White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

June 3, 2008


District Board Members Present:

Rev. Jim Dodson

Butch Sutton

Jon Raker


White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present:

Jeremy Pell

Eric Brown

Joel Thacker

Jim Engmark

Mark Hart

Casey Arkins

Jason Bailey

Darryl Slevin

Crystal Young


Others Present:

Jeff Logsdon

Steve Dyson


Note:  Motions are italicized and in blue.



Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.




  1. Approval of Minutes from May 6th Meeting
    1. Butch Sutton motions to approve the minutes.  Jim Dodson seconds.
    2. All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Financial Update
    1. The financial report in the packet was wrong and a new copy has been handed out.

                                                              i.      The copy shows the CAGIT distribution for the $792,596 received.

                                                            ii.      Personal Services (10000)

1.      The category is down overall $55,000.

2.      Part-time wages and wages other is slightly over but under budget overall.

                                                          iii.      Building Maintenance

1.      Currently the account is under budget for the first time in a long time.  Jeff Smith is doing most of the labor himself which is keeping the cost down.

                                                           iv.      Vehicle Maintenance

1.      The 20000 (Supplies) category is still over but the 30000 (service) category is under by $15,000.

                                                             v.      The department is keeping an eye on utilities.

                                                           vi.      Overall the department is under budget.

                                                         vii.      Mr. Dyson asked why PTRC (CAGIT) was $113,000 instead of $86,000.  Chief Thacker stated that historically it is not balanced when it comes in.

    1. Balance Sheet is on page 16.  (Assets and Liabilities listed as of May 31st)
    2. Capital Outlays are listed on page 19.

                                                              i.      The budgeted amount for Station 51 is close to being closed out.

                                                            ii.      The department is still under budget in the Cum Fund Outlays due to the fact that the 2008 budget has not yet passed.  Most large projects have been put on hold until the budget has passed.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Sutton asked if the department will have a cash flow problem if the budget is not passed.

1.      In one projection the account will get down to approximately one million but the department should be in good shape.


  1. Old Business
    1. Rescue Truck update

                                                              i.      The truck has been advertised and Chief Pell has contacted those who were interested and there is still interest and has already received a bid.  Bids will be opened on 6/10 at 3:00pm.

                                                            ii.      If there is an acceptable bid Chief Pell will e-mail the board with the bid and ask for a preliminary approval to keep things moving between the 6/10 opening and the 7/1 Board Meeting.

1.      Mr. Logsdon stated that it is okay for the board to give an informal approval to keep the project moving then make a formal motion at the next meeting.

2.      Mr. Dodson stated that the board will do the approval and acceptance of the bid in the next meeting.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Sutton asked for the projection of expenses on the project.

1.      Chief Pell stated that the department expects $80,000 for the truck and the project should cost $40,000.

2.      The money levied in the Cum Fund ($670,000) for a new truck will not be spent.

3.      The worst case scenario is the department receives $0 for the truck and has to spend $40,000 to retrofit the TSU.

4.      Anything received over $40,000 is actually income.

                                                           iv.      Chief Pell reiterated that the bid opening is on 6/10 and if there is an acceptable bid he will send an e-mail to the board listing the bids and requesting an informal ok to proceed.

    1. 2009 Budget

                                                              i.      Mr. Dyson stated that he has the information that the department has worked on over the last couple of months.

1.      He does hope to have the figure on Salary and Benefits so he can plug them in for the July meeting.

2.      He stated that if they keep it around 4% increase overall there shouldn’t be any issue for the long run.  More may not work if the revenue does not meet expenditures.

                                                            ii.      Mr. Dodson asked how the projection for income over the next year affects the 2009 budget.

1.      Mr. Dyson stated that there will be a $1000 decrease due to House Bill 1001.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Sutton asked where they were with Paul on a recommendation.

1.      Mr. Dodson stated that what was sent in the e-mail as a range of increase was 2-3%.

a.      He also stated that Dr. Shufflebarger relayed to him a suggestion of 2.5-3% in total benefit.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Combined wages and healthcare.

b.      Mr. Dodson stated that he and Mr. Kite were comfortable with 3% for combined salary and healthcare.

                                                           iv.      Mr. Sutton asked how many peer groups get the extra third paid for retirement.  He believes that figure never gets counted.

1.      Chief Pell stated that the salary survey tells the percent of pay into PERF.

2.      Mr. Dodson stated that it doesn’t list many.

3.      Mr. Sutton believes that White River is paying more due to the fact that the department pays the entire 6% of the Employee portion of PERF and would like to see the numbers on that.

a.      Mr. Dodson stated that the Employer share is 21% and the Employee share is 6% but that the department pays the entire amount and finding another department that pays that 6% is very rare.

                                                             v.      Mr. Dodson also pointed out that the departments vary on vision and dental insurance coverage.

1.      Mr. Sutton suggested “lumping” it all together and it’s the employees’ choice as to how they want to use it.

2.      Mr. Dodson stated that White River employees pay their own Dental and Vision.

                                                           vi.      Of the 34 departments reporting back, 7 of them the employee pays nothing, the department picks that up.  17 departments the employee pays 6% and the other 7 departments the employee pays between 3-5%.

1.      Mr. Sutton stated that it is not germane to this discussion but it needs to be included in the entire discussion as to where the department falls.

                                                         vii.      In reviewing the spreadsheet Mr. Dodson stated that the right half of the column shows the entire salary.

1.      Mr. Sutton still sees PERF as a salary benefit.

2.      Mr. Sutton believes that Dr. Shufflebarger’s suggestion was good and should be considered since he has more experience in this than the rest of the board has.

3.      Mr. Sutton believes the entire benefit should max at 3%.

a.      Wages, insurance, and retirement.

4.      Mr. Sutton asked what the column for taxes meant.

a.      Chief Pell stated that those are federal taxes, our part of Medicare since the department does not pay Social Security on career employees.

b.      Mr. Sutton reiterated that the categories to be included should be salary, 6% retirement, and health insurance.

c.      Tuition assistance, clothing, physicals and life and disability should not be counted (other benefits).

                                                       viii.      Chief Pell sent both the extended and shortened version of the spreadsheet in an e-mail.  Mr. Dodson would like Chief Pell supply the extended version to everyone for the meeting.

1.      When looking at the staff there is a variance between the levels of positions and percent of benefits.

a.      Across the board increases have been given in the past and 3% of $40,000 is not the same as 3% of $80,000.  The difference between ranks is not equal and they need to be leveled to where they need to be.

b.      Mr. Raker wondered if the % is on each level or should everyone get % based on spread.

2.      Mr. Dyson asked about the spread and how it came about, was it an average of all departments.

a.      Chief Thacker stated that there was research done but not sure exactly how just that it was compared to other departments and job responsibilities were also taken into account.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Also the increase was enough to have an incentive for an Lt. to go to a Capt.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      The exact breakdown was done by Chiefs Tibbetts and Cassin.

b.      Mr. Dyson asked if the department was still comfortable with the spread.  Chiefs Pell and Thacker believe they are fair and are comfortable with them.

                                                                                                                                      i.      He stated that he will calculate 3% to each rank then he will take one salary rank at 3% then take salary spread up and down to see what the difference is.

                                                           ix.      Mr. Sutton stated that it should be 3% of total salary, HSA and insurance and Employee deposit into PERF.

1.      Mr. Dyson stated that he will calculate the increase in salary by 3%.

a.      Medicare will automatically go up 3%.

b.      The Employer portion of PERF has also decreased from 21% to 19 ½%.  The employee 6% has stayed the same.

c.      Mr. Sutton stated that the increase in Medicare is a cost of doing business.

                                                                                                                                      i.      He would like something put together showing what the department gets paid that doesn’t overlook the 6% the employee gets for PERF.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      The spread helps by showing where we fall salary wise.

                                                                                                                                  iii.      Chief Pell stated that the health survey shows that the department pays close to the bottom for excellent coverage.

1.      He stated that it would be not be difficult to include the salary survey information with the health insurance survey for the pared down list of departments since the information is already available.

                                                             x.      Last year salaries were 65% of the budget.  This budget overall 74-75% of the budget is personnel costs.  (pg. 2 of the PowerPoint)

                                                           xi.      Mr. Sutton motioned to increase 3% of total salary, health insurance, and the portion of the retirement the department contributes for employees (PERF).

1.      Mr. Dyson stated that for PERF contribution is $13,508.  The employer contribution percentage drops to 25.5% and adding in the 3% raise the category may decrease.

2.      Mr. Raker would like to see the figures on how that affects the numbers. 

3.      Chief Pell calculated rough numbers adding 3% to the contribution is approximately $1500 for a first class FF salary ($50,000) 25.5% takes PERF goes down to $13,166.  Mr. Dyson’s logic is correct that the contribution will go down.

                                                         xii.      The motion was pulled and a suggestion for Mr. Dyson to work the numbers was recommended.

1.      Mr. Dyson will increase the salaries 3% (he will also look at the spread) and 3% on insurance while everything else will stay the same.

                                                       xiii.      The increase in insurance will be roughly 20%.

1.      That will be approximately $1000 per year increase to the employees.

2.      Mr. Dodson has spoken to Mike Gaunce concerning the insurance increase.  He said that increases are jumping all over the place and 20% would be a safe number to consider.

3.      Mr. Sutton reminded everyone that there was a 7 or 8% increase last year when no one else received one.  He just believes that it needs to even out this year.

                                                       xiv.      Mr. Dodson asked Mr. Dyson to e-mail the completed budget to the board and Ms. Leminger.

                                                         xv.      Mr. Dodson also asked Chief Pell to get the information that Mr. Sutton requested.

1.      He will show how PERF fits in and how White River compares to other departments.

2.      Chief Pell will show how our salaries and insurance benefits compare with others.  Mr. Dodson and Mr. Kite asked him to compare to specific departments for the insurance so he will use the same list for the total comparison.


  1. New Business
    1. 2009 Budget presentation to the Johnson County Council

                                                              i.      John Price has called and asked about HB 1001 and the effects on the department.

1.      He also recommended White River contact the council and invite the members to our meetings.

2.      Chief Pell has drafted a letter to send to the council members and has included it as the last page of the packet.  He has also extended it to the commissioners.

3.      Chief Pell believes if any of them attend it would allow everyone to have a better handle on our budget by the time it is presented to them.

4.      Mr. Sutton is fine with the letter and believes it is a good idea to let them know.

    1. 2008 SAFER grant for personnel

                                                              i.      Chief Pell has done the background work and would like to re-apply and has considered hiring a grant writer.

1.      He has contacted one grant writer and was quoted $1,500.  She is confident and has been 80% successful.  He also has a contact at Brownsburg and will ask for assistance.

                                                            ii.      Chief Pell would like approval to submit for the SAFER grant and $1500 to hire a grant writer.

1.      Jon Raker motions to permit Chief Pell to spend up to $1500 for a grant writer to complete the SAFER Grant application.  Butch Sutton seconds.

2.      All in favor and motion carries.

    1. Other New Business

                                                              i.      June 13th & 14th is the Strawberry Festival

                                                            ii.      Mr. Dyson stated that he will be out of town June 26-29 but can still be contacted by e-mail.

                                                          iii.      Chief Pell will also be out of town the last week of June and can also be contacted by e-mail.

                                                           iv.      Mr. Dodson stated that he has had a couple of people comment on the department and on what White River is doing and how they are doing it and would like the department to keep up the good work.


  1. Adjournment
    1. Meeting adjourned at 8:06 by Rev. Dodson.


  1. Next meeting will be July 1, 2008 at 7 p.m.