White River Township Fire Protection District


Pre-Meeting Report for June 3, 2008


Compiled May 29, 2008



Old Business

  1. Tricia Leminger is working on the contract for the Station 53 sewer project.  She anticipates that is will be completed this week.

  2. The Runyon Rd. property has been advertised for sale.  I have contacted all of the interested parties from the previous process to notify them of this process.  There is still some interest.  I am showing the property on this Friday.  The bids will be opened on June 30th at 2:00 p.m.  

  3. No new information on the property for Station 54.

  4. No new information on the negotiation over JE Mechanical’s contract.

  5. The old Rescue 51 has been advertised for sale.  I have contacted the companies that have shown interest in purchasing that vehicle.  The bids will be opened on June 10th at 3:00 p.m.  I would like to email the District Board with the bids and request approval to move forward with that project pending a reasonable bid.

  6. No new information on the ambulance service.  The Johnson County Fire Chief’s Association is continuing to work with Rural Metro and the elected officials to improve service.

  7. The salary and benefits subcommittee and I have met to review the 2009 budget information and to discuss the 2009 salary and benefits.  I emailed the information to the District Board earlier this week.  I will be prepared to answer questions regarding the 2009 budget at the June meeting.

    New Business

  1. I had a meeting with John Price from the Johnson County Council two weeks ago.  He wanted to discuss the impact of HB 1001 on the budget process for Fire Protection Districts.  John recommended involving some of the Council members in the budget process prior to the formal presentation to the entire Council.  He suggested sending a letter to the Council inviting them to attend the Fire Protection District Board budget meetings.  I would also like to extend that same invitation to the Johnson County Commissioners.  I have discussed this idea with Jim Dodson and drafted a letter to those elected officials.  Jim also suggested that we provide additional information to the Commissioners and the Council such as the Board minutes and the premeeting report.  I will present the drafted letter to the District Board at the June meeting and request approval to send it.

  2. The 2008 SAFER grant application period has been announced by FEMA.  The application period is from May 27th through June 27th.  I will request to apply for this grant for personnel again this year.  We have been doing some background work to prepare for this grant.  I have contacted a grant writer to find out costs and success rates.  The Senior Staff and I believe that a professional grant writer could improve our changes of successfully obtaining this grant.  I will have more information at the June District Board meeting.


The next meeting is Tuesday, July 1, 2008.



Chief Pell