White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

November 6, 2007


District Board Members Present:

Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger

Rev. Jim Dodson

Jon Raker

Butch Sutton

Paul Kite


White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present:

Jeremy Pell

Eric Brown

Carey Slauter

Jim Engmark

Mark Hart

Jeff Smith

Dave Scholl

Charles Fraker

Jim Meacham

Tony Slusher

Jory Cox

Chad Witham

Darryl Slevin

Crystal Young


Others Present:

Tricia Leminger

Dudley Senefeld

Scott Senefeld

Dan Sulkoske

Mike Gaunce


Note:  Motions are italicized and in blue.



Dr. Shufflebarger called the meeting to order at 7:14 p.m.



The insurance discussion will be added to the agenda.


  1. Approval of Minutes from Oct 2 Meeting
    1. Jon Raker motions to approve the minutes.  Paul Kite seconds.
    2. All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Financial Update
    1. Chief Cassin was not present at the meeting and there were no issues so the financial update will be deferred until the next meeting.


  1. Old Business
    1. Station 51 Building Project Update

                                                              i.      Chief Pell stated that there were two major issues:

1.      Electrical issues have been worked out through Simms.

2.      The hood system will be taken care of through Wasserstrom and JE Mechanical.

                                                            ii.      Chief Pell stated that the work level is 120% better and many minor issues have been taken care of.

                                                          iii.      Johnson County has done the inspection and has 24 items that need to be addressed.

1.      The list of items has been reviewed and those who are responsible have been notified.

2.      There will be a timeline drawn up and a date of completion determined.

                                                           iv.      Scott Senefeld stated that the Substantial Completion Certificate has been signed.

1.      That is significant since the warranty period started as of the signing date of either the 30th or 31st.

2.      They have received the lists from Johnson County and the chiefs.

3.      The building is move-in ready.

4.      He also stated that the timeline should be complete end of day November 7th.

a.      He will also be on site helping get things wrapped up.

                                                             v.      The hood will be tested on Thursday.

                                                           vi.      The counties final inspection will be on Friday.

                                                         vii.      Ms. Leminger also reminded everyone of the issue of the plenum cable.  Simms has determined that it is plenum so that issue has been cleared up.

                                                       viii.      Ms. Leminger also informed the board that JE Mechanical is trying to file a lien for outstanding change orders but since it is a public project they will not be able to.

1.      The previously mentioned change orders have just been received and are now being reviewed to see if they are necessary.

2.      Back charges may wipe out change order issues.

                                                           ix.      Mr. Sulkoske was in agreement with Ms. Leminger and Mr. Senefeld and had nothing new to add.

                                                             x.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked how much would the change orders cost and if they are legitimate changes.

1.      The charges are approximately $14,500 and some are scope changes while a couple are not.

a.      The boiler plate issue is in the process of who is to do what and when.

b.      Mr. Senefeld stated that they received the change orders a week and a half ago, they are under review and are being looked at by the engineers for approval.

c.      Mr. Sulkoske reiterated that they are late but if JE Mechanical is going down the legal path we should prepare for that also.  There should be off-setting charges.

                                                           xi.      Ms. Leminger stated that we are in the home stretch but the liquid damages are not as clean.

1.      Mr. Sulkoske reminded the board that there are some time constraints on the contract.

2.      Mr. Sutton asked what the constraints are.

3.      Mr. Sulkoske responded that the constraints are standard but we need to pre-position on prior notification.

a.      He added that if we need to bring a suit we need to get in position but we need to try to let things play out.

                                                         xii.      Mr. Kite asked when occupancy of the building would occur.

1.      Chief Pell stated that he was shooting for before Thanksgiving.

2.      Ms. Leminger stated that there was no time limit.

a.      If the contractor fails to complete work

b.      Mr. Sutton asked

3.      Chief Pell observed that WR still owes JE Mechanical $30,000.

a.      He mentioned that JE Mechanical was still working with us and as long as they were the department should stay the course to get into the building.

b.      Ms. Leminger will look into the Change Orders; she has not received all the information she needed.  Also engineers are looking into the Change Orders and Mr. Senefeld will follow-up with JE Mechanical.

    1. Department Insurance

                                                              i.      Mr. Sutton and Mr. Dodson met with the insurance rep. Mike Gaunce approximately one week ago concerning the renewal for the department.

1.      The district approves the money the department can spend then the department selects the plan they prefer.

2.      The current premium increase is 14.9%.

3.      The board needs to allocate toward the budget item.

                                                            ii.      The approved budget is slightly less than what was paid last year.

1.      Is board action needed?

2.      Mr. Gaunce will get quotes from several companies.

a.      He has some quotes but will need applications for exact amounts. 

b.      Lt Smith is taking care of getting the applications to everyone and will get them turned in for the exact quotes.

c.      Anthem will probably be the best deal but Mr. Gaunce will still take the forms and get quotes from alternate insurance companies.

d.      Mr. Kite asked if they were really different form last years.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Mr. Gaunce stated that is was mostly for the updated medical information on everyone.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      Mr. Gaunce should have firm rates from other companies within a week to ten days.

                                                          iii.      Dr. Shufflebarger would like to finish the discussion during the next meeting.

    1. Bluff Road Property Discussion

                                                              i.      Chiefs Pell and Brown met with representatives from St. Francis concerning the 50 acre site they are to build in the area.  They would like to have a fire station nearby and are optimistic about carving out some property for WRTFD.

1.      The CFO and CEO also believe it is a good possibility.

2.      The lot would be adjacent to the lot the department had been looking at.

                                                            ii.      Chief Brown has also spoken to Mt. Pleasant and that is also still a possibility.

                                                          iii.      The recommendation is to sit on this to see which property may become available.

                                                           iv.      Starbucks is supposed to be closing this week.

                                                             v.      Triple S would like to keep in touch.

1.      The department would like to keep them out in the wings waiting just as a precaution.

2.      Chiefs Pell and Brown will continue to communicate with her.

    1. Fire Prevention Officer Vacancy

                                                              i.      Chief Pell is giving the board Charlie Fraker for the position.

                                                            ii.      He interviewed with both Chief Pell and Chief Brown and they both believe he would be a good fit.

    1. Safety Board Document Changes

                                                              i.      Ms. Leminger stated that the date of revision is today’s date.

                                                            ii.      The revision in on page 4 section 5b.

1.      The appointed rank of Captain was added

                                                          iii.      Dr. Shufflebarger prompted for a motion to adopt.

1.      Mr. Kite wanted to know if it needed to be specific to the position.

2.      Mr. Raker would like to add rank of Battalion Chief and Captain permanent or appointed.

3.      Mr. Dodson believes that it should be for the position and taken on as needed.

4.      Dr. Shufflebarger added that within that rank of Captain the department would still need to come to the board to have any other position of Captain approved.  This change leaves it open so the board would not have to change the document again.

5.      Ms. Leminger stated that she could add a sentence to make the position specific to the fire prevention officer.

6.      Chief Pell stated that even though it is an appointed authority the department would still have to come to the board for approval before granting a rank but the safety board would not need to be changed every time.

a.      The change is not viewed as an open door but it lays the ground work for the future.

b.      Dr. Shufflebarger agreeing with Chief Pell stated that in the future there would only need to be one motion instead of two.

c.      Mr. Kite does not want this to become the norm.

d.      Dr. Shufflebarger believes that all this is doing is adding a layer.

7.      Ms. Leminger stated that a motion will cover the change made to page 4 section 5b concerning the permanent and appointed ranks.

                                                           iv.      Jon Raker motions to approve the changes made to the Safety Board Document.  Butch Sutton seconds.

                                                             v.      All in favor and motion carries.

                                                           vi.      Chief Pell asked if he now has the authority to appoint Charlie Fraker to the position or if the Safety Board needed to approve the appointment.

1.      Dr. Shufflebarger believes Chief Pell now has that authority due to the changes just approved to the Safety Board Documents.


  1. New Business
    1. Johnson County Public Safety Data & Communications Consortium Board Data Access Agreement

                                                              i.      This system is similar to MECA for Johnson County.

1.      Sheriff McLaughlin uses the system for data purposes

2.      It is also computer aided dispatch.

3.      White River is an indirect user of the system.

4.      Chief Pell would like to be part of the agreement.

a.      The issue would be the kind of user White River Township Fire Department would be.

                                                            ii.      Ms. Leminger stated that it is for a data agency and the department is a non-data user.

1.      The department would not be identified under any current listing.  Rights and responsibilities rely on needs.

1.      Mr. Kite asked who had authority.

a.      Johnson County Commissioners.

2.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked if a motion is needed.

3.      Ms. Leminger believes that a motion is needed to execute once items have been clarified.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Sutton asked what the premises is for the agreement.

1.      The agreement covers the computer aided dispatch that Greenwood uses.

2.      The data base is tagged on to the system.  Greenwood runs the dispatch data through the system and it is how we do reporting.

                                                           iv.      Butch Sutton motions to approve the Agreement.  Jim Dodson seconds.

                                                             v.      All in favor and motion carries.

    1. Request to Hire Firefighter

                                                              i.      There is a vacancy left by Mark Williams that has not currently been filled.

                                                            ii.      Chief Pell met with the first 10 people on the list and would like to offer the first person on the list, Randy Becker, a conditional offer of employment.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Kite asked if the board needed to take formal acceptance of the list first.

                                                           iv.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked about the list.

1.      The top 30 were interviewed but the list ended with 29.

2.      Chief Pell met with the top 10 candidates on that list for informational purposes.  No one was re-sequenced Chief Pell just wanted to speak with the candidates.

a.      Jon Raker reiterated that the list wouldn’t change if five more were interviewed.

b.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked if the 11-29 would need to go through an interview with Chief Pell also.

c.      Chief Pell said that he would speak to the other candidates also.

                                                             v.      Paul Kite motions to approve the list.  Jon Raker seconds.

                                                           vi.      All in favor and motion carries.

                                                         vii.      Paul Kite motions to approve the conditional offer of employment of Randy Becker.  Jon Raker seconds.

                                                       viii.      All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Adjournment
    1. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 by Dr. Shufflebarger.


  1. Next meeting will be December 4, 2007 at 7 p.m.