White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

October 2, 2007


District Board Members Present:

Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger

Rev. Jim Dodson

Jon Raker

Butch Sutton

Paul Kite


White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present:

Jeremy Pell

Scott Cassin

Eric Brown

Carey Slauter

Joel Thacker

Jeff Wilson

Jim Engmark

Greg Hurrle

Dave Scholl

Jeff Smith

Charles Fraker

Josh Justice

Tim Smith

Jim Meacham

Mike Combs

Mike Winterhalter

Scott Klinger

Crystal Young


Others Present:

Tricia Leminger

Dudley Senefeld

Scott Senefeld

Dan Sulkoske


Note:  Motions are italicized and in blue.



Dr. Shufflebarger called the meeting to order at 7:14 p.m.



  1. Approval of Minutes from Aug 7 Meeting
    1. Jim Dodson motions to approve the minutes.  Jon Raker seconds.
    2. All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Financial Update
    1. Dr. Shufflebarger stated that all the information is in the packet for everyone to read and there will be no specific review.
    2. Mr. Sutton did ask when the department would be paid by the county.

                                                              i.      Chief Cassin stated that the department received a check on Friday for approximately two million.

                                                            ii.      He also stated that the amount was accounted for in the update.


  1. Old Business
    1. Station 51 building project update was moved up so the parties involved could complete their business and leave as needed.

                                                              i.      Ms. Leminger stated that the final issues are concerning an electric piece, HVAC piece, the plenum wiring, the fire alarm system and the Hood.

                                                            ii.      Senefeld has created the punch list and Kramer has reviewed it.

1.      All necessary reports have been received.

a.      The report on the HVAC was a page and a half of comments.  Most were minor and may have already been addressed.

2.      JE Mechanical has been told to provide a timeline and a plan of action by 3:00pm on the 3rd of October.

3.      Steelcorp must also provide a timeline and plan of action by 3:00pm.

4.      The Hood for the kitchen is under the same process.  Currently the vent is against code and the department wants that addressed.

                                                          iii.      The departments target is to get into the building.

                                                           iv.      JE Mechanical has been contracted with individually and the department still owes them approximately $44,000 to fulfill the contract.  By holding the payment the department could make them responsive.

1.      Kramer has come up with a back-up plan if removal of JE Mechanical is necessary.

2.      Mr. Kite asked if there were enough funds left to complete the work if they are removed.

a.      Mr. Senefeld stated that they are holding 20% of contract and that should be enough funds to cover the work.

b.      JE Mechanical did come up with solutions during the inspection and Mr. Senefeld believes they will come up with a plan of action.

                                                             v.      Ms. Leminger stated that the plenum issue will be reviewed by an electric consultant to make sure it is rated correctly.  The department is currently waiting for visual certification.

                                                           vi.      Mr. Shufflebarger reiterated that everyone will have more information by tomorrow.

1.      Mr. Senefeld and Mr. Sulkoske concurred that they are in contact frequently and will know quickly what action will need to be taken next.

    1. Johnson County Council budget approval

                                                              i.      Chief Pell stated that on September 10th the council gave approval of the budget.

1.      He also stated that the county council had several questions for both White River and Bargersville Fire Departments.

2.      Most questions were to gain information than anything else.

a.      Such as why is White River bigger than everyone else to which Chief Pell pointed out the differences between White River and other departments in the area.

b.      Another question related to raises.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Mr. West wanted more information from the chiefs.  He requested to see the departments Strategic and Fiscal plan and Chief Pell asked the board for permission to send those items to them.  Dr. Shufflebarger along with the rest of the board was okay with giving them information.

                                                            ii.      Chief Pell stated that the department will pay attention to the tax issues when working on the new budget.

    1. Bluff Road property discussion

                                                              i.      There is currently no new information.

                                                            ii.      Mr. Sutton asked if the property that has yet to be plowed going to St. Francis.  No one knows the answer to that at this time.

                                                          iii.      Chief Brown did state that Starbucks would have been built by now if everything was going as planned.

1.      He is not sure if they have pulled out or not.

2.      There has been no news on the offer made by the department.

    1. Fire Prevention Officer vacancy

                                                              i.      The position was posted to current lieutenants and there was no interest.  There is interest form a current engineer.

                                                            ii.      The department needs direction on rank and pay grade and is looking into it being an appointed rank and not a permanent rank.

                                                          iii.      Would the department need to make a change to the Safety Board Document.

1.      The position needs legitimate authority and pay due to the added responsibility and change from shift to a Monday through Friday position.

                                                           iv.      Ms. Leminger did some follow up on the concern of the appointed position.

1.      In August of 2005 everyone’s ranks were cleared up.  There were two appointments, chief and battalion chief.

2.      During the last revision the board was concerned with cleaning up the ranks.

                                                             v.      Mr. Sutton wondered why the board had to jump through hoops for Mr. Bosma.

1.      The question was number of ranks for the size of the department.

2.      Ms. Leminger stated that Mr. Bosma engineered the arrangement to have one level to meet the standards.  If using the Division Chief concept he did not seem to have a problem with it.

3.      Dr. Shufflebarger wanted to know in terms of count and department size what levels count.

a.      Chief Pell responded by stating that state code for upper level policy making is chief and next level being considered the upper level policy making positions.

b.      Chief Pell also reminded the board that his permanent rank is captain with an appointed rank of fire chief.  Due to this situation he could not be knocked down any lower than captain.

c.      Chief Pell spoke to Jeff Logsdon who stated that there is no state law concerning any rank just upper level policy making positions.

                                                           vi.      The concern is to not make the department too top heavy.  The department needs to give the rank but if promote with permanent rank it would be tough for the department to knock them down a rank.  By making the position an appointed rank it would not make the department top heavy.

                                                         vii.      Ms. Leminger suggested a one time exception letter for the position.  If they could come up with the correct language it may mean not changing the Safety Board Document.

1.      Mr. Sutton asked if it would be a one shot deal for the position.

2.      Ms. Leminger stated that they have been kicking that around.  She also asked Chief Pell if a one time letter accommodate the needs of the department to which he replied “yes”.

3.      Mr. Raker asked if a new letter would need to be drawn up if a new person would take the position to which Ms. Leminger replied yes.

                                                       viii.      Mr. Raker suggests that a new Safety Board Document be drawn up to make it easier down the road and cleaner.

1.      Dr. Shufflebarger believes that there is still confusion but agrees with Mr. Raker that updating the Safety Board Document would be cleaner

2.      Chief Pell stated that currently the clean line is the existence of permanent ranks on shift and appointments in the office.

3.      This issue will be brought to the Safety Board.

                                                           ix.      Mr. Kite questions why the appointment needs to be a captain.

1.      He does not believe the position could not have authority just because they are a Lt.

2.      He believes that guys know that he would be in charge of the program and would automatically receive the respect.

3.      Chief Pell stated that he would have legitimate authority if everyone was told but informally it does not work that way.  He wants the right people in the right position.

a.      If that person were to go to a company level Lt. and disrupt their day and interact with community the department needs to give the incentive of pay and authority for captain to that person to do the job.

b.      The job could be done without captain authority but there would be some resistance.

4.      Mr. Kite asked what the position salary would be once on the administrative shift and kicking the salary from engineer pay to captains pay.

a.      $50,000 to $58,000.

5.      Mr. Raker stated that the board should not focus on the pay but what the position does and what is deserved.  Pay should be appropriate to the position.

6.      Chief Pell stated that it will take more money for incentive.  The position has a lot more responsibility and would change from the 24 hour shift to a Monday through Friday.  There is already a limited amount of interest and there would be even less if they gave more responsibility with no more money.

                                                             x.      Mr. Kite asked why the department did not want to go with a civilian.

1.      Chief Pell believes it would hurt the operation concerning the level of career firefighters.  The position could be used for off duty responses; they would have expertise in the fire service and would allow that position to be used as the safety officer on the scene.

2.      Mr. Kite stated that a merit position accomplishes that but wanted to know about the comp time issues.

a.      Chief Pell understands that the department needs to be efficient but the community is growing faster than the department and he does not want to go backwards and hinder the department and the level of service it provides.

3.      Mr. Kite asked if that would be an extra person to be hired.

a.      Chief Pell responded by saying that the department currently has 37 career positions and it would still be 37 career positions once this position is filled.

4.      At this point the department does need to hire someone.

a.      The department has 37 career positions but there are only 36 currently due to the departure of Lt. Williams.

b.      The shortage is in the office right now and not on the street.

5.      Mr. Raker stated that the position already exists and is budgeted at captains pay.

6.      Mr. Kite still believes it could be funded at Lt. position or could be make a civilian position.

                                                           xi.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that if the position was civilian the department would still need to add another position.

1.      The concern would be what the position costs.  If the department needs to add manpower than we need to add it.

                                                         xii.      Mr. Raker believes that if the department were to hire a civilian that person would need to know the fire service and fire safety.  How would the department find someone qualified to fill the position as a civilian?

1.      Chief Pell stated that the department could re-arrange.  The department would save money with a civilian but would sacrifice experience and resources.  The savings does not justify the sacrifice.

    1. FD Command Structure

                                                              i.      The new structure would get rid of the deputy chief position.  The proposed alignment is more efficient.

1.      It makes the chief more accessible and addresses the issue of span of control and division of labor.

2.      It makes sense operationally.

                                                            ii.      The position of Staff Battalion of Operations has been added and will take someone from shift to M-F position.

1.      The department will add the 38th position eventually.

                                                          iii.      Chief Pell is looking for approval to make the structure change.

                                                           iv.      Ms. Leminger stated that there have been unique changes to the DLGF.

1.      One commissioner has resigned without there being a new one to replace them.

2.      There has been action taking place that they thought would not happen.

a.      Approval of emergency loans is not happening.

b.      No department can depend 100% on rubber stamp on budgets.  They must wait until February 1st and the budget is actually approved.

                                                             v.      Chief Pell stated that the realignment starts with moving the deputy chief down but brings about the ability to find the needed efficiencies.

                                                           vi.      Chief Pell knows that the board has given him a tall challenge.  There have been discipline issues and inefficiencies in the past so he is reviewing the policies and procedures to identify the needs of the department.

1.      He wants to get the right people in the right positions and give them the tools they need to do the job.

2.      The operations position will determine the response districts, scheduling, and discipline issues as well as updating SOG’s and running all three shifts as one and not three.

3.      The Administrators deal with accounts payable, deposits, financial issues, etc.

4.      He wants to see what is needed and appropriate.

                                                         vii.      Mr. Sutton believes Chief Pell is selling the wrong position.  He wanted to know if this is the way the department budgeted.

1.      The new structure adds a battalion chief.  Chief Cassin budgeted for worse case scenario considering the department was waiting for the new fire chief and did not know which command structure would be chosen.

2.      There was a more expensive structure than the one that was chosen so the money is in the budget to make the change.

a.      Chief Pell stated that the structure with the two assistant chiefs was the most expensive but that the one that was chosen is the more efficient structure for the department.

b.      Mr. Sutton asked if the one chosen was one spot less.

3.      Mr. Dodson asked if the chief, assistant chief and three battalion chiefs was the way it was left.

a.      That structure was presented but that was not the one chosen.  The one chosen is shown on page four of the meeting packet.

4.      Mr. Raker reiterated that the department budgeted for the worse case until the new chief came in and chose the command structure that was needed.

5.      Mr. Sutton made sure that the original discussion was the presentation of several options.  Once presented the board decided to wait until the new fire chief started.

6.      Chief Pell then looked at several options and discussed them with the senior staff.  The structure brings the full time staff from 37 to 38, everyone works as division heads and would be the best structure to run the department efficiently.

                                                       viii.      Mr. Dodson asked about merit pay.  Chief Thacker stated that the staff battalions are not but that the three shift battalions are.

1.      Currently Chief Slauter is doing the job as the operations chief on his 24 hour shift but does a lot of work on his time off.

2.      Chief Pell did not want to bust anyone down but Chief Cassin was gracious enough to move down.

                                                           ix.      Ms. Leminger stated that the position could be removed or moved at any time from through the Safety Board Document.  This position did not count as a different level.

1.      Mr. Kite asked if the row of staff battalions would need to be made exempt.

a.      The staff battalion is already exempt in the Safety Board Document.

b.      Deputy Chief is title only.

2.      Chief Pell stated that there are truly only two levels.

a.      Mr. Kite reiterated that the staff battalions are exempt from FLSA while the shift battalions are not.  Everyone concurred.

3.      Mr. Dodson asked if all staff battalions are permanent.  Chief Thacker stated that he is the only one that is appointed.

a.      In 2007 3 of the 4 staff battalions exist.  The 2008 budget adds the fourth staff battalion.

b.      Chief Slauter will then move up and the department will need to add one career firefighter.  The department budgeted considerably above that one position.

                                                                                                                                      i.      It also saves two stipends.

                                                             x.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that it is duck tailed and made sure that this is the structure Chief Pell wanted for the department.  He also wanted to know the timetable for the structure.

1.      Chief Pell stated that the structure will begin during the 2008 budget.

2.      Chief Pell also reiterated that he sees the need for the ambulance service in the future.  That will entail billing, compliance, maintenance, and stock issues that will need to be handled by a possible EMS position that will be discussed down the road.

3.      Chief Pell stated that this is the structure that he wants but stated that future growth may change the command structure.

                                                           xi.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that the Safety Board will need to take formal action and will meet to discuss the Deputy Chief and Staff Battalion position.

1.      The board also needs to decide on pay and rank for the prevention officer.  The department needs to know how to progress on the issue.  The Safety Board will also need to amend the document to start moving on that.

                                                         xii.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked for motions for captain position for the prevention officer.

1.      Mr. Raker asked if the fire prevention position was the pub ed on the structure to which the answer was yes.

2.      Mr. Kite asked if the code enfc was part-time to which the answer was also yes.

3.      Mr. Kite making sure that he was reading the chart right asked about the 37 positions.

a.      There are 18 officers, 19 engineer or firefighter positions.

b.      There are 37 with two administration positions. (Crystal and Jackie)

c.      On A-shift there are 5 officers, 5 engineers and the rest are part-time.

d.      C-shift has one extra at this time due to Capt Skipper.

e.      Staffing:  21 max – 16 min.  (Today there are 5 officers and 17 firefighters)

                                                       xiii.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked for motions to make fire prevention a caption position.

1.      Jon Raker motions to allow the fire chief to post to all career personnel the public education position as the appointed rank of Captain.  Butch seconds.

2.      Dr. Shufflebarger asks for discussion.

a.      Mr. Kite is not certain he is in favor of the move.

b.      Mr. Raker stated that it is not a new position or pay grade.

c.      Mr. Kite stated that he was in opposition in the past.

d.      Mr. Dodson stated that he has reservations on the need for captain over a lieutenant.  He is bothered by the possible lack of respect from the rest of the department for the position.

                                                                                                                                      i.      He wondered why it was offered at captains pay last month and there were not takers.

e.      Chief Pell stated that he had not been with the department long enough to know how much grief the person in that position would get.

                                                                                                                                      i.      He did say that he has seen that first hand in another department, the position would not be disregarded but will get a lot of grief.

                                                                                                                                    ii.      The position is already a captain level with captains pay.

f.        Chief Pell also commented that working the 24 hour shift is desirable and to get someone off that shift to work fire prevention Monday through Friday is difficult.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Fire Prevention is a thankless job and for someone to leave the shift to work that they need to receive the money for the incentive and for those in the private or engineer position that would work.

g.      Mr. Dodson that the person could encounter resistance because they are just appointed.  (achieved or perceived)

                                                                                                                                      i.      Chief Pell looked at what the department has and working within the confines of what already exists made the recommendation of the position being captain rank with captain pay.

h.      Dr. Shufflebarger suggested making up the pay by using a stipend.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Mr. Raker agrees but if the compromise is Lt., what is there to gain by giving one bar and paying for two.  He does not see why they should make the change considering what already exists.

i.        Mr. Sutton asked if the one person interested in the position has a good chance.

                                                                                                                                      i.      Chief Pell responded enthusiastically that he has a good chance of doing the job well.

3.      Four in favor one opposed.

                                                       xiv.      Mr. Sutton reiterated his reluctance since the original position was created as a captain to accommodate someone but nothing to do with the ability to do the job.

1.      Chief Pell told the board that he would not come to them if he didn’t believe it was the right move.

2.      He also addressed the issue of being top heavy.  Do not look at is as career vs. officers, they also need to manage the part-time people.  There are 21 officers to manage 100 people.

3.      The structure is set up for growth into the future.

                                                         xv.      The formal appointment will not come until the Safety Board issue next month.  They will also need to add the Staff Battalion position.

                                                       xvi.      Dr. Shufflebarger directed Ms. Leminger to revise Safety Board Document to add the Staff Battalion.

1.      Mr. Sutton asked if anything needed to be done to affect the Deputy Chief.

2.      Ms. Leminger stated that she would only need to change the captain issue.  The department can have any amount of staff battalions they want because there is no specified number in the Document.

                                                     xvii.      Ms. Leminger asked if the fourth staff battalion position needs to be filled before the budget is approved.

1.      Chief Pell stated that the position will not be filled before complete approval of the budget.

                                                   xviii.      The appointment of captain will not be filled until the Safety Board Document is revised.

1.      Chief Pell asked if he can post the position and have everything complete for next month.

2.      Mr. Raker reiterated that the position would be open to everyone.

                                                       xix.      Mr. Sutton asked the rest of the board if they need to motion to give Dr. Shufflebarger authority to negotiate with the subcontractors.

1.      Butch Sutton motions to authorize the chair to negotiate with the council for payment and action for the subcontractors.  Jon Raker seconds.

2.      All in favor and motion carries.

                                                         xx.      Chief Pell asked if there needed to be a motion on the chain of command.

1.      Dr. Shufflebarger believes it is approved as a part of the budget.  The actual layout is an administrative issue.

2.      The board will wait to approve anything else until after the Safety Board Document has been changed.

    1. Old Business

                                                              i.      Mr. Sutton would like to see the letters from Simpson.


  1. New Business
    1. None


  1. Adjournment
    1. Meeting adjourned at 8:48 by Dr. Shufflebarger.


  1. Next meeting will be November 6, 2007 at 7 p.m.