White River Township Fire Protection District


Pre-Meeting Report for May 1, 2007


Compiled April 23, 2007




  1. The water main issue at the Station 51 project site has finally been settled.  All parties were able to come to an agreement allowing the department to tap into the main extension already in place along the east side of property.  Bargersville Water also agreed to allow both a 6” and a 2” tap, therefore no fire pump will be required.  The only additional cost to the whole thing should be about 100’ of additional piping and the labor to install it.  Other than that, incremental work has been continuing mainly with the electrical contractor and painters.  Outdoor work should be commencing this week.  A full report will be made at the district board meeting.


  1. No new word on the Bluff Road property this month.


  1. No new word on the septic system project at Station 53 as well.


  1. Curt Coonrod and Steve Dyson will be present to deliver the first draft of the updated fiscal plan with regards to the 2008 budget.


  1. With regards to budgeting, we will be presenting the fire-based ambulance package in its entirety as well as the staff re-alignment proposal this month.  You should have received the PowerPoint teasers we presented last month via e-mail a few days after the meeting.  Let me know if you did not receive it.


  1. We have the final Memorandum of Agreement between the district and the Indiana Task Force One group ready to be signed.  We will have it for ready for the meeting and to answer any lingering questions.


  1. Myself and Chief Slauter will both be out of town on May 1st at separate functions and therefore unable to be present at the meeting.  Chief Thacker will be filling in and will be able to answer any questions on behalf of the department.  Additionally, because of the proximity of the meeting night to the end of April, it will be impossible to have fiscal reports available at the meeting.  I will get those out as soon as they are available following the month-end reconciliation.  For the large part, there are no areas of concern that we are currently watching.


  1. Important:  The State Board of Accounts has asked that each board member keep a journal of hours worked on matters for the district.  Simply recording “85 days” for the year will no longer suffice.  You will have to record the day of actual work and the number of hours worked that day.  This document will be turned in at the end of the year for payment as well as serve as permanent record of hours worked.  Remember, I’m only the messenger….


  1. Well, that’s all for this month.



The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 5, 2007.


- Scott