White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

August 7, 2007


District Board Members Present:

Rev. Jim Dodson

Paul Kite

Butch Sutton


White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present:

Scott Cassin

Eric Brown

Carey Slauter

Jeremy Pell

Mark Hart

Tony Slusher

Mike Combs

Scott Alexander

Josh Abraham

Crystal Young


Others Present:

Tricia Leminger

Dan Sulkoske

Steve Dyson

Scott Senefeld

Dudley Senefeld


Note:  Motions are italicized and in blue.



Rev. Dodson called the meeting to order at 7:24 p.m.



  1. Old Business
    1. Station 51 Building Project Update

                                                              i.      Scott Senefeld stated that he expects the substantial completion date to be August 20.

1.      There is currently a delay in the electrical installation.

2.      A progress meeting will be held on site on August 8, 2007.  During the meeting the substantial completion date should be set.

                                                            ii.      Final paving has been delayed due to the rain last week which also delays the landscaping, that will be accomplished once the paving is complete.

1.      Mr. Kite asked if the setting of the date would trigger the beginning of the warranty period to which Mr. Senefeld stated that it would but there should be two weeks to use as a time frame for the project punch list.  He believes the setting of the date will cause everyone to be proactive in closing down the project.

2.      Mr. Kite asked if the final payments and contracts will be due once the date is set.  Mr. Senefeld stated that it would and the board will receive approximately four copies of the final paperwork.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Sulkoske wanted to bring the issue with JE Mechanical to everyone.  JE Mechanical is beginning to cause delays in other parts of the project.

1.      Mr. Sulkoske suggests that the board be prepared to deal with JE Mechanical and the possibility of delaying the entire project.  He suggests the board send a written notice to JE Mechanical explaining the consequences if they continue to cause delays in the project.

2.      Mr. Sulkoske is prepared to tighten the screws as much as the board desires.  He stated that there is a fine line in how much pressure should be applied while still receiving the quality work preferred.

3.      Steelcorp is beginning to complain about the extra work JE Mechanical is creating for them.  JE Mechanical is cutting several holes in the drywall causing Steelcore to patch and paint walls that have already been completed.

4.      Ms. Leminger reminded the board that the size of the contract with JE Mechanical was just over $289,750 which is a small contract and asked how much of the contracted work is complete.  Mr. Sulkoske stated that approximately 80% of the work is completed and 91% of the contract has been paid.  ($50,000 is left to pay)

5.      Mr. Senefeld wanted to reassure the board that there is not a problem at this time but they need to be prepared to take action on how much pressure to apply to JE Mechanical to complete the project.

a.      Mr. Sulkoske suggested the board send a letter to see if it gets them moving and have them get noticeably stronger as time passes.

6.      Mr. Sutton inquired if this contract was the one that had to be re-bid.  Mr. Senefeld stated that is was and reassured the board that he has not had trouble with JE Mechanical in the past but they have had a significant staff turnover during this project and suggested that the board ask for a recovery plan.

                                                           iv.      Mr. Senefeld and Mr. Sulkoske have two change orders to present to the board.

1.      Change Order #7 for $5595 covers the theft of the conduit in January.

2.      Change Order #8:

a.      Fire Suppression

b.      Removal of the temporary stone and dirt drive

c.      Soft spots in the lot

d.      Addition of the ceramic tile in the Kitchen.

3.      Three copies were distributed for signatures for the contractor, Senefeld and the fire department.

4.      Ms. Leminger stated that there had been a question about the builders risk insurance concerning the theft from the site and after checking into the issue no builders risk insurance was in place.  Ms. Leminger and Chief Cassin have since contacted the insurance company and have received a confirming e-mail for the policy.

a.      Ms. Leminger stated that the retro active concern was not an issue since the amount was small enough not to claim.

5.      Paul Kite motions to approve Change Order #7&8.  Butch Sutton seconds with a statement that he still believes the architect should have some responsibility in the insurance issue.

6.      All in favor and motion carries.

                                                             v.      Mr. Sulkoske updated the board on the new landscaping quote.

1.      He asked if the quote were under a certain amount if it would need approval.

a.      The changes include sod in the front island where the signage is and river rock in back.

b.      Some landscaping items have been removed due to the tower.

2.      Mr. Sulkoske believes it should be close to a wash.

3.      Paul Kite motions to give the chair or vice-chair final approval on the landscape.  Butch Sutton seconds.

4.      All in favor and motion carries.

    1. Public Meeting and Final Vote on 2008 Budget

                                                              i.      Vice-Chair Dodson opens the public meeting.

                                                            ii.      Mr. Dyson presented the budget.

1.      Pages 1-8 is the proposed budget introduced during the last meeting.  Page 8 will need to be signed by the board upon approval.

2.      Page 9 & 10 shows estimated revenue without property tax.

3.      Page 11 is a copy of the ad in the newspaper.  The amounts are slightly higher and there is an amount for an appeal.  The money for the appeal will most likely not be needed but is there in case.

4.      Page 13 & 14 shows the summary of the budget by fund and category.  Page 12 is the signature page for the approval of page 13 & 14.

5.      Page 15-18 shows the budget estimate in 16 line statement.

a.      Line 16 shows the net amount to be raised.

b.      Page 16-18 shows the special fire debt, building and cum fund.

6.      Page 19 shows the remaining appropriations through the end of the year.

7.      Pages 20 & 21 are the debt funds.

a.      Page 21 is the 2005 Fire loan.

8.      Page 22 shows each fund.

9.      Pages 23-26 are the amortizations for each loan.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Kite asked Chief Cassin what the percent of change or increase was from ’07 to ’08.  Chief Cassin was unable to answer the question specifically so Mr. Dyson stated that he could get those answers for him.

1.      Personal services – 7.6% or $300,000

2.      Supplies – 3.7% or $12,000

3.      Other services – 4% or $28,000

4.      Capital Outlays – 44% or $58,000

5.      Total increase was 7.8% or approximately $400,000.

                                                           iv.      Mr. Sutton asked if that increase was over the budgeted numbers from last year to which Mr. Dyson stated yes.

                                                             v.      Mr. Dodson after calling for any questions from the public closed the public meeting and entertained motions on the budget from the board.

                                                           vi.      Paul Kite motions to approve the budget for calendar year 2008.  Butch Sutton seconds.

                                                         vii.      All in favor and motion carries.

    1. Bluff Road property discussion

                                                              i.      Chief Brown has received the two needed appraisals on the property.

                                                            ii.      In the meeting packet page 17 shows the legal description of the property while page 16 shows how the property would look if the new station 51 were to be constructed on the property.  This is to show that the property would accommodate a station.

                                                          iii.      The average of the two appraisals is $405,000.  (One for $360,000 and the other $450,000, the lower bid did not take into account like properties around the location.)

                                                           iv.      Ms. Leminger stated that she would like to use the $405,000 as an offer.  If the offer is turned down the department could obtain another appraisal or wait to see if there is going to be a counter offer.

                                                             v.      Ms. Leminger clarifies that the board adopt a Resolution of Interest that they will not pay more than $405,000.  The board should also authorize the Chairman to extend an offer and purchase the property and propose a letter of content to give all expectations to the property.  The process should be the same as the process to obtain the Olive Branch property.

                                                           vi.      Mr. Sutton inquired about property that might possibly be available from Mt. Pleasant Church.  Chief Brown responded by stating that a year ago they had no interest in selling some adjacent property but there had been talk that they may have changed their minds.  The elders of the church met the afternoon before the FPDB meeting and decided that they are not interested in selling any of that property.

                                                         vii.      Ms. Leminger reiterated to the department that the site is small and her office recommends no less than two acres and wanted to make sure that the department and everyone else is okay with the size of the property.

1.      Chief Brown responded by addressing page 16 of the handout.  The handout shows the new station 51 building on the property.  The drawing has actually expanded the building and has added more parking spots and everyone is happy with the space and believes the layout is better than the Olive Branch location.

                                                       viii.      Mr. Sutton asked the department who was selling the property to which Chief Brown stated that he was not sure but it is a company and would not have the same restrictions on that property that there is on the new station 51.

                                                           ix.      Butch Sutton motions to authorize the chairman to make an offer in regards with the appraisals of no more than $405,000 for the property.  Paul Kite seconds.

                                                             x.      All in favor and motion carries.

    1. Disposal of the Runyon Road Property

                                                              i.      The department has had two joint appraisals done of the property.

                                                            ii.      The property will be sold under a 20 day bid process on an as is basis with the board having final approval.

1.      Ms. Leminger stated that she has drawn up a proposed timeline for immediate disposal of the property.

2.      The timeline would begin Aug. 15 and end on Sept. 4 for sale of the property.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Kite asked if there is any need to hurry.

                                                           iv.      Mr. Sutton stated that he did not want a sell date before even having a date to move out.

                                                             v.      Chief Brown stated that the only concern was that the department wanted to be out of ownership before winter because of the cost of upkeep and the liability of having an empty building.

                                                           vi.      Chief Brown stated that there was an interest party and if he could give them a date of approximately Nov. 1st that should keep them interested.

                                                         vii.      Mr. Sutton asked how long till the move out of the old station.

1.      Chief Cassin stated that it would be mid-Sept.  He also stated that when the department moves they move, everything moves at once and is completed as quickly as possible.

2.      He did state that what is going to be salvaged and what stays has not been specified but the department has a good idea on most items.

                                                       viii.      Mr. Sutton stated that once there is a specified date for the move the board will approve a date for sale of the property.

                                                           ix.      Chief Brown stated that he will give the interested parties a November date to keep them interested and informed.

                                                             x.      Mr. Dodson tabled the issue until the next FPDB meeting.

    1. Sewer Update

                                                              i.      The County Council has finally decided that the department is not a private entity and will allow an inter-governmental agreement.

                                                            ii.      They will allow the department inside a public utility as long as the department maintains and relocates if or when there is a move from the property or the four lane highway comes through.

                                                          iii.      There will be a 2” line on the southern easement.

                                                           iv.      The department will be able to connect to the sewer in the next few years once the sewer is installed down Mullinix.

                                                             v.      Chief Brown stated that the department needs to sign a Sanitary Sewer Agreement with the City of Greenwood.

1.      Speedway has put in a mound system so there will be no shared expense with them.

2.      The department will be able to bore the line so it will be much cheaper.

a.      The system will still need the occasional clean out but not as often as it is now.

                                                           vi.      The board agreed to move forward with the Sanitary Sewer Agreement but the formal agreement is not needed until next month.


  1. Vice-Chair Dodson called for a five minute recess


  1. Other Old Business
    1. Summary Recommendation for Fire Chief Elect

                                                              i.      Ms. Leminger stated that the board has put the terms and conditions in a letter of understanding to the Fire Chief Elect.

1.      The issue holding up the process is the transfer of the 77 fund from one department to another.

2.      Ms. Leminger stated that the salary is stated at $69,654 with an evaluation coming in December 2007.

3.      Vacation will be placed at 5 years completed.  Chief Pell will be taking Oct. 20-30 off for a previously planned family vacation.

4.      Sick time will be four 8 hour days for 2007 and will accrue time from that point according to the policy.

5.      Chief Pell will be given the permanent rank of Captain.

                                                            ii.      Paul Kite motions to approve the terms and conditions for Chief Pell.  Butch Sutton seconds.

                                                          iii.      All in favor and motion carries.

                                                           iv.      Vice-Chair Dodson thanked everyone involved in the process.


  1. Approval of Minutes from Jul 17 meeting
    1. Butch Sutton motions to approve the minutes.  Paul Kite seconds.
    2. All in favor and motion carries.


  1. Adjournment
    1. Meeting adjourned at 8:44 by Rev. Dodson.


  1. Next meeting will be September 4, 2007 at 7 p.m.