & Safety Fair which was extremely unsuccessful. Chief Dutton informed all officers present that Lt. Wymer has been placed on probation, effective immediately, and will be monitored by Division Chief Pell.
22. It was mentioned that “No Trespassing” signs should be posted at the training house ASAP for liability reasons. Kim will make them today.
23. Tanker chassis went on the assembly line June 15 and they have 60 days to complete it.
24. Division Chief Pell has issued policies on dispatch and truck responses. Both have been given to Dispatch and he will post copies today at each station.
25. Division Chief Pell has created a new command worksheet. Attachment B. Please review this, mark any changes you would like to see, and return to him no later than July 10. The final revision will be available at July’s staff meetings.
26. It is time to re-emphasize to house officers that they are responsible for their station each shift. Battalions and officers need to enforce this.
27. No further new business. Next staff meetings are July 28th & 29th at station 51. Agendas are due to Chief Dutton no later than 24th.