White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

September 4, 2007


District Board Members Present:

Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger

Rev. Jim Dodson

Jon Raker

Butch Sutton


White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present:

Jeremy Pell

Scott Cassin

Eric Brown

Carey Slauter

Joel Thacker

Mark Hart

Kevin Skipper

Casey Arkins

Jory Cox

Chad Witham

Scott Alexander

Ray Denson

Craig Zollars

Crystal Young


Others Present:

Jeff Logsdon


Note:  Motions are italicized and in blue.



Dr. Shufflebarger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.



  1. Approval of Minutes from Aug 7 Meeting
    1. Jim Dodson motions to approve the minutes.  Butch Sutton seconds.
    2. All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Financial Update
    1. Page 11 of the meeting packet shows the bank balance.

                                                              i.      To this point the department has not received the tax revenues.

                                                            ii.      The department is okay on cash even though the General Fund is shown in the negative.

    1. Page 12 lists the funds.  Nothing new is coming to light.

                                                              i.      The usual funds to watch are the Building and Vehicle Maintenance funds.

                                                            ii.      Chief Slauter is working with the Battalions to watch the overtime.

    1. Page 15 identifies the Capital Outlays that are currently getting under way.
    2. Page 16 is the Station 51 Construction Project activity report.

                                                              i.      The department is currently receiving phone calls from contractors not getting paid.  White River has not received any pay apps during the last month.

1.      JE Mechanical has informed the department that they have not received the last two.

2.      Any that are due must still be with Senefeld.

                                                            ii.      Mr. Sutton asked if the loan for the station is basically paid to which Chief Cassin answered yes and are starting to pay from the funds the board issued to pay the balance.

                                                          iii.      JE Mechanical has stated that Senefeld is out of business.  The issue with the payment is that the bill is sent to Senefeld who send the bill to the department who then sends the payment to the contractors directly.

1.      The word on the street is that Senefeld is gone.

2.      JE Mechanical is trying to hunt down their pay outs.

3.      Chief Cassin did receive an e-mail form Dudley to schedule a pre-punch walk through for Thursday but does not have a time scheduled at this point.

4.      Mr. Sutton asked what our watchdog has said on this topic.  Chief Cassin replied by stating that he has not seen Dan during the last couple of site meetings, the contract with Kramer has been fulfilled and not sure if he will be back.

5.      Mr. Sutton told Mr. Logsdon that he would like for Ms. Leminger to follow up on this news.


  1. Old Business
    1. Station 51 building project update

                                                              i.      Chief Cassin stated that the project is 99% complete.  Dr. Shufflebarger stated that the Senefeld’s would like to do a walk through; Chief Cassin replied that yes they do but there was no time set yet.

                                                            ii.      The hood system is the biggest issue currently.  The system was not approved by the state and modifications need to be approved.  There is a separate entity that will re-work the hood system making that easier to deal with.

1.      Senefeld was supposed to file the plans with the state but to this point nothing has been submitted.

2.      Chief Brown stated that it is a three week process for the approval.

                                                          iii.      The painters were in the building today and the landscaping still needs to be done but can be complete within a week.

    1. Bluff Road property discussion

                                                              i.      There is no new information since the seller requested a sixty day extension.

1.      The board did not actually ok the extension or take action because there was nothing to gain by entering into the contract.

2.      The department fall back is that if St. Francis purchases the property they may want a station on the property and may give the department a better deal.

a.      The latest rumor is that St. Francis wants to build a hospital on the property that they already own north of the property the department is looking at.

                                                            ii.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked how long the department is willing to wait.

1.      Chief Brown stated that he will contact St. Francis to find out what their plan is.  Wal-mart the other prospective buyer has decided to go North of County Line Rd.

2.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked if the department has a timeline on when to bail.  Currently everyone is still gathering information and no timeline has been set.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Sutton asked who Kathy is representing.  Chief Brown stated that she is representing the firm that is selling the property and that we are going through her because she is the one listed.

    1. Other old business

                                                              i.      No other old business.


  1. New Business
    1. Strategic Planning Retreat

                                                              i.      Chief Pell stated that the senior staff with the Battalions met on August 16 to discuss expectations for the department and each other.

1.      Chief Pell intends on having meetings with the Company Officers as well as the rest of the department.

                                                            ii.      The Command Structure was discussed and once the budget allows the specific structure will be proposed to the board and changes will be discussed.

                                                          iii.      The Senior Staff also reviewed some action items from the last retreat.

                                                           iv.      The meeting was also attended by Rep. Frizzell, Sen. Waltz and Mr. Hannify to discuss the current tax climate and possible routes for the department in the future.

1.      The department will not move on any options until thoroughly discussed with the board.

    1. Captain Skipper

                                                              i.      Due to personal issues and concerns has asked to step down from prevention.  There is currently a float position open and he will be placed into that position temporarily.

                                                            ii.      Chief Cassin stated that the position was posted to current captains and there has been no interest in the position.

                                                          iii.      The recommendation is that the position be an officer.  The department would like to open the position to a Lieutenant but that the person is left as permanent LT with the appointed rank of captain.

                                                           iv.      Mr. Sutton stated that he believes this to be an issue for the lawyer to look into.  Dr. Shufflebarger agreed to explore what is possible.

1.      Chief Pell stated that this is an important spot and would like to move ahead quickly.

2.      Mr. Raker reiterated that the department would like to pay the position as a captain even if it is appointed rank and not permanent.

3.      Chief Pell agreed and stated that it is not a budget issue but permanent as apposed to appointed rank.

4.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that it is something the legal representative would need to look into as respect to size of department and upper level policy making position.  Mr. Sutton stated that he believes there are only so many levels allowed and that there had been a conversation on this issue when the position was put in originally.

a.      Chief Thacker stated that there was no issue originally since Kevin Skipper was already a captain.

b.      Chief Brown stated that Ms. Leminger should have the language.

                                                             v.      Chief Pell stated that the position needs to be a captain pay rate to get someone in the position and they need to be given the appointed captain rank if that is possible.  The current position is at captains pay.

                                                           vi.      Mr. Sutton confirmed that the department would like to have the position be appointed and have a temporary fill in.  Mr. Raker reiterated that an LT could do the job and takes the appointment temporarily but will go back to their permanent rank of LT after.  Currently the Battalion Chief, Deputy Chief and Fire Chief are all appointed positions.

                                                         vii.      The current concern is how to handle the position in administration.  An appointment of Capt would be discretionary and if someone were to move they could go back down and would keep their permanent rank of LT.

                                                       viii.      Mr. Logsdon stated that the Safety Board would have to appoint back to permanent rank and there needs to be a determination of the number of appointed positions.

                                                           ix.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that it would be temporary but long term temporary.

                                                             x.      Mr. Dodson stated that he was confused as to why it needed to be a rank of Capt.

1.      Chief Pell stated that in the culture of the fire service rank is important.  To a guy in the companies it does make a difference.  It is in keeping with the history of the department.

2.      It also needs to be Capt because of the work load, scheduling, and after hours work.

3.      Maybe the department does not need to appoint but fill the position with a LT but give them Capt pay.

                                                           xi.      The department would like to fill the position as soon as possible and would like to offer the Capt pay as an incentive.  The department would like to open the position up to LTs and if no LTs want the position we may be back in front of the board.

                                                         xii.      Mr. Sutton stated that the board should post the position pending the decision, maybe post for letters of intent.

1.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that the interest may be contingent on rank.

2.      Mr. Raker believes that it would be more so on pay.  The person would be giving up money for more work.

                                                       xiii.      Jon Raker motions that the position be offered to rank of LT but paid at current Capt pay.  Butch Sutton seconds.

1.      Since the Safety Board is the appointing authority, if an LT or any interested party is chosen will the department need to bring the name to them?  The majority of the board answered no.

2.      The department needs to post he position find out who is interested then fill at discretion.

3.      Mr. Raker reiterated that the motion was “if filled with a current LT”.  If no current LT is interested the department will need to bring the topic up to the board again for the next step.

                                                       xiv.      All in favor and motion carries.

    1. Chief Pell reported up coming events to the board.

                                                              i.      September 8 at 1:00 p.m. there will be a 9/11 memorial at Forest Lawn.

                                                            ii.      September 10 is the Johnson County Council meeting concerning the budget.

                                                          iii.      October 11 & 30 will be meeting concerning the Johnson County Master Development Plan.


  1. Adjournment
    1. Meeting adjourned at 7:47 by Dr. Shufflebarger.


  1. Next meeting will be October 2, 2007 at 7 p.m.