White River Township Fire Protection
Report for October 2, 2007
Compiled September 25, 2007
- Due to the proximity of the meeting to the
beginning of the month, the financial reports will not be available until
October 1st.
- The Johnson County Council approved our budget
after much discussion. They
requested a copy of our strategic plan and fiscal plan.
- I’m not sure where to begin on the Station 51
project as the status seems to change on a minute-by-minute basis. Currently, we are waiting for the items
captured in the first walk-through to be addressed before conducting the
final walk-through later this week.
That being said, there are a few “significant” items that are in
the works that may ultimately delay the securing of the Certificate of
Occupancy. Chief Cassin, Tricia
Leminger, Dan Sulkoske, and I met with Senefield Tuesday, September 25th, to
discuss the issues. Dan Sulkoske and Tricia Leminger are working together on
determining where and how we can put pressure to get the job completed
(satisfactorily). A full report
will be made at the District Board meeting.
- Legal counsel should have an update on the Bluff Road
property acquisition project.
- No new news on the sale of the Runyon Road
property. We are simply waiting to
proceed until we get a little closer on the anticipated move date for the
new station.
- No new news on the Station 53 sewer project as
well. The project is still at the
engineering level.
- There were not any current Lieutenants
interested in the Fire Prevention Officer position vacated by Captain
Skipper. We may have a career
Engineer interested in that position.
Per the motion regarding this position at the last District Board
meeting, we need approval by the District Board to take the next step. We need to establish the pay grade and
rank for this position. Once that
is accomplished, we will post the position to the career Engineers in the
department. We are proposing to
continue to pay that position at the Captain pay grade. Tricia Leminger’s
office is researching our options for rank.
- I will be proposing some changes to the Command
Structure of the Fire Department (see attached). Tricia Leminger’s
office is working with Steve Dyson to determine if there any legal
limitations preventing us from making those changes prior to the new
budget year. We will be proposing
to appoint the Staff Battalion Chief of Operations budgeted for 2008. We will also propose to change the
Deputy Chief of Administration to the Staff Battalion Chief of Administration. These changes are anticipated by the
staff and should bring some stability to the command structure.
- Well, that’s all for this month.
The next meeting is
scheduled for Tuesday, November 6, 2007.
Chief Pell