White River Township Fire Protection District
Board Meeting Minutes
July 17, 2007
District Board Members Present:
Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger
Rev. Jim Dodson
Paul Kite
Butch Sutton
Jon Raker
Scott Cassin
Jim Engmark
James Meacham
Scott Alexander
Lisa White
Jason Smith
Josh Abraham
Cynthia Bortz
Tyler Perringer
Crystal Young
Others Present:
Tricia Leminger
Dan Sulkoske
Steve Dyson
Scott Senefeld
Dudley Senefeld
Note: Motions are italicized and in blue.
Dr. Shufflebarger called the meeting to order at 7:43 p.m.
i. The building is finally progressing well.
1. Mr. Senefeld stated that there was an issue with the electric contractor but they are catching up.
ii. Mr. Senefeld stated that within the next couple of weeks there should be a punch out and completion date set.
1. Key parties will be involved in the punch list inspection.
2. Mr. Senefeld distributed a synopsis of the next couple of week’s activity set by Steelcorp.
3. The electric issue was resolved in two weeks instead of the originally stated six weeks.
4. Mr. Sutton asked what the final cost for the electric was. Mr. Sulkoske stated that SBC was $6700 and Duke was $6100.
iii. Utility lines were found to be too close to the surface and were not able to be paved over until the issue was resolved. The right of way in has been paved.
iv. Mr. Sulkoske updated the board on the general state of the project.
1. The completion date has been missed but he believes that when taking in the many issues and delays taken in to account the project has recovered nicely.
2. Changes of less than 3% of the construction value have occurred. Of the $100,000 in changes $70,000 was due to unforeseen changes while $30,000 was specified changes.
3. He believes the project will finish strong at the end.
4. Within the next two weeks before the next FPDB meeting he should have a punch out schedule.
Shufflebarger opened the hearing to the public on the Budget.
Mr. Dyson stated
that there were on requested changes from the June meeting and distributed a
copy of the budget to the board members.
1. The total of the General Fund has increased over last
year; the fund is shown on page 1 & 2.
2. Page 3 shows the total of the fire debt fund of
3. Capital Outlays are shown on pages 5 & 6, any
questions should be directed to Chief Cassin.
4. The new Fire Debt Fund is shown on pages 7 & 8.
The vote on the
2008 budget will occur during the August meeting.
The public
meeting on the 2008 budget is closed by Chairman Shufflebarger.
Shufflebarger opened the second public hearing to discuss the transfer
The resolution
is to provide for additional appropriations of $500,000 to the 40000 Capital
Outlay fund.
1. Mr. Dyson stated that there will be a transfer but
any money paid will come directly from the General Fund.
Mr. Kite inquired
that the funds are there but the balance is just being appropriated.
Mr. Sutton asked
if the funds were coming out of the Fire General Fund.
1. Mr. Dyson and Chief Cassin clarified that the funds
were residual cash from a previous budget being move and appropriated to this
years budget.
v. Paul Kite motions that the transfer resolution be approved. Jon Raker seconds.
vi. All in favor and motion carries.
Shufflebarger closes the second public hearing.
Change Order
1. The change order submitted to the board by Mr.
Senefeld covers the cost of the theft and damage from the December break-in on
the site of the New Station 51.
2. The discussion was that it would be cheaper for the
Department to pay for the replacement of the items instead of submitting the
total to insurance.
3. The total of the order is $5595 for the replacement
of the items.
4. Ms. Leminger stated that she had originally voiced
her concern of the impact on the insurance.
a. The original decision was that is was more cost effective
to pay for the change and the number has already been included in the budget.
5. Mr. Kite asked who the insurers are.
a. Chief Cassin stated that the insurance company recommendations
have always been that if the total is less then $10,000 that it would be better
for the Department to pay it.
6. Mr. Kite asked if this would be under Builders Risk.
7. Mr. Sutton stated that even if it is covered under
Builders Risk is the insurance carrier the same as the normal Department carrier. He also believes that the board should not
make the change until after the incident is clarified with the insurer.
8. Mr. Raker stated that if they are not with the same
insurance companies there may not be a difference. Dr. Shufflebarger stated that sometimes other
insurers look at claims made with other insurances.
9. Paul Kite motions to give Chairman Shufflebarger the authority to make the decision upon further information. Butch Sutton seconds.
10. All in favor and motion carries.
Land Acquisition
1. Chief Brown distributed a plat plan for the property
located at
a. He stated that the department has been watching lot
prices for over a year and the lot prices have not changed.
$235,000 for the
Station 51 lot of one acre residential property.
$450,000 for the
property located at
2. The developer has received an offer on the lot the
department has been holding and would like to have a letter of the department’s
intent to buy.
3. Ms. Leminger stated that the typical action is to
have two appraisals on the property. She
recommends that the department do a loose commitment depending on the outcome
of the appraisals. Chief Brown handed
Ms. Leminger a letter to review.
4. Mr. Sutton stated that there is money in the fund
that cannot be spent on anything but property.
a. Chief Cassin commented that there is $300,000
currently being held for the purchase of the property.
5. Mr. Sutton inquired as to the status of the I-69
a. Chief Brown stated that the property is out of the
overlay zone while Station 53 is in the middle of an off ramp. The current word is that the I-69 project is
still in the works.
6. Mr. Kite had a concern that if the department
purchases the property but are ten years from doing anything with the property
is there an issue with the property.
a. Ms. Leminger stated that the department could sit on
it as long as the department wanted to.
If a station is not put on that property the department would need to go
through the formal process for the sale of property.
b. Mr. Kite asked if there is a problem with holding the
property then selling it for a profit and Ms. Leminger stated that it would not
be a problem.
c. Mr. Sutton stated that the department would purchase the
property with the intent to build a station and he believes the location makes
7. Ms. Leminger stated that it is easier to do a simple
statement and authorize the chairman to sign the form of the commitment to buy.
8. Mr. Raker asked what
9. During the next meeting the board will adopt a formal
10. Butch Sutton motions to start the process of property acquisition. Jon Raker seconds.
11. Mr. Dodson asked what building the department would
be replacing.
a. Headquarters currently sits on six acres and would
they move to the new property. Chief
Cassin stated that headquarters will not be place there; the property is for another
satellite station only.
b. Mr. Dodson asked if the department would need to
purchase more property. Chief Brown and
Chief Cassin stated that the department has property available on Olive Branch
and Mullinix, the Southwest corner of the district,
for no cost. This property will have
enough room for both a new station and Headquarters if needed. Headquarters could go anywhere and the best
idea would be to have a location with no crew attached. Headquarters could also stay where it is if
I-69 does not go through.
12. Ms. Leminger suggested that the normal area for a
station is 2 – 2 ½ acres and asked if the new property would be large enough.
a. Chief Cassin stated that the new Station 51 is built
on one acre and it is tight but workable, the new property will be larger and
will have a commercial drive already available for use.
13. All in favor and motion carries.
14. Chief Brown stated that the new ISO classification
went into effect as of July 1st and the department is now a 3.
Fire Chief
Hiring Process
1. The process has been completed and the board is ready
for a recommendation.
2. Paul Kite motions to extend an offer of employment to Jeremy Pell. Butch Sutton seconds.
3. All in favor and motion carries.
4. Ms. Leminger stated that she will draw up the
contract for salary and benefits.
New Business
1. Chief Brown stated that he has scheduled appraisals
for the old Station 51 property.
2. Capt. Arkins informed the board that the department
has taken delivery of the new engine from Crimson and invited them to take a