White River Township Fire Protection District

Board Meeting Minutes

May 1, 2007


District Board Members Present:

Dr. Chuck Shufflebarger

Rev. Jim Dodson

Paul Kite

Butch Sutton

Jon Raker


White River Twp Fire Department Employees Present:

Chief Thacker

Chief Brown

Chief Engmark

Captain Hart

Captain Settles

Captain Arkins

Captain Skipper

Lt. Williams

Lt. Slusher

Mike Combs

Tim Smith

Josh Justice

Jory Cox

Chad Witham

Charles Fraker

Richard Woehlecke

Scott Alexander

Greg Hedge

Brian McRoberts

Kyle Blue

Crystal Young


Others Present:

Tricia Leminger

Dan Sulkoske

Steve Dyson

Scott Senefeld


Note:  Motions are italicized and in blue.



Dr. Shufflebarger called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.



  1. Approval of Minutes from February 6th Meeting
    1. Jon Raker motions that the minutes be approved.  Jim Dodson seconds.
    2. All in favor and motion carries.
  2. Financial Update
    1. The financial update is being deferred this month due to the unavailability of Chief Cassin.


  1. Old Business
    1. Station 51 Building Project Update

                                                              i.      The water issue has been taken care of per Chief Brown.

1.      He stated that we are going with the original idea and classifying it as a private line.  With this the department will maintain the fire line from the main to the building allowing the line to be run under the concrete apron.

2.      Chief Brown also stated that in this case if the line leaks in that area the department will have to fix it.

                                                            ii.      Mr. Sulkoske stated that the change order for the location change for the water line is $13,260.00. 

1.      The tap fee for the 2” was waved and Bargersville Utilities admitted to the mistake.

2.      Ms. Leminger inquired as to how the proposed change order issues affect the days added to the schedule.

3.      Mr. Sulkoske stated that there are 98 calendar day added taking us to August, unofficially near the end of June.  He affirmed that things are going well and everything is coming together.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Sulkoske handed everyone a project list of changes.  He has hand written in CO on the projects that are still awaiting authorization.

1.      Range hood due to size change is recommended.

2.      Reconfiguration of electrical service due to Antena Requirements is on hold to verify quantifies not particularly under review but on hold because of cost.

3.      Specified building locks are under review due to cost.

4.      Acoustical tile and grid in the ceilings in several areas will clean up the look and is being recommended.

5.      Addition of drywall to the east side of the North stair to cover some exposed pipes is being recommended.

6.      Electrical outlets at owners request still on review to get cost.

7.      The location change for the water utility which has been discussed and recommended.

8.      Additional electrical service for the new sump pump recommended.

9.      Other three items are approval for items that already have approval and no charge.

                                                           iv.      Mr. Raker questioned the difference in the allowance for cabinets.  Mr. Sulkoske stated that the allowance was for $12,000 and only $11,078 was spent.  The difference will be taken off of the total in the end.

                                                             v.      Also the additional tap fee for $12,725 was rejected.

                                                           vi.      Mr. Kite asked what the total of the change orders is.

1.      Basically the total contract amount was for $2 million.  There is approximately 5-6% contingency (or approximately $100,000) available in the contract.

                                                         vii.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked Mr. Sulkoske about proposal #10.  He stated that there is not status on that and thought there was action on that.  Mr. Sulkoske stated that it is listed on Change Order #3 and it had already been approved.

                                                       viii.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that he believes that Mr. Sulkoske is recommending that the board approve all changes except the three still under review to which he replied yes.

                                                           ix.      Butch Sutton motions to approve the recommended Change Orders.  Jon Raker seconds.

                                                             x.      All in favor and motion carries.

                                                           xi.       Mr. Raker asked where we stand on our contingency by the next meeting.

                                                         xii.      Ms. Leminger asked who had the change orders.  Mr. Sulkoske stated that something is on the way; Mr. Senefeld has them and hopefully will be here soon to get them signed.  Dr. Shufflebarger told Mr. Sulkoske he can call him if they need to be signed.

    1. Fire Chief hiring process update

                                                              i.      Mr. Kite handed to the board for review a timetable, amended job description, and the amended job application.

1.      Timeline – Publication originally was local but they want to be more regionally.  He listed several web sites along with local papers.  (International Fire Chiefs and Volunteer Division of International Fire Chiefs, etc.)

a.      Advertising twice in the local publications and once on the other suggestions.

2.      Applications due near the end of May for the board to begin their review process.  At that point the candidates will be narrowed down for a final recommendation at the end of July.

                                                            ii.      Still discussing how and with who the reviewing of the candidates will be conducted.

                                                          iii.      Mr. Kite and Mr. Dodson looked at the existing job description and believed that the board was limiting itself.  The proposed changes are broad but not too broad.  He believes that the there are ample people in the fire service who would qualify but do not have a Bachelor’s degree.  They have changed that requirement to an either or so that anyone possessing the qualities can apply and explain why they have the ability to lead and examples to back that up.  The ability to lead needs to be innovative and progressive and language to find people who would fit those qualifications has been added.

                                                           iv.      Mr. Kite wanted to make sure there was enough latitude not to loose that person with many years of fire service experience and proven to be a good leader.  Their ability to lead must be communicated verbally and in written form in the application process.

                                                             v.      Mr. Sutton in reviewing the organizational chart noticed that the Deputy Chief is the only one who directly reports to the Chief and wanted to know if that is correct.

1.      Mr. Kite stated that he Mr. Dodson and Ms. Leminger had just been discussing the same thing.

2.      Chief Thacker stated that in the current alignment that many individuals were reporting to the Deputy Chief which was causing a bottleneck.  In the Staff realignment proposal he will be discussing later the issue will be corrected. 

3.      The board was unaware that the current alignment was in place.  As Mr. Kite, Mr. Dodson and Ms. Leminger there may be language in the application process that needs to be changed.

4.      When the department had Chief Dutton there were only Battalions.  Once the position of Deputy Chief was added it was slid into the organizational chart and no other changes were made.  Over the last four years this has be come a bottleneck and will be discussed in the presentation later.

5.      At the time the deputy chief position was added Dr. Shufflebarger stated the board stated that the position reported to the chief but there was no statement as to who reported to the deputy chief.  Most were under the impression the department heads reported to the fire chief but was never specifically stated.

                                                           vi.      Application changes – along with the resume they are asking the individual to provide an explanation of innovative changes.

                                                         vii.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked if anyone else had reviewed the process to which Mr. Kite stated no.  The subcommittees’ intent was for the process to be a function of the board.  He then asked if the amended job description needed to be approved.

1.      Ms. Leminger pointed out to the board the changes made to the job description.

2.      Jon Raker motions to approve the amended changes to the fire chief job description.  Paul Kite seconds. 

3.      Jon Raker amends the motion to reflect the change in the organizational description. Paul Kite seconds. 

4.      All in favor and motion carries.

                                                       viii.      The next issue is the timeline.  Mr. Sutton has no problem with the timeline but believes the main issue is the decision on who will be doing some of the things that need to be done before the next meeting.

1.      Mr. Kite states that the main issue is maybe not on the first cut but maybe once it gets down to a possible ten that the board might want to look at using a consultant to narrow it down more (possibly around three).

2.      By the next board meeting there may not be a decision to be made on needing a consultant.  If the department only receives 10 applications there may not be as tough of a decision.

3.      Mr. Dodson stated his concern on calling a consultant if it is not needed.  Also the board decides a consultant is needed he does not believe they could be called upon the next week to review the applicants.  He is afraid that if the board waits until the next board meeting to call a consultant it will add another few weeks to the process.

4.      Ms. Leminger stated that the board will know on May 24 how many applicants there will be.

5.      Chief Thacker stated that he has talked to a local consultant who responded that it would take three to four weeks lead time to put things together.

6.      Mr. Kite will make a contact with the consultant describing to them the timeline and other specific questions as to what is taking place and ask if that is doable.

7.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that if the number of applications received is within the eight to ten range could the subcommittee and the representatives from the department be able to evaluate and determine at that point if there is a need for a consultant.  His reluctance is to involve a consultant in a situation where there may only be three to five applications.  The board could grant the authority to go ahead with the consultant if it is needed.

8.      Butch Sutton motions that once the applications are received the board will then determine whether a consultant is needed. Jon Raker seconds. 

9.      All in favor and motion carries.

                                                           ix.      Chief Thacker stated that there were three individuals from the department who assisted in the process and asked if they agreed with the changes.

1.      Mr. Dodson and Mr. Kite stated that the changes were discussed with the individuals but they were not part of the final process.  Chief Thacker asked if anyone from the department has seen the final product to which they answered no.

2.      Chief Thacker believes the department has expressed what they would prefer but the board has the final decision and the frustration from the department was rooted in the unknown.

                                                             x.      Chief Engmark questioned if the same three from the department will be on the committee to review the applications.

1.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that depending on the amount of applications received there may not be a lot of input needed on the first filter but may look to the department when it gets down to the last few.  He also stated that it may or may not be the same people but that the board will deal with that when it is necessary.

    1. Scott Senefeld arrived with the paperwork to go along with the orders to be signed by the board.
    2. Fire-based Ambulance Proposal Update (Refer to PowerPoint handout)

                                                              i.      A lot of uncertainty in private service – Rural Metro out of Perry Township by July 1st or January 1st.

1.      Even though they have a contract they have just pulled out of the entire state of NJ approximately three months ago.  At this point there is no other private service near WRT to service here.

                                                            ii.      Mr. Sutton inquired as to what happened in Greenwood.  There was a contract signed but within the last six months they have been known to pull out of entire regions so even though they have a contract there is no guarantee.  

                                                          iii.      The plan is to purchase two ambulances utilizing the AFG.

1.      One primary, one back up.

2.      Hire six personnel

3.      Begin service 1/1/09

                                                           iv.      Program will be run through operations, using the training/EMS director and the current office staff for billing.

                                                             v.      Current cost will be covered through the AFG whose priority is supplying supporting and transporting ambulances.  The grant will be written for $350,000 and the department will be responsible for at least 10% in matching funds.

                                                           vi.      To cover personnel costs the department will apply for the SAFER Grant to offset the cost of additional personnel.  The grant program is regressive over four years. (refer to slides)

                                                         vii.      Response Statistics shows the percent of ALS and BLS runs in and out of the district.

                                                       viii.      Billing Fee will be a flat rate.  There will be separate charges for ALS and BLS.  By using the flat rates it will be easier for billing purposes in general in addition to billing Medicare.  Most other departments are utilizing flat rates.

1.      Proposed rates stated in the slide are average rates of other municipal departments.

a.      When a couple of our firefighters were injured and taken to Wishard the department was charged just short of $2000 and they were in the same ambulance.

2.      Mileage is charged at $7 per mile.

3.      Some SORs can be billed.  (approx. $300 ALS)  Mr. Raker asked if this is standard to which Capt. Hart replied that it is and most of his research came from Hamilton County, which is similar to our area.

                                                           ix.      The anticipated revenue is based on 80% collection rate (Rural Metro stated that we have an 89% collection rate in our area which is their highest).

1.      Mr. Kite asked if there was a mutual aid requirement in the grant to which Capt. Hart answered no.

                                                             x.      The cost comparison shows that the department would at the least would be a break even venture. 

1.      The department does not want to wait on Rural Metro to decide what they are going to do and at this point no one has plans or an idea of what to do if they were to pull out.

2.      Whiteland and City of Franklin are the only other ambulances in the area.

3.      Mr. Raker asked if the expenses for the replaceable meds and other items were factored in.  Capt. Hart stated that those expenses are currently added into the personnel costs.

4.      Mr. Kite inquired as to what the department would do if the areas outside the district were to do the same thing we are doing.  Capt. Hart stated that he has spoken to Greenwood and they are currently planning on signing a new contract with Rural Metro so they are not at the same position we are at this time.  If that were to happen it may cut down on mutual aid calls.

                                                           xi.       At this point the department needs approval to proceed and submit the grant.

1.      Mr. Raker inquired as to the level of input the department needs to put in at this time.

2.      With this grant, the higher the % the department is willing to match the higher up the list the department will go.  There is no specific dollar amount but a % of the total of the grant awarded.

3.      Mr. Dyson inquired about the collection rate supplied by Rural Metro and assumes that they have a specific billing and collections and has worked with a department who once had a specific billing and collections department the collections significantly increased.

a.      Chief Thacker stated that at some point the department can look into hiring a firm that will do the collections and billing for a fee.

4.      Dr. Shufflebarger is in support of the idea and believes this is the right time to do it.  For a third party to collect at 89% the department should be even better and believes that letting a pro do it may be smarter business.  He believes that it would be stupid for Rural Metro to leave if we can make a profit from this but also believes that the department should provide this service and not rely on an outside provider.

5.       Mr. Dodson believes we should pursue this grant but is not sure on the %.

a.      Dr. Shufflebarger asked if we could back out of the grant process to which Chief Thacker stated that it may hurt our chances at another grant down the road but Mr. Sutton stated that if we wanted to purchase a vehicle we could but at this point personnel is the key (SAFER Grant).

6.      Jim Dodson motions to move forward with the grant not to exceed 18% matching funds. Jon Raker seconds. 

7.      All in favor and motion carries.

    1. Staff Reorganization (Copy of PowerPoint handed to board)

                                                              i.      Current chain of command is too flat and during the staff retreat reorganization was discussed.

                                                            ii.      A bottleneck was identified and one of the culprits is the shift personnel doing staff duties.

1.      A result of this is there is either lack of attention to operations or to the shifts.

2.      The current chain of command shows that the Operations Chief is currently also the A-Shift Battalion.  (A flow chart of current chain of command is shown in the presentation.)

                                                          iii.      The new chain of command will allow for better distribution of work and create the operations chief as a shift battalion position working Monday through Friday.  This will ad one position and contain job re-assignments and allow more flexibility regarding promotions.

1.      The main change is the elimination of the deputy chief position.  This will disburse the work load.

2.      Operations as staff Battalion will have three shift battalions reporting to them.  Training is re-assigned to operations.  The positions shown in the dashed lines are future positions.  They are not being budgeted but are shown for future growth.

3.      Administration position is currently covered by deputy chief will cover more of the HR process currently done by the training chief and the third position is the prevention chief that we currently have.

                                                           iv.      Addition of the operations chief is off set by the elimination of the deputy chief.  There are already two staff positions and adds only one positions for the operations staff position reflected in the 2008 budget.

                                                             v.      As the ambulance service grows and becomes successful the position of the EMS captain will be then be budgeted.

                                                           vi.      Mr. Dodson asked if the assigned numbers will stay the same.  Chief Thacker stated that they will be reflected on the chief’s process.  The question is who in this chain of command is the number two position in case we find ourselves in the same position the department is in now.  Chief Thacker stated that 502 would still be second in command.

                                                         vii.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that the change is a good one but his concern is to implement the plan then hire the new chief or should the department wait until the position has been filled and allow the new chief to have some input.  He also questioned whether 502 is a position that needs to be filled by a firefighter; the position looks as if it is strictly an administrative position.

1.      Chief Thacker stated that the position needs to have an administrative background but will need to have fire service background for purposes of policy writing and maintenance, support services, and hiring.

2.      This position will be in charge many of the issues currently taken care of by the training chief.  The change makes the training position strictly training.  Mr. Kite asked who then would coordinate the part-time personnel.  Chief Thacker stated that once the part-time personnel is hired they would then be managed by the shift battalion.

                                                       viii.      What is subject to change is the numbering system.  The county is changing how everyone is numbered so that may change but will coordinate with the rest of the county.

                                                           ix.      The proposed chain of command will have the three shift chiefs reporting to the Fire Chief.  The main change is the addition of the operations chief to which they have already anticipated and will be added to the budget.  Dr. Shufflebarger supports the concept but his main concern is who the fire chief will be and if they will want some input as to how the chain of command will work.  He is in support of the plan and could plan for the expenses.

1.      Mr. Raker stated that if the department waits until the new fire chief is hired and he is from the outside it may take six months to a year for that person to decide how they would want the command to be.  Everyone knows that the system is not working well and that maybe the board should trust the administrative staff that is here to decide what changes need to be made.  Once the new chief comes in they can then fine tune this process.

2.      The chain of command is set to start January 1, 2008.  Chief Thacker stated that the department really needs to break out the assignments.

                                                             x.      Mr. Dyson wanted to be clear as to what positions are being changed.  The department wants to delete the deputy chief adding a battalion chief and reducing the training chief to a captain.  Chief Brown stated that we are trading the deputy chief for a shift battalion and adding a captain.

  1. New Business
    1. Fiscal Plan Review

                                                              i.      Mr. Dyson stated that page 3 shows the General Fund.  The Budget for 2008 numbers are within $1000 of what the department gave him.

1.      There is a question in CAGIT revenue as to whether revenue will fall without it and it does but it will have little impact.  The department is within the bottom line with the base budget containing the new position and raises.

2.      The ending operating balance is getting bigger but half of the anticipated funds should cover the first half of the year.

3.      There was an error in the formula affecting the 2010 total.  In terms of CAGIT, 2008 & 2009 revenue due to debt and 2010 is debt free.

4.      Property tax will be approximately $4,000,000.

                                                            ii.      Mr. Sutton was concerned with income tax collection being at equilibrium at 2010.

1.      He wondered if any department’s bottom line in 2010 could be affected.

2.      Salaries are most affected and they are being based on the salary survey.  (Salaries listed on page 4)

3.      The insurance amount does not go down but stays approximately the same.  Currently there is a possible 10% maximum increase in insurance that could be covered.

                                                          iii.      The last loan payment will be made in 2009.  During the 2008 budget the 2002 Fire Loan will be paid off.  The board may want to look at using cash instead of loans.

                                                           iv.      The 2007 Budget shows $400,000 extra in the Rainy Day Fund.

1.      The board could use this on the new Station is necessary and they may need to do appropriations on those funds.

                                                             v.      Mr. Sutton asked where the $900,000 is itemized in the budget.  It is stated that there is a large piece of apparatus that will be replaced.  The money will go toward a new rescue and two pool cars are due to be replaced.  Also there is some cash put aside for land for station 54.

                                                           vi.      Page 12 reviews the Rainy Day Fund.

                                                         vii.      Page 13 is a snap shot of the projected cash flow.  August shows the lowest balance of the year.  The cause of that is Johnson County not disbursing the funds until September.

1.      The department should receive CAGIT in the next couple of weeks and the excise tax in June.

2.      The department may receive possible tax anticipation but most likely not.

                                                       viii.      Assessed values are not complete yet but a significant increase is expected.

1.      The amount is not affected yet because there has not been a tax rate set at this point.

                                                           ix.      Mr. Dodson asked if the cost of the ambulance was stated in this budget to which Mr. Dyson stated that is was not.

    1. Fire Chief Process

                                                              i.      Mr. Dodson asked the board what needed to be listed in the advertising of the fire chief position.  He believes the board may want to state a range.

1.      He was thinking $73,000 – 80,000 before seeing the budget.

2.      Mr. Kite wanted if the 77 fund statement was necessary or should it be stated as total compensation.

                                                            ii.      Mr. Sutton asked about the longevity.  Mr. Dyson responded by stating that the total amount of longevity is correct but is not matched with any specific position.

                                                          iii.      Ms. Leminger stated that since the department may have an applicant that is not a 77 member the advertisement should state a base salary range.

                                                           iv.      Mr. Sutton thought the department could not hire a fire chief that was not a 77 member to which Mr. Kite stated that for the fire chief that did not matter.

1.      Ms. Leminger stated that other departments going through this process believe the fire chief should be.

2.      With the 77 plan there is an age requirement and a one time exception of transfer.

3.      Chief Thacker stated that WR could have the chief exempt if the board wanted it that way.

4.      Everyone believes that they need to be a member but the board should take a broad look.

5.      Dr. Shufflebarger stated that the fire chief should be eligible.

                                                             v.      Chief Thacker stated that by looking at the budget the range should be between 69 and 74 thousand.

1.      Mr. Sutton stated that the position is overly generous on the benefit side.  The ad should outline the benefits with base salary along with the percent the department pays on the fund.

2.      Ms. Leminger stated that she would look into placing a detailed package along with the description in the ad.

    1. Other New Business

                                                              i.      Last month the board approved the hiring of Richard Woehlecke and he has passed all tests and his first day on shift was on April 14.

                                                            ii.      Indiana Task Force

1.      It is believed that a contract has now been finalized but neither Dr. Shufflebarger nor Ms. Leminger has seen it.

2.      Ms. Leminger believes that the board has already given Dr. Shufflebarger permission to validate once the final review is complete.

                                                          iii.      Chief Brown stated that the City Council has received complaints concerning the events on Sunday April 29th.  He wanted to inform the board that research has been done (tapes, dispatch, etc.).

1.      It took 24 seconds from call to dispatch and the first apparatus was on scene within four minutes.

2.      Chief Brown has given the board the research to review in the event any member would receive a phone call.


  1. Adjournment
    1. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 by Dr. Shufflebarger.


  1. Next meeting will be June 5, 2007 at 7 p.m.