White River Township Fire Protection District


Pre-Meeting Report for December 4, 2007


Compiled November 29, 2007




  1. Due to the proximity of the meeting to the beginning of the month, the financial reports will not be available until after December 1st.


  1. The new Station 51 is officially open.  We need to address any follow up action associated with the building project including the sale of the Runyon Road property.  The department is in the process of preparing the building to sell.  Our goal is to have it ready to list for sale prior to the January Fire Protection District Board meeting


  1. No new news on the Bluff Road property acquisition project.


  1. I have a brief update on the Station 53 sewer project.  The Johnson County Commissioners presented us with an agreement to place the sewer line in the right-of-way.  We still need to complete the engineering work to determine if this is our best option.


  1. I discussed the Johnson County Public Safety Data & Communications Consortium Board data agreement with Sheriff McLaughlin.  We have postponed signing the data agreement until language is added to include the White River Twp. Fire Protection District.


  1. The State Board of Accounts has asked that each board member keep a journal of hours worked on matters for the district.  This document needs to be turned in at the end of the year for payment as well as serve as permanent record of hours worked.  You may bring it to a meeting or email it to Chief Cassin at scassin@wrtfd.org.        


  1. The Board needs to establish the 2008 District Board meeting schedule.


  1. Elections for the 2008 Fire Protection District Board Officer positions will take place at the January meeting.  Dr. Shufflebarger asked for some discussion in preparation for the elections next month.


  1. Tricia Leminger recommends that the District Board discuss the 2008 salary resolution at the December meeting.


  1. Purchase request:  We request approval to purchase a forcible entry training aid and two smoke generators (see attached documents).  The total cost is $7795.98.


  1. We have completed researching the 2008 health insurance premium increase.  Chief Cassin and I have also looked at the 2008 health insurance budget.  I will be presenting the information and requesting direction from the Board regarding the premium increase.


  1. Upcoming events:


    1. Station 51 Spaghetti Dinner December 8th, 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
    2. Senior Staff Retreat on January 10th and 11th.  Any interested District Board members are invited to participate.
    3. Awards banquet on January 26th.




The next meeting is to be determined.



Chief Pell